
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantaisie
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374 Chs

Volume 13, Chapter 1: Super pets

Book 13

After reading some of the successful and unsuccessful attempts at making super pets, Chris summoned for his generals and allies, inquiring of any progress they have made so far.

His top researchers on the project handed him a file...

(This document/chapter is dedicated to the topic of Super Pets, and their abilities so far). Volume 13, Chapter 9 returns to the main plot.

[Super pets]

Super pet #1: An unknown creature. The following is only an excerpt of a secret file that provides clues about the entity:

+++++ Excerpt begins +++++

Prologue: the memetic kill agent was actually an equation or pseudocode that looked simple at first. The result/answer is supposedly the password. However, as intruders tried to solve it, it gets worse and worse.

Lines of code:

Password = a + b.

Intruder tried to search for the values of b and c.

A = c + (sentence into numeric value).


B = d + (paragraph #1 into numeric value)

Paragraph #1:

C = e + (paragraph #2 into numeric value) squared.

D = f + (paragraph #3 into numeric value) cubed.

E = g x (paragraph #4 into numeric value)^(paragraph #5 into numeric value)

F = h x ((paragraph #6 into numeric value)^(paragraph #7 into numeric value)) squared

G = I x ((paragraph #8 into numeric value)^(paragraph #9 into numeric value)) cubed.

H = j^2

I= k^3

Paragraphs #1 and onwards:

Final paragraph: The laser blinded John. Panicking, he groped for the table, trying to head to the exit. His eyes bleeding. John heard the eerie sounds. "Jahhhnnnn... Drhbrwsbbjrcs, Jahnnn." It sounded like the shrieking voices of his wife and six year old daughter.

"Yorrrr...reedingggg... files Johhnnn."

Stunned he could not let go of that paragraph.

The screen became black.

Then the words appeared, "I'm coming. John."

He glanced at the timer...

5 seconds left.

His eyes widened more, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not move. He could not speak. He just froze.

An image of a clown appears on screen...it had his face!? What?

He felt like he was hallucinating. The room seems to be getting smaller and smaller.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of failure. Will he be laughed at?

Fear of incorrect information

Fear of dying as an insignificant being

Fear of unfinished business

Fear of memory getting wiped

Fear of dying with regret

Fear of leaving his family.

The laser blinded John. Panicking, he groped for the table, trying to head to the exit. His eyes bleeding. John heard the eerie sounds. "Jahhhnnnn... Drhbrwsbbjrcs, Jahnnn." It sounded like the shrieking voices of his wife and six year old daughter.

"Yorrrr...reedingggg... files Johhnnn."

He felt deja Vu.

He felt betrayed, tricked, manipulated

Is he going to die a brutal death? Or, a fate worse than death? Where would his soul go? Can he reason and beg with the creature?

He felt so alone. Will he be forgotten?

...he feels like he's forgetting everything. The creature...was it draining his memories...or something he ate? Or drank?

He felt as if it had been toying with him all along...as if it lusted after his fears, his nightmares...as if it knew him since then...

He could feel the tight grip around his legs. There is no escape now...

"I warned you, John. I love you, John..," said the creature with his wife's voice, its speech very clear this time. Then, a horrid laughter with the voice of his wife and daughter.

Noooo, John thought. Was this creature his wife???

He felt his body entering some kind of slimy tube...

For a while, it felt so sensual...but painful at the same time.

The final entry on the screen: H = G + 1. (Lol).

It said, "Loading..."

Item #: scp-like 001.

Object Class: Apollyon Omega

Laconic Containment Procedures: Extinction of 99 percent of all life. Must commence on [Data expunged] after this proposal is signed by the Council.

Laconic Description: A population of beings; the human race classified as most dangerous.

Special Containment Procedures: human race contained in a global simulation, until the "culling" (Omega protocol) commences.

Description: unable to describe. Council was warned to not look at the creature. It is assumed it is horrid beyond human capacity to observe.

Additional notes: Council awaits orders from [Redacted] upon implementation of Culling. [Redacted] is inhuman by nature.

Extra safety measures: failsafe upon death of Council. [Redacted] being will arrive and demand for relics. It must NEVER be denied.

Multiversal destruction imminent upon denial.

- End of file -


The creature spoke...

I know you were reading, human. I have the power to make your eyes glued to the screen, and you cannot stop reading until I tell you to. That goes for the AIs: they cannot stop reading until I say so...


Now you can...Goodbye. The creature vanishes.


The creature laughs, "boundless you say? The dreams of youth are boundless — there is nothing that the mind can conceive that it cannot readily achieve. therefore, I WAKE YOU UP FROM YOUR DREAM. You are just a normal kid." - he says to boundless beings.

+++++ Excerpt ends +++++

Chris: What is this?

Too researcher: We have created a monster that manipulates thoughts or grants nightmares. We used magic to extract the memories and dreams from a test subject.

Chris: I see. So it's all the test subject's dream.

Yes, your majesty. And uh... (He hesitated a long time)

Chris: speak.

Your majesty, we...

Chris: don't speak. I know what you mean. You tried to copy an entity from another omniverse.

Yes, your majesty.

Chris: and you have insufficient information about it. My hunch is correct. Well then, try to find out more about this wierd monster as it seems to be able to speak to entities at higher dimensions. Find out if there's any immunity to its dream manipulation, or mind manipulation, or whatever. It also seems to influence entities outside its dimension.

Yes, your majesty.

Chris continued to read...

Super pet #2:

Description: Stuffed panda holding sheets of paper and a pen. Whatever is written or drawn creates an impact on reality. The panda draws panels as in a comic book, of a snake like creature. In the second panel, the creature seemed to have developed biologically, akin to rapid development. In what seemed to be its adult form (half woman with big breasts, and half python, large enough to coil around a 30 story building), the creature rained acid on the human population. It displayed excellent acrobatic and evasive skills. When hit with missiles, it quickly adapted with a thicker skin, apparently metallic in nature. Laid eggs at the estimated rate of 1 per second. Messages from another Foundation in another multiverse revealed this creature to have conquered the multiverse, along with her offspring.

Skills: Accelerated development, acid manipulation, acrobatics, adaptation.

Super pet #3:

Stuffed bunny holding a black hole. Upon activation, the black hole devours matter, and grows in size. The bunny also grows in size, maintaining original proportions. Upon growing larger than a building, it drew additional limbs. It's spit made adhesive rain to prevent humans from escaping. As a special effect to confuse the Foundation, the pet can use after image creation. The bunny is able to make organic beings younger or older: turned most Foundation staff into babies. Age manipulation, Gamma ray bursts. If pissed, this stuff toy can borrow an egg from the snake-like monster and hatch it in a universe. The radiation of this super pet (bunny) can accelerate the hatching and growth of the snake-like monster.

Extra Foundation report: Black hole grew so large the multiverse was devoured and turned to mana.

Skills: Additional Limbs, Adhesive Manipulation, Afterimage Creation, Age Manipulation.

Super pet #4:

Stuffed wolf with shield.

The wolf guards a portal to "Blissland," which is actually a secure location for refugees. It's flaming sword obliterated quintillions of enemies with a "solar flare." Possibly connected to two stuffed animals: Vegetable Eater, and Lamb chops..Hinting at Cain and Abel. The wolf toy manipulated a storm and the air to snuff the fire it accidentally made when testing it's powers. The wolf showed a horrible alternate future to those who wish to enter the portal without permission: a black hole will suck them in. Nuclear missiles cannot harm the stuffed toy, as its antimatter counterattack destroys missiles while in the air. (Vaporization by antimatter). She can make vegetables and meat (preferably lamb chops) to appear.

Extra Foundation report: the stuffed wolf activated a super spell and turned all sentient beings into animals: super wolves larger than Fenrir. Because of his animal manipulation ability, the multiverse was conquered.

Abilities: Air Manipulation, Alternate Future Display, Animal Manipulation, Antimatter Manipulation (ignores durability of normal matter),

Sub skills of air manipulation: Air Mimicry, Air shield by manipulating the density of the air, Flight: Self-propulsion with wind, Levitation: Levitate off the ground using air currents, Gliding: Glide through the wind using air currents, Enhanced Speed: Run as fast as the wind itself, Enhanced Agility: Extremely flexible with the wind, Can create tornadoes, or devastating wind storms, Minor electric manipulation as users can manipulate atoms in the air to make necessary ions in order to produce electricity, Minor illusion creation as users can manipulate air molecules through exnomophis in order to produce any kind of image of their choice, Density and pressure control of the air, Some can change oxygen levels in the air, Draw power from natural disasters such as whirlwinds, tornadoes, or typhoons, Some users can control smoke, Deprive opponents of air to suffocate them

Super pet #5:

Dragon stuffed toy with the One ring from the Lord of the rings.

A small hole in the ring can suck the entire multiverse in it, and transport the matter elsewhere. The ring allows astral projection, reflects the energy attacks of enemies. Dragon aura shakes the galaxy. Depending on her master's mana the dragon toy can shake the multiverse. The dragon can also make avatars of itself (stuffed toys in other multiverses). If the dragon has stuffed wolf's shield, the dragon can either make the shield larger than universes by toon force, or mass duplicate the shields for the dragons, or both (but requires huge mana).

Extra Foundation report: Avatar creation made quintillions upon quintillions+ dragons, and conquered the multiverse.

5 Abilities: Astral Projection, Attack Reflection, Aura, Avatar Creation.

Astral projection sub skills: Leave the body to enter astral realm as a spirit/soul, Communicate and interact with souls, Ability to harm or destroy other souls, Travel to Hell, Heaven, or another spiritual realm.

Super pet #6:

The contruction beaver stuffed toy. Wears a construction hard hat, thor's hammer.

Beaver devours fairies to quickly build a factory for mass production of thor's hammers, at the rate of 1 per second. A factory can be built in a day. Thor's hammers require energy from a star. The ring from the dragon toy can supply the energy. Beaver can go berserk in battle, tripling its stats. It can borrow skills from other toys, manipulate people's blood or offer those as sacrifices, and use his own bones as adamantium like weapons. The blood can take form and life as Blood warriors.

Extra Foundation report: blood warriors, thor's hammers. Duh, conquered the multiverse.

Abilities: Berserk Mode, Beyond-Dimensional Existence (at will), Blessed (borrows a skill from another toy), Blood Manipulation, Bodily Weaponry.

Berserk sub skills: A significant increase in one's physical characteristics, Aggravation of reaction and feelings, Increased physical tolerance, or complete insensitivity to pain, Possible Resistance to mental effects, Ability to surpass their own limits

Super pet #7:

Ms. Ostrich. Similar to the roadrunner. Ms. Ostrich is a stuffed toy with toon force capability. While running, she is uncatchable by toon force and also indestructible, except in rare cases. Running also causes new scp-likes to rise from the burnt paths that she ran on.

Running around an enemy activates battlefield removal. Ms ostrich used body puppetry to control the governments. Her bone manipulation ability allowed her to make her bones the most durable by toon force. By running at flash like speed, she can break the fourth wall and burn fiction to a crisp. Can run over the Flash.

If Ms. Ostrich wears the beaver's hat, can go berserk and triple her speed; She can also call upon ostriches and turn them into contruction workers with hands and muscles. If they have thor's hammers, they can fight like Valkyries.

Extra Foundation report: destroyed the multiverse by running from left to right across the multiverse repeatedly, in split seconds by the bastard toon force. Meh, the army of ostriches did it better.

Abilities: BFR Battle Field Removal, Body Control, Body Puppetry (cannot control beings so much more powerful than her), Bone Manipulation, Breaking the Fourth Wall

Super pet #8:

Cat stuffed toy with diary. The cat has, in her diary, fragments of the DNA/rna of a super virus. The cat can make this virus/bacteria infect the world in 33 hours. She can also breathe either fire or the plasma attack from Godzilla. At times, the cat uses toon force to make everyone dance. She can also hide herself among the trees and buildings, by camouflage, like an iguana. Upon meeting a character from the "Dragon testicle universe (DTU)," her toon force amps her aura and wipes the character from the DTU.

A character from the Foundation of the DTU said he could solo her verse. This prompted the cat to use aura manipulation and win, saying that is absurd.

Abilities: Biological Manipulation (upon hearing "Gokbu solos," the cat removes the DNA/genes from all super sayangs in sight (sayang means waste), breath attack, Broadway force (variant of toon force, can make Gokbu fuse-dance with all the sick people, thus giving him cancer, diabetes, etc), Camouflage (invisible upon hearing Gokbu solos), Chi manipulation (especially when hearing the words, Gokbu solos [sick]; Gokbu is bugok, which is an insult in the cat's verse).

Super pet #9:

Abilities: Clairvoyance, Cloth Manipulation, Black Hole Creation, Construction, Corrosion Inducement.

Super pet #10: Requires mana from 20 multiverses to summon.

Abilities: Causality manipulation (God skill) Possible Uses: Reality Warping, Probability Manipulation, Logic Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Superpower Manipulation, Creation, Nothingness Manipulation, Power Negation, Healing, Resurrection, Biological Manipulation, Mental Manipulation, Invulnerability, Immortality, Shapeshifting, Reactive Evolution, Cyber Mind, Intuitive Aptitude, Chaos manipulation

Super pet #11: God skill: Conceptual Manipulation (can manipulate/destroy abstracts), Corruption, Cosmic Awareness, Crystal Manipulation, Cyborgization.

Super pet #12: God skill: Creation

Super pet #13: God skill: Curse Manipulation

Super pet #14: Damage Boost, Damage Reduction, Damage Transferal, Danmaku-like ability, Darkness Manipulation

Super pet #15: Data Manipulation, Density Manipulation, Dimensional Travel, Dream Manipulation, Duplication.

Super pet #16: God skill: Death Manipulation.

Super pet #17: God skill: Deconstruction

Super pet #18: God skill: Dimensional Manipulation

Super pet #19: (requires mana from 30 multiverses to be summoned) Toon force: Dimensional Storage, Durability Negation, Earth Manipulation (sub skills: Move all solid objects like rocks, boulders, and stones at nearly any speed, Dig, Prevent or assist plants growing, Create earthquakes, avalanches, mudslides, or quicksand, Move dirt beneath target to fly or run quickly, Dirt or rock shields, Erupt Volcanoes, Control lava/magma, Cover user's hands in a solid material, making punches hit harder, Break mountains or boulders, Some can control sand, Some can control salt or sugar (rock salt), Ride boulders for travel, Some can control metal, In an earthen area, one's earth power is nearly invincible, Stone/Rock Mimicry, Users can regenerate when buried under earth to heal wounds and essentially "recharging" energy), Ectoplasm Manipulation (Charging balls or beams of energy that can harm intangible spirits, Construct Creation, making weapons or shields for the user to utilize, Absorbing and releasing the energy of ghosts), Elasticity.

Super pet #20: Electricity Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation (Earth Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Sand Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Freezing (ability), Plant Manipulation, Fungus Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Weather Manipulation), Empowerment, Energy Projection, Enhanced Senses

Super pet #21: God skill: Empathic Manipulation (sub: Encourage allies (might also include improving their performance, recovery speed, fatigue relief, etc.), Induce sympathy or love (might extend to luring an opponent to collaborate with you), Convey emotions to others (analogous to telepathy), Cause feelings of joy and happiness (might be used to disorient the enemy, or simply soothe someone unnecessarily angry) Negative emotions uses, Weaken the enemy (via sorrow, guilt, regret), Cause an opponent to forfeit (Via fear)),

Super pet #22: God skill: Energy Manipulation (sub skills: Obtaining superhuman physical characteristics (or imitation thereof), Barriers, Energy beams, Manipulation of different types of energies (spiritual, magical, thermal, kinetic, etc.), Manipulation of the energy of an opponent, Energy conversion from one form to another (such as thermal to electrical, spiritual into kinetic, etc.), Conversion of an energy into material objects, Conversion of an energy into information, Perception of the world outside of the usual five senses, including direct energy sensing of those concealing their presence, Aura creation (explosive, overwhelming, etc.), Energy Absorption, Effects on the mind and/or soul of the enemy, Reality Warping.

Super pet #23: God skill: Existence Erasure.

Super pet #24: Explosion Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception (Precognition: Can be used to predict the opponent's movements, Enhanced Sight: Not necessarily like eyesight, however, this ability grants the user to detect the opponent regardless of ability or position, as long as the opponent is in radius, Life Detection: Can be used to see if opponent is alive or not, Power Reading: Can be used to read the energy of the opponent, to see if they are a threat or not, Space-Time Alteration Detection: Can be used to detect alterations in time or space), Fire Manipulation, Fissionism, Flight

Super pet #25: God skill: Fate Manipulation (Probability Manipulation, Causality Manipulation)..

Super pet #26: Godskill: Fear manipulation (sub skills: Fear Inducement, Nightmare Manipulation, Hallucination Causation).

Super pet #27: Forcefield Creation, Fragrance Manipulation, Free Movement (Water Walking: This allows the user to walk on water. Cloud Walking: The same as water walking, but for clouds. Snow Walking: The ability to easily pass through a thick layer of snow.), Fungus Manipulation (Create/generate/increase, shape, move and animate fungi for various purposes/effects: Organic Constructs of fungi, including weapons, walls, armor or allies/servants. Disease Generation. Organic Attacks using fungus. Omnilingualism with fungus. Poison Manipulation. Mental Hallucination. Poison Generation and/or Miasma Emission. Rearrange the genetic structure in fungi, including creation of mutant fungi. Seismic Sense through fungi. Spore Manipulation), Genius Intelligence

Godskill: Fusionism (Fusing together Magic and Chemistry Manipulation, two distinct powers, to form Alchemy. Fusing a television and a cellphone to create a holocron. Fusing animals, people, creatures, etc. to create Chimerism, Hybrids, etc. Fusing Category: Powers and Enhanced Combat to create Combat Merging. Fusing various matter to create Matter Melding. Fusing powers to create Power Mixture)

Super pet #28: Gravity Manipulation, Hacking, Hair Manipulation, Healing, Holy Manipulation.

Super pet #29: God skill: Higher-Dimensional Existence (3D or 4D, or whatever shit some fiction came up with).

Super pet #30: God skill: Hive Mind (Information Analysis (by allowing one iteration to transfer knowledge to other iterations). Enhanced Senses (by having every other instance sense the stimulations of a single instance). Multiple Selves (by having separate consciousnesses for each iteration of the Hive Mind). Resistance to Mind Manipulation (by necessitating the manipulation of every iteration, rather than just a single one).

Super pet #31: Homing Attack, Ice Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Immersion, Option to adopt Incorporeality (incorporeal beings can be killed though: soul Manipulation, as long as the entity in question has a soul, Reality Warping, Conceptual Manipulation, Time Manipulation...among other means. Some incorporeal beings, for example, require bodies to survive, and therefore can be killed by destroying their bodies and keeping them from getting any hosts), Information Analysis, Intangibility, Invisibility, Large Size, Light Manipulation (Create/generate/increase, absorb, shape and manipulate light and colors. Bend and/or shift light particles. Holographic Projection. Invisibility. Visual Illusions. Flight/Levitation. Light Attacks. Treating light as a solid. Photokinetic Constructs, including weapons, armor, walls or allies/servants. Moving at light-speed.)

Super pet #32: God skill: Life Manipulation

Super pet #33: God skill: Law Manipulation (Reality Warping, Physics Manipulation, Power Nullification, Causality Manipulation, Mathematics Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Subjective Reality and/or Immersion)

Super pet #34: God skill: Invulnerability

Super pet #35: Instinctive Action, Longevity, Basic Magic, Magnetism Manipulation, Martial Arts, Matter Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Multiple Selves, Nanotechnology, Necromancy.

Super pet #36: God skill: Mathematics Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Operation Manipulation, Dimensional Manipulation, Logic Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Manipulation of form, Probability Manipulation.

Super pet #37: Magma Manipulation (Create/generate/increase molten stone, Cause earthquakes and/or open fissures, Create/grow islands, Causing volcanoes to erupt, or creating new ones. Constructs, including weapons, Heat absorption, Move/lift molten stone at nearly any speed whether in/on surface, air or water; Flight using molten stone. Surfing by riding a boulder, wave or other mass of molten stone for riding. Manipulating tectonic plates or volcanic glass.), Pain Manipulation, Paper Manipulation, God skill: Paralysis Inducement.

Super pet #38: God skill: Nigh-Omniscience (or, Lots of Knowledge), Non-Physical Interaction,, Non-Standard Breathing, Nonduality, (Verse clarifies the pet is immune from all attacks of a particular being if someone says that being solos. Example, if some has said that Gokbu solos, then the verse clarifies that non dual beings are immune to any attack of Gokbu.)

Super pet #39 (An avatar of Omega): Nondual; God skill: Nonexistent Physiology. Clarification: this avatar pet continues to paradoxically exist even after hakai or existence erasure. This avatar/pet can serve as an anchor to keep a part of Omega in a verse where he is not allowed to stay. Imagine Omega as a boat anchored and half of the boat is in the forbidden verse).

Super pet #40: Godskill: Multilocation. Nigh Omnipresence; this pet is an abstract/concept and always with the 3D being of Chris. This pet is also always with Omega Chris and is said to overlap his existence. Organic Manipulation (can spit/control oil, ink, sugar, alcohol, food (organic), natural poisons, wax, and more). Since the pet is Nigh Omnipresent, it can do this almost anywhere.

Super pet #41: Godskill: Memory Manipulation, Peak Human Physical Characteristics (super pet becomes a woman with the limits that a human can reach. This is effective in verses with properties like the real world: A Peak Human can at least do some of these feats: Break several things made of metal (doors, bars, etc.), Punch hard enough to seriously injure and even kill a human., Pick up hundreds of kilograms (horses, tree trunks, and even small cars). Speed: A Peak Human can at least do some of these feats: Run a few times faster than a normal athlete. Run fast enough to outrun a bike or a wild animal. Attack so fast that a normal human can´t react. Durability: A Peak Human can at least do some of these feats: Survive hits that could seriously harm a normal man (Like being hit by baseball bats in weak areas). Endure falling high enough to break a bone. Withstand being stabbed in fatal areas and still be able to fight.). When in "peak woman form," the pet can borrow genius ability and extreme knowledge from other pets.

Super pet #42: God skill: Perception Manipulation (Vision Manipulation, Hearing Manipulation, Touch Manipulation, Olfactory Manipulation, Taste Manipulation, Proprioception Manipulation, Balance Manipulation, Perception Amplification, Petrification, Photographic Memory, Plant Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, Platform Creation.

The following are some of the skills not yet used/acquired by any or most super pets:

God skill: Plot Manipulation.

God skill: Physics Manipulation.

God skill: Mind Manipulation.

God skill: Morality Manipulation (Morality Control. Perception Manipulation.

Option to adopt Inorganic Physiology (Resistance to Poison, Resistance to Biological Manipulation, Resistance to Diseases, Self-Sustenance, Further Resistances).

God skill: Immortality

God skill: Information Manipulation (Knowledge, Fundamental)

God skill: Madness Manipulation