
We Are One In A Million

After The End Of The World Ever Survivor Is Blessed With A Power Of Sorts And Casual Gamer Ryuk Ji Is Blessed With The Power Of His Favorite MMORPG Great-Save MMO And Uses His New Found Power To Strive In This New World

BuddhaTheWriter · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

End Of The World Part 2

I swiftly cover behind one of the gas station shelves as the monster's hand releases the bean as I continue to face it, and I watch as it smashes into the wall, destroying it.

"This Isn't Possible"

I creep through the shelves with the pocketknife I had grabbed to get to the back of the beast and prepare to slit his heels. I look up to see the monster's head straight staring at me as I feel a chill come over me.

'Quest Created'

'Quest info'


As the monster swings his hand out of the wall toward me, knocking over the shelves, I turn away. I take this opportunity to move out of the path.

"This Monster"

My hands begin to tremble as I stare intently into the monster's eyes. My breathing becomes more raucous and erratic.

[Mental Barrier] - Activated

When I hurry toward the monster and stab it with my pocket knife as forcefully as I can, my hands remain still, my breath slows down, and then I feel a sharp pain in my back.


I fly towards the wall, but all I can hear is a loud crash As I rise back up, the monster is in front of me, and my arm is aching from the impact before it hits me again. I hurry over to Bean and grab him.


I turn around after running out the rear and towards my apartment building with Bean in my arm.

"Wait no it can't be"

The sight of hundreds or thousands of bodies in front of me, along with dozens of those monsters standing nearby, is the most terrifying thing I've ever witnessed. I keep running until I reach the front door, where I quickly unlock it. I then quickly run through the floors to my room, where I immediately lock the door and set Bean down. I then immediately lie down on my bed. After a few seconds, Bean joins me.

"This can't be happening"

I raise my hands to cover my face as tears begin to stream from my eyes.

"Why now"

I turn to face Bean, who approaches me and tries to reassure me.

"Bean make a promise with me okay"

I take hold of his paw and gaze into his eyes.

"This one promise okay?"

I hold his paw in one hand and open my mouth, wondering what to say.

"I know your a dog but the only other living creature I've met bean promise not to die on me alright?"

I appear afraid as I walk into the bathroom and wash my hands and face while looking in the mirror. My wavy, unruly black hair, which hangs to the base of my neck and bangs, barely covers my brown eyes with enormous bags. I chuckle to myself and scratch my thin beard like a motion villain because I feel like a N.E.E.T.

"So all creepy adults act like this"

I turn to see a high school student holding a bean at my doorway. She was short, had long blonde hair, and hazel eyes. She was holding a bloody metal bat.

"Why are you staring like that"

She says that, and I shudder, picking up the plunger and aiming it towards her head.

"Drop the dog and stand back"

She uses the bat to knock the plunger out of my grasp as she casts a disappointed glance my way.

"No need to worry I'm not going to kill you"

She shouldn't be trusted, therefore I shouldn't. I sprint at her, grabbing Bean, knocking her to the ground, and rush towards my apartment room door, which I immediately unlock immediately going down the hallway and rushing towards the public laundry room and hiding behind one of the washers. I can see her entering the room through the tiny gap between the washers and dryers.

"Where did that bastard go"

She turns around and leaves. I wait until I can't hear her footsteps before sneaking out. As soon as I do, I experience severe pain and fall to the ground in a blackout.

"Wake up old man"

I gradually open my eyes to see the blonde girl holding bean. I see that I am without a shirt and that my hands and legs are restrained as I gaze around the room and down at my body.

"Did you rape me!?"

I look at the girl in disgust.

"Your one of the aliens aren't you"

She pulls out her bat and slams it into my knee.

"Shut up you idiot"

She says coldly my hand still feels broken I start to stare at it.

"whats wrong with your arm"

She questions I look at her and gaze back at my arm she gets the bat and slams it directly into my arm I scream.

"Is it broken"

She asked.

"It Is Now!" I yell

"Don't yell at me"

She slams it into my hand again I scream even louder.

"Let me go you psycho!"

I start shaking in my chair trying to break out she slams the bat in my arm again I scream.

"Please stop!"

She yells.

"You're the one hitting me"

I reply.

"You scared me"

I look at her with a confused look and notice that she was about to cry and I start to laugh.

"You kidnapped me and your crying"

I continued to mock her until she got the bat again and slammed my hand.

"Let me go you bi-"

She slammed the bat into my hand again

"Don't be rude"

She said.

"I didn't even finish my sentence"

after like 30 minutes of silence after that, I start to whistle a song, my friend, always picked at karaoke I get bored so I open the menu.

"A new skill?"

The girl stares at me after I said that.

"Just talking to myself"

I say her expression calms I look more into the skill

[Conceal] - Make your presence invisible and if under the right conditions you can even turn invisible yourself

and I must have learned this while I was hiding from her I go back to my stats and My health improved by two without me adding any points, so it is now at 5, begin to close my eyes to take a nap.

"Old man wake up"

When I open my eyes, the blonde kidnapper is staring at my shattered arm in shock. I check at my own arm to discover that it is glowing green. Wait, this is from the game, where your body would glow green when you were healing.

"What's this?"

I mumble to myself. My senses in my arm begin to return, and I can once more move my fingers. I silently sigh.

"Can I be released now?"

When I question my kidnapper, she turns to face me, steps back a bit, and stoops to untie my arms and then my legs.

"Okay so now ill be leaving"

I tell the girl as I pick up Bean, and walk to the hallway and notice we are on the first floor. We can be attacked by monsters if we are this low, so I quickly flee upstairs to my safe place, but now we are without food. I decided I would go tomorrow to get the food I bought at the gas station, but now I just have to rest up.

New day, new you. I prepare Bean for him to stay here alone and head out the door as I wonder what that girl is doing now that all of my wounds have healed. Luckily, she's alive, so I shouldn't worry. I signal for Bean and wish him one last goodbye and walk out the door.

"Ryuk Ji!"

the second I open my door I see her again but now she looked starved and tired

"Did you wait outside my door for 9 hours while I was sleeping?"

She nods and says, "It's too early for this," so I invite her inside. She tells me how, at first, her family had her hide in the bathroom with a week's worth of food, which she enjoyed while she waited for her parents to pick her up. She then left the closet when her food ran out and saw me coming through the front door. She then followed me and picked locked my door, and that's when everything started to happen.

"Okay ill take care of you till your parents return okay?"

She nods her head

"Your much quiet now arent you"She nods once more this is getting annoying, but I just ignore her and tell her to take care of Bean as I go get food at the gas station we were at so I go downstairs to the front door of the main apartment. As I prepare to sneak back towards the gas station to avoid being seen, I see the entrance I chose to go from the back instead of the front because the front door has a bell that might alert the monsters. I quickly get all the items I left and leave

"What's that sound"

I turn around to see the arm of the beast I met on that with blood all around the thing, suggesting that it must have bled out. I move closer to the monster and suddenly, with my hands full, the arm of the weaker monster comes at me. It wasn't as strong as the last time, but as I get to its face and stomped until blood starts pouring out of its face, I remove the blade I left in the monster and move back towards the apartment.

{Chapter 2} End