
Chapter 9 : Weekday Blues and Unexpected Apologies

Kim arrives at the RaynerSoe company from Cristina's school, driving directly to work. However, his heart no longer flutters at the sight of Sarae's gorgeous smile. He knows that she's seeing someone else, and his feelings for her will forever remain unrequited.

"Good morning, Kim. How was your weekend?" Sarae greets him with her usual smile.

"Nice," Kim replies, thinking to himself, 'She still hasn't remembered her promise to me. It seems she doesn't take me seriously.'

Without engaging in idle chit-chat as they used to, Kim checks in with his ID card and makes his way to his department.

Sarae watches him silently, wondering, 'Have I done something to make him angry?'

The senior receptionist beside her overhears and says, "Mr. Srechen came to your desk last Friday after you left with the chairman's son."

"Oh, why did he come? Did we have something planned?" Sarae asks herself, trying to recollect the details.

"Is anyone out there?

I promised if I made it out, I'd find love again

I won't forget the life we've lived," Anna and Neesha enter the office singing loudly, wearing earplugs.

"What's gotten into them?" the senior receptionist remarks.

But Sarae feels a bell ringing in her mind. She cries out, "Promise?"

Anna and Neesha stop in front of Sarae's desk, removing their earplugs. Anna apologizes, "Sorry for disturbing you. We got carried away with the song." Neesha follows, saying, "Apologies, everyone."

Lost in her thoughts, Sarae remains silent.

"No problem," the senior receptionist replies, patting Sarae's back. Anna and Neesha make their way to their department.

Anna remarks, "Sarae scolded us like a teacher," as she places her handbag on her desk.

Neesha adds from her corner desk, "Where's her sweet demeanor today? She's changed."

Kim, who is reviewing files at the group discussion table, overhears their conversation. He mutters to himself, "Yes, she has indeed changed."

Rusa enters the office with a completely different look. Anna and Neesha rush to her, closely observing her. "Wow, you've changed your style," Anna comments.

"Ma'am, your hair is shorter now. Nice haircut! It's the first time I've seen your hair untied," Neesha adds.

"Well, I thought of refreshing my look," Rusa awkwardly responds.

"You look beautiful. That black blazer suits you. It has a unique style," Neesha comments.

"My friend picked it out for me," Rusa says.

"Really! Hang out more with that friend. You've truly transformed into a stunning boss," Anna comments.

During lunchtime, Raj exclaims while taking a bite of his sandwich, "Kim, you were absolutely right. Our boss is beautiful."

John puts his hand on Kim's shoulder and says, "You've had your eyes on her beauty all along. I bet you've observed her more than anyone in this office, no, in this whole company."

"I agree, Kim. You were the first one to acknowledge her beauty. And now look, who is this enchanting fairy she's met? She has become a very beautiful woman," Anna agrees.

Neesha playfully interrupts, "Tell me, Kim. Am I beautiful?"

There's a brief silence, followed by laughter from everyone.

Rusa hears their laughter and steps out. "It's so much fun here. Everyone's laughing."

The laughter abruptly stops as they

turn their attention towards Rusa. However, to their surprise, Kim invites her, saying, "Wanna join us? It's fun to eat with friends."

"Can I?" Rusa excitedly asks.

"Sure, you can. I'll bring you a chair to sit," John says as he rushes to his desk.

Rusa grabs his shoulder from behind and says, "No, you don't have to. I can stand too."

Anna offers her a small piece of sandwich, and Rusa takes it, putting it in her mouth. Anna feels happy that their boss is eating with them, and she smiles broadly.

At the reception, Sarae decides to visit Kim. 'I have to apologize to him,' she thinks while drinking water from her bottle.

"Don't get lost in your thoughts again, Sarae," her senior says loudly, startling Sarae. "It's time for our guests to leave. Today is Joe Rayner's final shoot. Don't forget to greet him warmly, as you always do. He seems to like you, so it would be best if you greet him."

The lunch break finally comes to an end.

"Miss Xou, can you take over for five minutes? I need to meet someone," Sarae asks, turning to her senior.

Just as she does, she spots Joe walking towards her, accompanied by his usual manager and assistant.

"Hello, sir. How was your final shoot here?" Sarae asks, smiling widely.

"Fantastic, as always," Joe replies coolly.

Kim appears behind Joe, holding papers in his hands. The senior receptionist quickly interjects, "Oh, Kim, how can I assist you?"

"Please print six copies of each of these papers. Our department's photocopy machine isn't working properly," Kim hands her the papers.

"Okay, wait over there for a few minutes," the senior receptionist points to the row of chairs near the corner desk.

Kim quietly takes a seat at one of the chairs in the corner, avoiding eye contact with Sarae.

"So, would you like to go out with me again sometime?" Joe asks.

Sarae doesn't respond. She gazes at Kim, lost in deep thought. The senior receptionist coughs deliberately, snapping Sarae out of her reverie. Joe looks at Kim and then at Sarae. He smiles at her and says, "I'll call you tonight. See you." His smile seems forced.

Sarae waves at him awkwardly as he leaves with his assistant and manager. The senior receptionist hands the printouts to Kim. He thanks her and quickly heads off.

Sarae runs after him, calling out, "Wait, Kim." Kim turns to face her. She stops in front of him and genuinely apologizes, "Sorry, Kim. I forgot to accompany you to buy the present for your sister. I'm truly sorry."

Kim smiles and says, "No problem. I already got her a nice gift."
