1 Water scarcity

Water is life saving yet it is also a carrier of pathogens and toxic chemicals which when consumed cause deaths and diseases. Water is necessary for personal hygiene and allows for hand hygiene which are key factors in preventing the spread of respiratory diseases and trachoma which is yet to be eliminated in India. The covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to accelerate water goals as hand washing is the key to preventing covid -19 both in communities and in Healthcare facilities many vectors which transmit diseases like lymphatic filariasis, dengue malaria etc. bread in water bodies. Water is essential for morbidity management and disability prevention for lymphedema patients .there are around 396000. In arsenic and fluoride affected areas drinking water can expose people to these Chemicals and prolonged exposure could lead to arsenicosis and fluorosis . Also save drinking water has a positive impact on the nutritional status of children and prevents financial loss in the household and contributes to the overall economy of the country

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