
You Cannot Fool Me with Amateur Tricks and Clumsy Acting

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Éditeur: EndlessFantasy Translation

Her eyes were wide open in the darkness as she stared emptily for God knew how long.

Lu Zhaoyang was struggling inside and could not find sleep.

The trees rustled outside in the wind, echoing the restlessness in her heart. 

She could not help but recall what had happened earlier that day, when she went to Huo Yunting in a panic and accused him of drugging her mother.

He did not attempt to explain himself, but she could see that he was hurt by her accusation.

Lu Zhaoyang realized that she seemed to be in the habit of accusing of all the bad things happening around her.

When she really thought about it, the man simply had a big mouth and had never done anything truly despicable!

Lu Zhaoyang slowly removed her covers and carefully walked out of her bedroom.

It was very quiet at night in the Huo residence. There was no one in the corridor. She picked up her pace and to Huo Yunting's room and knocked on his door.

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