
What? I Was Reborn As A Dragon At The Time Of Spiritual Awakening!

Di Tian was a guy with a little sadder than normal life, of course that was only until he was struck by lightning and died in a rainy day. Even though his life was supposed to have ended right then and there, the fate had something else stored for him. He was reborn in another world that too as Dragon Egg. Just when he was thinking that he will be able to live with a peace of mind and sleep without a single care in the world, he was mercilessly brought back to reality. The world he was reborn into wasn't like his old world, even though both share some similarities, they are two different worlds. The most troublesome difference being the fact that this world was about to awaken its sentience, in another world the spiritual energy of the Heaven and Earth was about to be awakened. And of course, that wasn't Di Tian's only concern. Di Tian first had to worry about safely hatching, after which he had to become strong in this new world so that his life won't be at somebody else's mercy. He also had to find out how did the egg of a dragon which could be considered as a creature of myths appeared in this world, in this journey of getting strong and finding his origin he will have many fateful encounters as well, but the question is... Will his journey end after finding out where he came from, will his path end after he finds about his origin? Let's find out what happens. --- The world setting although similar to the real world, still has a quite a few changes, so plz don't use your extraordinary yet ordinary brains and tell me geography, I'm already having at it anyways. And this is Xianxia novel, wow I don't need to waste hours thinking about all those flashy, magic with no logic abilities, seriously I'm still regretting writing my first novel on magic with no logic, I'm already out of ideas. I'm a human so I will definitely make mistakes, so if you find any spelling mistakes or anything you are free to point it out, don't worry you won't lose your valuable money for doing this. Lastly any update regarding upload dates or anything will be known on the discord server including the reference images, and if you have any suggestions then feel free to talk about them on the [#suggestions] like previously you won't lose money to perform this action either. discord: https://discord.gg/kw7JDBuwa8

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urbain
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38 Chs

Pitiful Status, At Night Danger Lurks Everywhere In The Forest.

The cave De Tian was currently in seemed very dark, there was not even a hint of light within the cave.

De Tian was only able to observe his surroundings because of having the skill <Lesser Extra Senses>

Having that skill made him easily able to see even in the darkness of the cave.

The cave was filled with stalactites and stalagmites, each of them had sharp edges and points.

And there was even an underground aspiring and several small and median sized trees near it.

The only sound in the cave was from the tapping of the water droplets.

'This cave is so cool, because of not having enough time and money in my previous life I was never able to travel the world, nor did I get the chance to see the beauty of the nature'

'If this is really another world and I have another chance to live then I better make the best of it, unlike in my previous life which I spent only working, I will also travel the world and relax'

'First lets see my status'

As he willed, a certain of blue light manifested in his mind.


[Long De Tian]

[Species:: Unknown Egg]


[Vitality:: 5/5 | Stamina:: 5/5 | Agility:: 5 | Attack Power:: 1 | Defense:: 2 | Strength:: 2]

[Skill(s):: Lesser Extra Senses Lv1]

[Unique Skill(s):: Wise One Lv Unknown]

[Remark:: You're so weak and your stats are so low, if peasants weren't a thing, you would surely be in the bottom of the food chain]

Looking at his stats for a moment De Tian once again became speechless.

'I'm So Pitiful' A depress couldn't help but come as he glanced at the stats.

Except for [Vitality] [Stamina] and [Agility] which were hardly within the range of acceptable, his other stats were absolute shit.

Specially his [Attack Power] he only had one point and even his [Defense] only had two points.

'Even a newborn rodent will be stronger then the current me right!'

'Why is my Defense this low, what am I gonna do with the pitiful number, and what's with that pitiful attack power, will I even do damage with that one point'


'I mean I know my vase stats are too poor, but do you need to sprinkle salt on my already wounded heart'

Master It is the system that put remark on your status, I can't do anything about it.

The monotone female voice of the <Wise One> was heard making De Tian sight bitterly at who he should curse.

'Sight, forget it' in the end he could only eat bitter defeat, by getting more angry only his emotional condition will worsen nothing else.

'Anyways what's with this Lv, do I have to increase it by killing monsters like those rpgs?'

Indeed, you are currently Lv1, and by killing more creatures you will be able to obtain 'Exp' which in turn increases Lv.

After you reach Lv 5 you will be able to successfully hatch.

Do note master that you will gain by killing another creature is depended on the power gap between you and through said creature.

'Well then its just like those rpg games that existed in my previous life, huh'

'With that said how am I even suppose to kill with this pitiful amount of stats'

The system had literally said that he is slightly stronger than a pheasant.

It was infuriating and dejecting as well to say the least.


With in a dense jungle, an unusual scene was taking place.

An egg larger than a grown human's head quietly 'stood' on the thick long patch of grass.

Indeed 'stood' the egg had a pair of jet black scaly legs with sharp claws in the end and a jet black scaly tail.

Right now the egg was standing among long thick grass staring at the beetle sitting on the tree trunk which was more than 4cm in size.

The egg monster was hiding within the grass making it difficult to notice it.

The beetle too didn't find the egg monster either bac6se of the tall grasses.

Target Status

[Species:: Rhinoceros Beetle]

[Vitality:: 3/3 | Stamina:: 2/4 | Agility:: 1 | Attack Power:: 0.2 | Defense:: 2 | Strength:: 0.4]

[Remark:: Look now even an insect can compare to you in terms of Defense]

A blue window appeared in De Tian's mind letting him know about the stats of the creature he set as his prey.

Although its Defense is comparable to mine that should be because of its hard shell, its other stats are also very trashy including agility which should be the effect of having a heavy shell on the back I presume.

Slowly he took cover within the bushes and got ever so slowly close to the tree which the beetle was resting upon.

At first the beetle was very tense, but gradually with time the creature let down its guard.

When he was only less then a meter away from the tree, the muscles in his legs tightened as he directly charged at the beetle.

'Aah!' with a cry that seemed to be a battle roar De Tian sought to bash the creature in one go with his shell.

The rustle of the grass and bushes made by his movements naturally attracted the creature's attention as it tried to fly away.

Unfortunately for the creature its agility stats was too low compare to De Tian.


‹Ding! +10 exp›

The beetle died effortlessly under the bash of De Tian's shell, becoming exp points, another window appeared in his mind letting him know of his gains.

10exp points good, good, I was luck that thing wasn't too high upon the tree or would've been impossible for me to hunt it down.

At first De Tian wanted to simply charge at his prey, but…

Notice it is recommended to use stealth tactics.

The voice of <Wise One> was heard in his mind.

'Cant I just charge at my prey?'

Your current Agility is very low, if you are to charge at your prey than its estimated that most of your prey will fly away before you van even cover half of the distance between you too.

In the end De Tian thought that the <Wise One> reasoning was very logical and changed his methods.

'System, show me my status!'


[Long De Tian]

[Species:: Unknown Egg Monster]


[Vitality:: 4/5 | Stamina:: 4/5 | Agility:: 5 | Attack Power:: 1 | Defense:: 2(+1) | Strength:: 2]

[Skill(s):: Lesser Extra Senses Lv1|Hard Shell Lv1|Shell Bash Lv1]

[Unique Skill(s):: Wise One Lv Unknown]

[☣World Status:: Unawaken, estimated remaining time 6months]

[Remark:: You're so weak and your stats are so low, if peasants weren't a thing, you would surely be in the bottom of the food chain]  

As he took a look at his status, De Tian couldn't help but lament on the fact that it had been two days since he became an egg monster.

In these two days he recognized the reality, he was able to reborn and that too as an egg.

On that note in these two days something also happened.

When he first began to hunt, even with the help of <Wise One> he made not a few blunders, but as the saying goes everything happens for a reason.

De Tian unintentionally learned two new skills because of his mistakes, and a new function of the system also came into view.

[Passive] [Name:: Hard Shell] [Lv:: 1] [Description:: Increases your Defense +1P]

[Active] [Name:: Shell Bash] [Lv:: 1] [Description:: Increases your Attack Power +1P]

Both skills are at level 1, Hard Shell being a passive skill increasing his Defense and Shell Bash being an active skill increasing his attack power when he charged at his enemy and bashed them with his shell.

As for the second change, just as he was hunting for insects which became his favorite targets very quickly because of their stats which were even more pitiful than his own, the system successfully estimated the exact time remaining for the Earth Star to awaken.

He quickly got used to his new eggy life, he didn't have to worry about his previous life either, after all, he never had any family to care for in the previous world, he was of course a little worried about the orphanage, but now that he isn't there he can't do anything for them and his worked wont help either.

'Thought its really boring to life without any smartphone or anything, sight…'

'Lets focus on leveling up!' He can only level up to get stronger, even though he became an egg he had no plans of dying, after all living is always better than dying.

The only thing that was inconvenient is that system didn't have any exp bar to show him how much exp he needed to level up and his exp progress.

'It would've been reassuring if I could see how much exp I have already filled up'

Fortunately De Tian didn't find any carnivorous animals or birds in these two days during his hunt.

Well considering the fact that he didn't venture any further than a few tens of meters near the lake-side cave he opened his eyes in, it wasn't surprising that he didn't find any animal that could be considered dangerous, as most of the creatures were scared away when he was transforming into an egg monster.

And even though the passive skill Hard Shell hardened his shell, he really doubted if his shell can stand the relentless attacks from fierce birds or animals.

'Lets grind some more' thinking that he again started to grind for more exp.

Even though De Tian couldn't see and hear or even use his other senses for that matter, his passive skill Lesser Extra Senses easily made up for that shortcoming, De Tian even felt that h could observe his surroundings more accurately compare to his previous life.

Whenever he walks, his body will emit strange pulses of energy that is invisible and intangible.

The pulses of energy travels to all direction for twenty meters with De Tian as its center.

Any thing, smell, or even sound will be transmitted back to him through these energy pulses.

After collecting all the details he can make an outline about his surroundings in his mind using the received details and because of this it doesn't matter to him if its day or night for his vision won't be effected.

All of this may sound complicated at first and people might think that it will take a long time to process all these details and make an outline, but in fact as soon as De Tian gets the details of his surrounds he can immediately make an outline in his mind, the process doesn't even take a second.

Still he preferred to rest in his cave in night time for obvious reasons.

It was already evening as he walked while using the energy pulses to scout the area near him, taking note of every minuscule details.

The forest was already getting darker and even if his vision didn't have any problem the fact that forest will become more dangerous at night didn't change.

Most of the fierce predators will become even more vicious at the time of night.


'Lets search for a few minutes more, if I don't find anything I will return' in the end his resolve to level up was a tad bit greater than his fear of danger as he searched for more prey to hunt.

After searching for more than a few meters for a while De Tian's energy pulse finally sent back the rustle near the edge of the pulse range.


Suddenly the grasses in the surrounding trees began to sway as if wind was blowing, but they were seating way more intensely for simple wind blowing.

'Something is coming' De Tian quickly took cover in the nearby grasses to hide.

If the coming creature is way more dangerous for him to hunt than he will immediately think of ways to escape, but if the creature is within his hunting limits than he will directly use shell bash on it.


 Suddenly low voice of a mammal sounded, De Tian concentrated his energy pulses on the direction of the noise and found that the creature coming at him was an adult rodent.

'With my current strength I wont be able to take on a rodent and an adult at that, I will have to run'

Just as De Tian was thinking of running his pulse concentrated on the rodent showing him something that made his steps come to a halt.

'What is that?' De Tian asked himself with a solemn tone.

According to the energy pulses the rodent was gravely injured.

The area of his stomach and back legs were clawed  mercilessly.

A claw mark that dug deep into its skin making its blood spill out ranged from its right back leg to its stomach.

And with that De Tian also noticed something else.

'Something isn't right, that rodent is injured so gravely yet it was running and even the expression on its face is that of despair, why is it panicking so much?' the small rodent was running as though its life was in mortal danger.

'Could it be…' As De Tian though of a possibility, his blood went cold.

Danger, Danger, its estimated that the creature in front of you is escaping from a fierce predator.

You are advised to hide while the rodent is in spotlight before you are detected.

Even before <Wise One> finished her warning De Tian knew something was coming, something dangerous that could very well put his life in mortal danger.

De Tian hid himself using whatever grass, bushes, trees he could, when suddenly…


A loud roar sounded out of nowhere as a large shadow pounced out of the darkness of the night…


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