
Ch. 1- Let's try it out!

We barely won the battle during semis;it was tough yet we figured out how we could manage.

At the moment, I am having a mixed feeling of nervousness, excitement and happiness as we are walking to the centerstage.

The deafening cheer of the spectators welcomed us and has made my nervousness worse.

(I might pee my pants!

but I'm a grown up man so I must remain my composure.Act cool!)

The announcer's voice took over the loud crowd; the noise lessened.

"Maki boy! We are no millionaire to sleep excessively. Wake up and dont wait for me to splash water at your face."

(Wait! Its not even the announcer!)

I suddenly woke up and rushed to the toilet donwstairs to pee.

"Your breakfast is on the table --and please dont forget to wash the plates before you go Maki. Im going to work now."

"Alright, Take care mom!"

(Its weird but my pee's not coming out.)

I dont feel the urge of peeing!

Then i just noticed the cold sensation between my legs.


"This is embarassing. Even though i already decided that I'm a man but my body and brain wont comply."

(I peed my pants..)

thus, i decided to take a shower.

The dream i had recently ran through my mind. The feeling was truly awesome.

One things for sure, it was about a virtual reality game called Bullet Rain. Though, i doubt that i'll play one of those. I dont have any particular interest on gaming.

20 minutes later I arrived at school and the classes are already starting.

Wonder how i got inside although im late?

Well, I sneaked in by climbing over walls. It felt like it was a Mission Impossible every moment I sneaked in uncaught.

Im pretty good at this you know! Ive been doing this for so long that i cant remember. To put it simply, I am a veteran!


Having thought about that,I did an akimbo and let out a loud laugh.

(I laugh in the face of danger! )

Now, I noticed the weather is incredibly fine.

Blue and clear sky never fails to lighten up my mood.

"Maki boy!"

/Clap Clap Clap/

I could hear their slow yet loud clap as they walk towards me.

"Care to share what you were laughing about?" Asked Drake as he fixed his glasses.

"As expected of the most punctual boy!"

Acer has messed my hair.

As always he grows taller every after summer break.

"Hey, I worked hard to achieve that look!"

I smacked his hands away then suddenly I felt the weight of Drake's arms on my shoulders.

"Maki boy youre late again.Why?"

I gently elbowed his stomach.

"Get off Drake"

"And by the way, thats my line isnt it? Why are y'all acting like its only me who's late? You bunch of assholes.In this field of expertise, you guys are way ahead of me."

I answered.

"To be honest, I wont sacrifice a good sleep for the sake of being early! I dont care if early bird gets the worm because I dont eat that. If they say early bird gets the spaghetti then—"

(he took it literally!)

"Alright thats enough of stupidity. Lets proceed to our classroom before this plan of mine fades away."

As expected of Drake, he never gets out of plans especially when we need to enter classroom to avoid being scrammed by teachers.

"Good morning maam Daisy. The principal personally assigned us to announce in this classroom that a new club will be available."

"Okay, Thank you."

She briefly replied coldly.

(Eh maam didnt even turned to see us, instead she continued writing on the board.)

About the plan...

Drake just have to lie through his teeth about us running errands for the principal.

The club isnt false news, he heard about it from the Principal's son.

(Well, that was easy.)

"'Liar. I came from the office and the principal wasnt there."

My feet froze.

Did someone just-

(Michika! Why do you have to do that.This girl wont just let things slip easily.)

"Youre wrong. Care to check it out if he's present or not?"

Thats Yuji for ya! Of course she wouldnt because we are distant from the office.

Surely, Ma'am Daisy wouldnt waste time to confirm it.

"Whether its the truth or not, you guys are still late in my class."

Said ma'am Daisy.

"Yes ma'am sorry for that. We were afraid to refuse. It was Acer who dragged us along thats why we didnt have any choice."

I said something completely untrue.

(For the sake of this plan's success i must go with the flow.)

"Yeah it was my fault for dragging them along. Please minus 3 my grade as a penance ma'am." Said Acer.

"Well, thats not for you to decide. Please take your seats so we can proceed."

(Fufu Maam is a bit harsh right there. Minus 3 or not, he's gonna fail either way...

Like me.)

On the other hand, Maam Daisy's apparently in a rush somehow.Perhaps, she didnt want her time being consumed any longer

"As a punishment for being late. Write 'I will never be late again' on a sheet of paper. All space must be consumed otherwise you have to repeat it. "


and here i thought we will be free of punishment.)

Well, this is a whole lot better than 'sitting on the air' and being scrammed.

I must say, she let us off lightly.

All it took was 5 minutes to complete the punishment. The solution?We made our fonts bigger.

After the class we passed it to Maam Daisy and left the classroom.

"I saw her brows had drawn together. It was not a pleasant sight to see."

I said to them.

"I prefer her smiling." Said Drake


Acer yelled out of the blue.

"How about we change ourselves and become a good student like Michika."

Here goes the random, stupid, weird stuffs that he spits out of his mouth.

"Isnt she just attention hog."

Drake is just so straightforward!

"Oi Drake dont be mean to the girls or else—"

"Shaddup Acer because thats the truth."

Drake didnt let Acer finish his sentence.

"Alright! Alright! Dont misunderstand me Drake. I aint disagreeing on that but dont you think we should cut her some slack because as you all know, her mom is ill."

Acer reasoned out.

Wait, I cant believe he has a rational nature. This is a pretty good news because I might not have to deal with his nonsense babbling.

I truly anticipate an intelligent conversation with him.

"She's a showoff and i hate it. Anyway, that wont excuse her from getting hated; Her mom and her trash personality is a separate matter."

And now we have arrived at the cafeteria although its not recess yet, but our stomachs have decided to eat so we dont have a choice.

"Hey Drake! I just remembered about the Battle Royal Cup were participating in on Saturday. Have you considered whether to pick Toro or Alfred?"

"Nope, I dont think we can execute a good teamwork if we include either one of them."

Drake straight up refused and took a big bite to his burger.

"Eh why? I thought about Toro as our best pick!"

Acer said,all while his mouth is occupied by spaghetti.

"Toro and Alfred have many things in common. Skills aside, basing from their personality, we are not likely to be in good terms with them. Thus, we might lose teamwork. In battle royale teamwork is the core—That means, no matter how skilled you are when it comes to the game; you will never be able to defeat a team that works together. Except..."

Drake intends to add something to his explanation.


I asked.

"If you are Trailblazer."

Drake added

"Trailblazer? We have no chance to defeat an efficient fighter like him at all. You saw that video clip of his doing 1 vs 4 with a sniper point blank? He's a total monster."

"Thats one of the factors why I included Maki in our team."

I spat out the juice on my mouth!

"Wait! havent even agreed on that!"

(Its rude to disrupt the silence of an eating man.)

"In addition about Toro and Alfred, when it comes to skills they are pretty good but cant exceed mine. Discipline? They most likely rush to a fully armored squad and ignore my commands and I do have a basis for that."

"But why me? My game experience will surely just fail us." I asked with a confuzzled face.

"You see Maki i am planning to work our way up by teamwork. I know you are of submissive kind. Hence, I want you to join our team."

I got stunned by the turn of events.

They want me to join their team? I dont even have much experience on first person shooter virtual reality games.

I did play during elementary school using my computer but will that even help me?

I dont think so.

Playing with an Occulus is entirely different from playing with a computer.

Also, I cant even recall the name of the game. However i do recall the basic buttons to move my character.

I looked at Drake he appears to be waiting for my response. On the other hand Acer has this puppy eyes.

(It doesnt even suit him!)

"Hmm...Alright then. But dont blame me when we lose 'kay?"

"You dont have to worry about that. Besides, It's more enjoyable if we tag you along."

Drake said with a delighted voice, he suddenly stood and fixed his glasses.

Drake is the type that remains expressionless even though he's happy.

"Muhahaha! Now we just have to work for the last member of the team. About that, I have prepared this poster..."


Umm... thats a rather unattractive poster. He just teared off a sheet of paper from his notebook and wrote...

'Ehem ehem announcement everyone! We currently need one last member in our team for the Bullet Rain: Battle Royale Cup! Please meet us tomorrow 4:30 pm at the Misc room!'

With a handwriting that he obviously worked hard to beautify, despite his shaky hands.

"I doubt that will attract a single attention."

I said.

"You bet! Ever heard of reverse psychology? Thats what im trying to do."

Acer winked

"I dont think so"

I said in an undertone.

Time flees fast and now its club time.

Of course for us who dont have club. Its time to go home or shall I say, time to have fun.

Drake and Acer are waiting for me at the gate I suppose.

I told them to go ahead of me because I had business with a senior about wanting me to join the table tennis club.

Currently, they need new members after their seniors set out on a new journey called 'college'.

He said we came to the same school during grade school and unexpectedly we joined the same club thats was table tennis.

(I completely forgot about him.)

Not so long after noticing my right arm growing larger than my left, I quitted.

He said I have this innate fast reflexes and I need not to worry about my skills..

'We can reawaken it by practice.'

After all that, I refused his offering and just gave him a chocolate as an apology.

I happen to pass at the bulletin board and saw the poster that Acer created.

And he added new designs such as stars and heart!

(I cant believe this.)

Speaking of the devil, Acer beamed a smile at me while waving his arms.Beside him is Drake just standing still.



We have arrived at the Occulus café and i must say, this is awesome!

Occulus is the most dominant gaming platform nowadays.

It had surpassed other platforms several years after its release to the market.

One factor behind that is: the innovative feature called 'Immersion'

A feature that fully immerses you in the virtual world by sending fake signals to the brain.

Special sensors built in your avatar will be collecting information in the virtual world and will only react in the virtual world.

On the other hand, your body's sensors in the actual world is completely shut-down, to put it simply, the user is unable to move.

However, other organs' function necessary for life isnt affected by this.

Only the brain and the Occulus does the work.

Thanks to that, the Occulus Corp. CEO became a trillionaire in no time.

This made me think that perhaps im the only person who doesnt have Occulus at home.



This place is too occupied by people who seemed asleep in their recliner chairs with a fancy futuristic goggles on called Occulus.

As well as spectators who seem to have nothing better to do but to watch people play.

Speaking about the spectators, almost everyone present here are clustered around a player.

(Their eyes are fixed on the floating screen displayed in front of him.

Seems like that guy is incredibly good to be spectated by almost everybody.)

"Now we just have to find a good spot."

I said.