
Werewolf Legend: Origins

Didan has his own bakery in NooYo city. On a full moon night, a stranger suddenly broke into his home and changed his life. This is a werewolf, biting Didan crazily. .. Fortunately, the relic left by his father, a strange stone, turned everything around... He was bitten by a werewolf, and after turning into a werewolf, he merged with this strange stone, allowing him to perceive the powerful power in the world. With magical energy, he rose from among the many werewolves and began his own werewolf legend. A magical secret realm, a noble and elegant vampire heroine, and powerful extraordinary beings. While going on a fantasy adventure, romantic love is also essential.

Pengcheng_Yang · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 4 First try (Power settings in novels)

Didan did not show any surprise at this unfamiliar space. On the contrary, he felt a very pleasant feeling in his heart.

"This...this is my sea of consciousness!"

(Sea of consciousness: Powerful humans also have powerful consciousness. When the consciousness is strong enough, an independent space can be formed in the brain, a space formed by spiritual energy. The stronger the spiritual energy, the broader this space. Like an endless ocean.)

Didan could feel the subtle energy emanating from the black stone. This energy is very weak, but the energy purity is very high. Didan was convinced that even the highest energy levels recorded in the "New World" could not compare to this black stone.

"Perhaps this black stone is incomplete? Its energy has been exhausted?"

Didan thought about this possibility in his mind. This black stone should have been a very precious treasure a long time ago. Unfortunately, it has gone through some changes and is not complete yet.

Didan didn't feel much regret. Even if this black stone is incomplete, it is still a rare treasure that can enter his sea of consciousness.

Didan tried to control his consciousness to touch the black stone. When Didan approached the black stone, a faint black light flew out of the black stone and entered Didan's consciousness. In an instant, Didan's brain was filled with all kinds of complex information.


Didan couldn't stand the large amount of information that hit his brain in a short period of time. He covered his head in pain and kept rolling on the bed, hoping to relieve the pain.

Not long after, Didan completely passed out.


When Didan woke up again, it was already noon the next day. The sunlight outside the window shone on Didan's body. When Didan opened his eyes, he felt as if his head was going to explode and it was very painful.

A lot of strange information came to his mind, as if he had known it since he was born. The information was ingrained in his mind and would never be forgotten.

"Lingqi of sky and earth...Dantian..."God Demon formula"..."

(Lingqi of sky and earth: Also called Lingqi, exist in the world,it is a special gas and a kind of energy that can be absorbed by living things in a special way and refined into its own energy, making itself stronger.

Dantian: Located below the navel, it is used to store refined Lingqi. It cannot be seen with the eyes and can only be felt with consciousness.

Jingmai: Jingmai are located in various parts of the human body, just like blood vessels. However, Jingmai cannot be seen with the eyes and can only be felt with consciousness.

Note: relationship between them: Dantian is like the heart, Jingmai are like blood vessels, and Lingqi is like blood.

Using Lingqi: After refining the Lingqi between sky and earth, you can turn it into your own Lingqi, the Lingqi flows through the Jingmai and is released through special routes, which will cause different effects.

"God Demon formula": A method that uses Lingqi, plants containing Lingqi, monster blood, ores containing Lingqi, etc., to forging the body in a special way, just like forged steel, using different materials for forging. By forging your body to the extreme, you can become as powerful as gods and demons. After being killed by your enemy, you can resurrect with a drop of your own blood.)

Didan sat cross-legged on the bed, slowed down his breathing rate, and focused all his attention on the area below his navel. If this information is true, then he will definitely be able to find the so-called Dantian!

As Didan's consciousness continued to search below his navel, Didan could feel that there was some very subtle energy in the surrounding air, which was being absorbed into his body, and the energy in his body was slowly being released.

This energy is too little and too weak. If Didan hadn't turned into a werewolf, he wouldn't have felt it at all.

The energy entered his body and continued to flow in his body. It seemed chaotic and without any rules.

Didan was in no hurry. He patiently observed the movement of these subtle energies. Combining the information obtained in his mind, Didan discovered that these subtle energies would form trajectories during movement. Some of these trajectories are long, some are short, and they intersect with each other, just like blood vessels in the human body.

"These are the Jingmai! The information conveyed to me by the black light is indeed correct. There are indeed Jingmai in the human body! Dantian! I must find the dantian! Only by finding the Dantian can I store these subtle energies!"

Didan was very excited. He focused all his attention on the Jingmai below his navel. Didan moves along the energy track, like walking through a maze. He must find the right trajectory!

"Found it! Is this Dantian?"

After half an hour of hard work, Didan finally discovered something unusual. After the energy in the body flows through the Jingmai, it will eventually converge to the same place. In this place, there is a very small space, and there is weak energy flowing in the space.

(The Dantian space is below the navel and is used to store Lingqi. The consciousness sea space is in the brain and is used to store spiritual energy.)

Unfortunately, this energy only stayed in the Dantian for a short time, and then flowed out of the body through the Jingmai and could not be used by the Dantian.

"I want to refine this energy! Make all this energy my own, and then store it in my Dantian! Then I can use this energy!"

According to the information conveyed by the black stone, the essence is released through different Jingmai, which will produce different effects. If the energy is strong enough, it can even destroy a mountain!

The method of absorbing and refining Lingqi is recorded in ""God Demon formula"". According to this method, Didan begins to actively absorb energy from the outside world, and then refines it and stores it in the Dantian.

Didan's efficiency in refining energy is not very high. In addition, the energy from the outside world is too little and too weak. He can absorb very little energy. After a day of practice, there was only one root left in Didan's Dantian. The energy is the size of a hair.

Didan has been immersed in this wonderful state, completely unaware of the passage of time. It wasn't until the phone rang that Didan came out of this wonderful state.

Picking up the phone, the caller ID showed Lin.