
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Livres et littérature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 187: Calgar Comes

 Jess didn't know how long he had been asleep.

   When Space Marines are badly wounded, they often fall into a deep sleep to recover.

   Primaris Space Marines also inherit this trait.

  Jess was seriously injured while fighting against Abaddon. After the body mechanism confirmed that the surrounding environment was safe, he fell into a deep sleep in order to repair his body.

  When he woke up, his injuries had recovered to seven or eighty-eight.

   Only the wound, there is still some tingling.

  That is a sign that the evil power of the subspace at the wound has not been completely expelled.

   It still needs a long period of cultivation, or a priest's baptism to completely get rid of the influence of the evil power of the subspace.

  Jess looked around and found himself still lying on the cold floor of the temple.

  Beside him stood the Eldar.

  They were silent, standing there like sculptures.

   Eldar are very slender in stature, both male and female.

  The armor is very close to the body, which sets off the curve of its figure and looks very flexible.

  The outer robe or ribbon fluttered slightly.

  A gorgeous and exquisite long sword is tied around the waist.

   Aware of Jace's awakening, an Eldar who appeared to belong to the leader walked up to him.

  The opponent was not wearing a helmet, and his face was as sharp as a sculpture, which could not be ignored.

  A clown mask was hung on the opponent's waist.

  Jace looked at each other.

   His eyes were full of vigilance.

  He knew that the relationship between the imperial regent and these guys was pretty good.

  But from his point of view, these guys are not credible.

   "Who are you?" Jess looked up at the Harlequin Eldar and asked.

"I am the prophet of Sam's world, Anville. Sometimes, I will serve the Laughing God in order to get more enlightenment." Anville explained his identity, "I know you, wolf priest-Jay Si, because I have already foreseen all this in the rune."

  Jess looked at the other party. As a wolf priest, he has the ability to examine the mind.

  Anyone who tries to tell a lie has nothing to hide from his gaze.

  He couldn't see any signs of lies in the Eldar, but he was still examining the other party.

  The Eldar possess even more subtle sorcery skills.

   They had an empire older than the two empires of humanity combined.

  Perhaps, they have smarter means to escape his scrutiny.

  Jess didn't dare to relax about this.

  Aliens are unreliable, they can cooperate, but they need to be vigilant at all times.

   "Prediction? If you know everything, why didn't you tell us in the early stage of the battle." Jess asked calmly.

  "We don't confirm whether those futures are real. With the awakening of the Great Rift and Guilliman, the line of fate is becoming more and more chaotic. Many future pictures appear at the same time. No one knows which are real and which are illusory."

  Anville took out a broken scepter, "For this reason, we have been observing, and we did not confirm the direction of the thread of fate until you were in crisis. In order to save you, the price we paid was unimaginable."

  He handed the scepter to Jace.

  Jess took it and took a look. The texture of the scepter is very exquisite, and there is a blue gemstone on the top, but unfortunately it has been cracked.

   Obviously, this scepter has been scrapped.

  From the remaining breath, one can perceive how powerful the scepter was when it was intact in the past, and what terrifying spiritual power it contained.

"It's called the Rod of Responsibility. This scepter was forged by my people before the rise of your first human empire. It has extraordinary power, is ancient and sacred, and is enshrined in our halls Medium. In order to save you, I destroyed it to unleash the psychic powers that can hold back the Marauder. My condolences for the sacrifice of your comrades, but we did what we could."

"Your ruler has already known the crisis of Vigilante, and his loyal subordinates are rushing to this galaxy. Calgar has set sail, and he has brought enough power to decide the battle, but you must persist until that moment. The Lucian family has already Betrayed you, most of the city fell into the hands of Chaos forces, but you still have one last chance."

   "What chance?" Jace asked.

"Great North City." Anville said, "Your body is very special. A powerful force has reshaped your body and restored you to health. Your ruler has given you a new strength, which is a very good thing. The change has not yet reached the point where it can definitely defeat chaos. The Vigilante must be guarded, otherwise the future of mankind will be dark, and the future of the galaxy will also be dark."

   "Jess, remember your mission, we will meet again one day."

  Anville stepped back and sank into the darkness.

  Jess tried to stand up, but he couldn't find the other party's figure even when he used his superhuman senses.

   Those Eldar disappeared, just as they suddenly appeared on the battlefield to rescue them.

  The sound of sizzling electricity flowed out of Jace's communication device after the Eldar left.

   Obviously, these guys blocked all electromagnetic signals just now.

   Following the contact of the shield, data flow appeared in Jess' eyes, and symbols appeared in front of his eyes.

  All are surviving fighters.

  The betrayal of the Lucian family made them suffer from the enemy, and there are less than one survivor here.

  Those brothers who are not here, Jess no longer has any luck in their ending.

   The cruelty of the Marauder to the loyal is well known.

  The communication was restored, and the survivors quickly locked in the location of Jess and entered the temple to find him.

   "Damn, I thought those aliens took you away, Jess. We searched all over the area, but we couldn't find any trace of you." A wild wolf warrior said.

   "They used the psychic barrier to confuse your perception." Jess said, "I have been in the temple all the time. It seems that we need to ask the Mechanicus for more psychic detection equipment."

   The Ark Eldar and the Harlequin Eldar are currently allies of mankind.

   But this incident also reminded Jess and others.

  In terms of psionic technology, they are far behind the Eldar.

  Even after going through the original casting upgrade, it is still easy to be deceived by the opponent's psychic means.

   It is still an ally, and there is no harm.

  But who knows what will happen next?

   Even those who claim to be absolutely loyal may betray.

   Not to mention an alliance composed of different races.

Defenses can not do without.

   After talking about the matters of the Eldar, Jess' tone became a little cautious.

   "How is Gabriel?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into silence.

  Until an Iron Hand warrior broke the silence, "He's dead, and we couldn't even get his body back. At the last moment, I only saw the Marauder lift his body up."

   "The power of the predator is too strong, we are powerless to resist." Another wild wolf showed grief, "We have killed and injured many brothers."

  Jess clenched his fists and vowed to avenge Gabriel.

  For the brotherhood between them, and for Gabriel's life-saving grace.

  Thinking of the scene where he once spurned Gabriel, Jess felt infinite sadness in his heart.

  He had hurt a noble, righteous Iron Father, and before he could do anything to make amends, the Emperor had called him.

  This guilt will always be with him.

   "Is it the wolf priest-Master Jess?" A mechanical communication voice sounded, echoing in the ears of the surviving people.

   "Who are you?" Jess asked the other party solemnly.

   "We are from Jubei City, thank God we finally found you."

  The other party's tone couldn't hide his excitement. It was obvious that the other party had been searching for him.

   "Is there any urgent matter for you to find us?" Jess asked.

  "Luxian XII launched the assassination of the Proy sage. The Lucian family has completely betrayed the empire and turned to chaos."

   "I know, talk about something important." Jess interrupted the other party and asked about more important things.

"The sage of Proy is lucky, he has escaped and returned to the Great North City. After deliberation, he and another sage reached a consensus to issue a warning and message to all troops loyal to the empire. We will defend the last city , Your Excellency, if we lose even the Great North City, then the Vigilante will fall into the hands of the Great Marauder."

   "Great North City needs the strength of every loyalist, otherwise it will not be able to hold on. Please come to support us, Master Jess."

   "I see." Jess said, "We need some vehicles, otherwise it would be difficult to travel such a long distance to the Great North City."

"I understand, my lord. There will be three thunder gunboats going to your area to evacuate the remaining troops who are still loyal to the empire. I will send you the coordinates. Please rush to the meeting point as soon as possible. The evacuation team there will bring you back to Jubei City ."

  The coordinate information was entered into Jess's personal database through the communicator.

  Jess clicked on his armor, and a holographic projection made of laser beams popped up, which was a map of their location.

   Coordinate information is calculated and entered into the map.

  The map compass flickered in the air.

   "Evacuate the coordinate system, the latitude and longitude of the warning star -0214-3872. Confirm, and enable coordinate information sharing." Jess clicked a few times and entered the voice command.

  [The shared database has received the coordinate information, and the evacuation coordinate map compass faces the team. Please evacuate to the designated location within the designated time. ]

  Jess turned off the projection on his arm, and looked at the surviving warriors.

   They are not a single Chapter.

   There are fighters from the mother regiment such as Space Wolves and Iron Hands, as well as brothers from the son regiments such as Brass Claw and Red Archon.

"We have to go to the Great North City. We won't last long in the wilderness. The big predator has already descended on the surface of the Vigilante. If we can't stop the enemy in the Jubei City, then we will fail completely. If the Vigilante falls, humans will go to the Empire The passage to the dark side will be completely cut off."

"The empire has reached its most critical moment, and it is time to test our loyalty." Jess looked at the other warriors, "We have lost too much, those civilians who once trusted us, those mortal soldiers who assisted us, they are all dead .Now it's just us lingering. The Marauder thinks he's sure to win. He thinks he's going to get the Vigilante and split the empire in two. But he won't succeed. Let's unite and tell him it's just I'm dreaming. That damned traitor will have all his teeth knocked out in Jubei City, and the only thing that greets him is failure."

   "This time, we fight for the Emperor, we fight for the Regent, and we fight for Man."

  Jess raised his fist, declaring his determination to everyone.

  His staff was severed during the battle with Abaddon.

  But a wild wolf will not give up resistance just because it loses its sharp claws.

   Neither would Jace.

  The blood of Fenris flows in his body.

  Wolf never gives up easily.

   "Fight for the Emperor."

   "Fight for the Regency."

  The other fighters also shouted, their eyes were firm.

   Even though they have suffered huge losses, they will not give up.

   Chaos traitors can never break their will.

  Port Saints.

   "Please, don't hit me anymore, it really hurts, please."

  A child is kneeling on the ground, crying loudly.

   His back was dripping with blood, from being beaten by those traitors.

  The pain of the whipping made him cry and scream.

  He begged those believers with chaotic runes, begging them not to abuse him like this again.

   "Useless trash." The Chaos cultists showed no mercy to the child's pleas for mercy.

  He took out the dagger, grabbed the child's hair, and looked at the others fiercely, "There is only one end for the useless waste of the gods, and that is death."

   After speaking, the Chaos cultist slit the child's throat.

  The bright red blood spurted out, making those tired and frightened men and women scream continuously.

   They were more frightened.

   Facing the cruelty of the Chaos Cultists, they were all trembling.

  The woman couldn't help crying, and the man lost the courage to resist.

   Their protector is dead.

  The Emperor no longer protects them.

  They became the slaves of the gods, the tools and playthings of these evil people.

  They can do nothing but cry and surrender.

   Resistance will only lead to more senseless deaths.

  House Lucian has betrayed the Emperor.

   This time's betrayal is undoubtedly a severe stab in the chest of the loyalists of the empire.

  The behavior of Jess and others raided the fort, allowing some loyalist troops and civilians to escape from this **** on earth.

   But many people were slaughtered by the Chaos Cultists and heretic Astartes monks who chased after them before they could escape.

  The Astral Army Corps died, and those who were captured were captured, and they were beaten to pieces.

  A large number of civilians died in the shelling, and a large part were taken as prisoners.

   Now, they are all sent to concentration camps and labor camps as cheap labor and cannon fodder.

  The tallest tower in Saint Port City is the residence of the Planetary Governor.

   It is also the territory of the Lucian family for generations.

  The scene of the servo skull and Cherub escorting those captives was transmitted from the front line of the battlefield to the Governor's Mansion.

   "These untouchables should be treated like this, this is the correct way to drive and use them." Lucian XII smiled, this is the correct order.

  Those untouchables don't need any power at all, they just need to show their whips and sticks, and they will willingly work for us to death. They are so cowardly, any trivial threat is enough to make them bow down to those who enslaved them. "

"This is the **** that Guilliman's idiot wants to offend the elites of the empire to save. As a primarch, his short-sightedness and stupidity are amazing. Does he really think that these **** pariahs are propping up the empire? No, prop up The Empire is the backbone of those of us."

"Whoever we choose wins. Before we chose the Empire and the Empire won. Now we choose Chaos and Chaos will win. The great Lord Abaddon will take Terra and become the new galaxy Lord."

   "Your Excellency, you are wise." An official next to him who has been loyal to the Lucian family for generations nodded in agreement, "The decline of the empire is inevitable, and it is inevitable for the great predator to rule the galaxy."

   Lucian XII enjoyed the other party's compliment, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

   Someday, Guilliman will understand how wrong he was.

   It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world.

   When the Empire collapsed and the Marauders took Terra, there was nothing the Primarch could do, even if he regretted it.

  He was already looking forward to that day.

   When the time comes, he'll have to spit on that stupid primarch.

   Abaddon stood on the city wall of Port Saints, surrounded by soldiers of the Black Legion.

  He watched the captives being escorted to the city by the Chaos cultists with guns.

   It was a nice little victory.

  The lackeys of the corpse emperor were beaten to pieces and suffered heavy casualties.

   None of those guys would be able to get away if the Eldar were not in the way.

   Thinking of this, Abaddon became very annoyed.

  These damned Eldar are always up to no good.

   One day, he will flatten their Arkworld.

   Pile their heads up.

  Of course, before that, he has to take down the Vigilante or complete his strategic goals.

  The rebellion of Lucian XII caused most of the planet to fall into the hands of Chaos, Zerg and Orcs.

   Only Jubei City is still in the hands of the loyalists of the empire.

  His primary strategic goal is to clear the empire of power and cut off their power base on the ground.

   At that time, the empire will have to pay a huge price if it wants to take it back.

   Looking at those weak mortals, Abaddon felt disgust in his heart.

  How could such a race have any hope of ruling the entire galaxy.

   They are impotent, worshiping a rotting corpse.

   Had it not been for the cheap cannon fodder and hard work, Abaddon would have slaughtered them and sacrificed them to the gods without hesitation.

  Only those human beings who recognize the reality and take the initiative to join the ranks of the gods are the hope for the future.

   "How is the deployment of the Blackrock Demon Crown going?" Abaddon looked at the leader of the Word Bearers next to him and asked.

"The deployment progress has reached 80%, and it will take at most a week to complete the deployment. At that time, you only need to offer enough blood sacrifices to reverse the anti-subspace force field of Vigilante and turn it into a Huge amplifier. It's easier for demons to get in here, and even get amplified."

  The Word Bearers leader's tone was uncontrollably excited.

   Once the plan is successful, the benefits it brings are unimaginable.

  The vigilant star becomes a super-large subspace amplifier, not only will the demon not be expelled by the power of reality, but it will also be strengthened.

  At that time, Terra's Nachmond corridor leading to the dark side of the empire will be completely cut off.

   even formed a huge overlapping area filled with etheric power.

   "Very good." Abaddon smiled. He had fought against the Empire for ten thousand years, and now, he finally saw the dawn of victory.

   The rise of Chaos is as unstoppable as the new rising sun.

  The fall of the empire is like a rotten tree that will surely fall apart.

"According to the plan, lay all the black stone magic crowns, and launch the last ritual." Abaddon said, "Of course, we must also put some pressure on the followers of the corpse emperor, so that they will be busy and will not stop us The plan. Those fools have gathered in the Great North City, which is a forge world, and the Mechanicus has turned it into a fortress, like a turtle shell."

"Let the legions of the Deathskull Titans come, those titans more thirsty for slaughter and destruction, and let this planet be drenched in blood and this world in flames. When Calgar arrives, all he will see are ruins and die."

   Abaddon turned to look at his servant, and issued the order of destruction.

   "Understood, my lord." The servant on the side said devoutly.

  At this time, a soldier from the Black Legion walked in from the outside.

   "My lord, the Lucian family requests to see you."

   "The Lucian family?" Abaddon looked confused.

   "It is the governor of this planet, and it was his betrayal that allowed us to so easily injure the followers of the corpse emperor."

  Hearing what the servant said, Abaddon stared at the Claw of Horus in his hand, and nodded.

   "Then let him in."

   "Yes, my lord."

  A moment later, Lucian XII walked behind Abaddon with many senior officials and generals who defected to Chaos with him.

   Close contact with the big predators made them a little scared, and they trembled slightly when they stood there.

  Some noble ladies have to support the male companion next to them to stand firm.

   "Great Marauder, thank you for saving Vigilante from the corpse emperor's dictatorship." Lucian XII saluted in front of Abaddon respectfully, with a flattering tone, hoping to win the favor of the warmaster.

   "You performed very well." Abaddon examined Lucian XII with playful eyes, full of disdain in his heart.

  A selfish and stupid guy.

"This is as it should be. The empire has been corrupted beyond belief, and it is the general trend to surrender to Chaos." Lucian XII said, "When Guilliman abolished the High Lords Council, he declared that only the Chapter Master of the mother regiment can serve When the empire was regent, the empire was already coming to an end. He allowed a group of people with only brains to rule the empire, and abolished the power of the elite for the sake of those **** pariahs. What a stupid and short-sighted decision. "

   "Aren't you saying the Empire should not be ruled by those Chapter Masters?" Abaddon frowned slightly.

"Of course not. Those guys may know **** the enemy, but they absolutely don't know how to manage a country well. This is the responsibility of our elites, and it is also our ability, and it is also a symbol of our superiority over those pariahs. Great Predator, as long as you raise your arms, countless families will surely respond, overthrow the empire, and elect you as the new master of the galaxy."

   Lucian XII kept flattering Abaddon, bowing and humbly, trying to please him.

   "Hang this fat pig on the city wall." Abaddon said, "Let those wizards find a way to torture him to their heart's content, so that his screams can resound throughout Port Saints."

   Lucian XII, with a smile on his face, suddenly lost his legs, not knowing where he had offended the moody Chaos Warmaster.

  He knelt on the ground and cried, hoping to get forgiveness from the other party with his miserable appearance.

  But this kind of behavior made the disgust on Abaddon's face even stronger.

  He hates cowards.

   "My lord, I am loyal to you. My lord, you promised me to continue to rule Vigilus at the beginning. You are crossing the river and tearing down bridges. You can't do this."

"A stupid pig like you really disgusts me. Warriors are the best people to rule the galaxy. They fought **** battles, and when they were rewarded for their merits, they didn't have their names. This is betrayal and hypocrisy. Throw him Go out, hang on the wall, and keep his position, let him continue to rule Vigilante." Abaddon's tone was fierce, full of disgust and hatred, "A group of pigs are also qualified to call themselves elite? Without those soldiers who fought **** battles, you just It's just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, who gave you the self-confidence."

  In the beginning, Horus was dissatisfied with the Emperor because the Council of Terra excluded the Brothers Astartes.

   They conquered the galaxy, but handed it over to a group of bureaucrats to rule and be restrained by the other party.

  The Black Legion has always been the leader who is strong.

  Luxian XII's remarks are undoubtedly advocating elitism, thinking that elites like him should rule over those who fought bravely and those who were untouchables.

  A fool like this doesn't know his own position at all.

   Abaddon has no mercy, he will be tortured and then die, and his soul will become the plaything of warp demons.

   Of course, he will not break his promise.

   Lucian XII is still the ruler of Vigilus.

   Abaddon only recognized him as the ruler, and did not promise him that he could continue to enjoy in the mansion.

  Who said that the ruler should sit in the mansion and enjoy life.

  Will the identity of the ruler change due to the different environments?

   No, sitting in the mansion and hanging on the city wall, Lucian XII is the ruler.

   "No!" Lucian XII yelled in horror, "You can't treat me like this. They are all my most loyal subordinates. If you kill me, they will rebel immediately."

  As soon as these words came out, a large group of officials, ladies and generals behind Lucian XII knelt down.

   "No, my lord, we have nothing to do with him."

   "Yeah, it doesn't matter."

   "Don't listen to his slander."

   "We want to follow Lord Abaddon devoutly, not because of him."

  Many officials and dignitaries opened their mouths one after another, put aside all responsibilities, and swore allegiance to Abaddon.

  Go into the water by yourself, but also pull others into the water.

   Didn't you see that all the soldiers standing next to you are Black Legion soldiers! 1

  The chainsaw sword and bolt gun in the hands of others are decorations!

  For you, rebelling against the Warmaster of Chaos to his face? ?

  What kind of dream are you doing in broad daylight!

   Lucian XII's face turned pale with fright, and the group of people who usually claim to be the most loyal also swore to have nothing to do with him.

  Just for a while, he betrayed everyone.

   Abaddon looked mockingly at the kneeling Lucian XII, "It seems that no one surrendered because of you, pull it down, such a fat pig makes people feel disgusting just by looking at it."

   "No! You can't do this!" Lucian XII screamed, his fat body crawling over like a worm, wanting to kneel in front of Abaddon to ask for forgiveness.

   But he was directly dragged away by the soldiers of the Black Legion.

  The air still resounded with his howling.

"Do not."

   "I am faithful, my lord."

   "Astarte monks are the best candidates to rule the galaxy. I was wrong, my lord."

   "Please, let me go, my lord, I really know I was wrong."

  Abadon was indifferent to Lucian XII's entreaties, and looked at those nobles and dignitaries.

   "Don't think that I still support you waste like the empire. The Black Legion does not raise waste. There is only one end for the incompetent, and that is to die or become slaves and cannon fodder."

  Many dignitaries knelt on the ground, not daring to say a word.

  If the envoys of the empire said these words, they would definitely be scolded to death by them.

   It's a pity that the one in front of them is Abaddon.

  The empire may take into account the influence and will not do anything to them.

  But Abaddon is different. As the Chaos Warmaster, he doesn't need to worry about any influence at all.

  The subspace only talks about one truth, and that is the fist.

  For rebels, the crueler they are, the more respected they are.

   A merciful man is only looked down upon by other fighters.

  In the void, both sides have a steady stream of reinforcements coming, and a large piece of metal wreckage is scattered in the void field of Vigilus, all of which are ships that exploded in the battle.

   After hitting the name, the Mechanic Bishop of the Dark Mechanic Cult discovered something was wrong.

  The warships of the empire are flexible, powerful, and far superior in performance to previous warships.

   More importantly, parts can be exchanged for each other if they are broken.

  They watched with their own eyes the abandoned ships of the loyalists of the empire dragged back, dismantled the parts for use, and restored the disabled ships.

   Sometimes, they even give up repairing the damaged ships, take them apart, and put the parts on other ships.

  The Loyalist's coquettish operation made many members of the Dark Mechanicus unable to react.

   What about the belief in Mars?

  What about the theory of the sacred machine soul?

  Is it really good to throw everything clean!

  The firepower of the empire is gradually increasing, but Chaos still has a numerical advantage.

  Many of the heretic Astartes who once rebelled against the empire were conquered by Abaddon the Marauder over a long period of 10,000 years.

  For this reason, the strength of the Black Legion cannot be underestimated.

  Thousand Sons Warriors and Word Bearers Warriors are the best among the Black Legion in using warp power.

  They can use sacrifices to create one storm after another, making it difficult for the Imperial fleet, which relies heavily on warp space, to support those planets that need to be supported.

   Calgar, who was ordered to go to Vigilus for support, encountered this kind of problem.

  His fleet is very powerful, equipped with a lighthouse system, and a celestial-class battleship, the Punishment Colossus, so you don't have to worry about getting lost when you are far away from the Emperor's Star Torch.

   But the biggest problem now is that he can't find the warning star.

  The storm covered the location of the Vigilante, so the navigator couldn't see it, and the astropaths couldn't receive any information from the Vigilante.

   Clearly, the Chaos Traitors have another way to thwart them.

   "Can you force a breakthrough??" Calgar looked at the holographic screen in his hand, and looked at his chief psychic consultant.

"It's hard to do, my lord. We don't have the exact coordinates of the Vigilante. At this time, we are looking for an unmarked island in a stormy night. This island has no sound or light, and we cannot see it. "

  The chief spiritual think tank shook his head.

   "Damn, what should we do now?" Calgar was a little annoyed, he underestimated the abilities of those traitors.

  The Imperium of Man is too dependent on the uncontrolled Warp.

  This mysterious realm is in the hands of the enemy, who can cut off the loyalist's route at will, and can also block the destination they need to go.

   "There is no good way, we can only find it slowly, my lord." The chief spiritual intelligence think tank said, "Just like we used to, slowly find out the coordinates of the planet, and then jump into it."

   "I hate this waiting. Those enemies must know our arrival. This kind of delay is too deadly for war."

   Calgar paced back and forth, if the Primarch was here, there must be a solution.

  The Primarch has never been troubled by anything.

  Calgar felt a little frustrated, he thought he could perform well on Vigilus, and consolidate his image as Chapter Leader.

   Let the Primarch know that he is a loyal son of extraordinary ability.

   But now, he was blocked from the Vigilante, and he could do nothing but be impotent and furious.

   "My lord, we have detected a psychic signal." The intelligence director's voice sounded.

   "Whose?" Calgar asked.

   "I don't know, the database shows that there is an 80% probability that it belongs to the Spirit Race."

   Calgar frowned, "Come in."


  A flickering image appeared in the hall.

  The image of the Eldar in armor appeared in front of everyone.

  The other party is obviously some kind of communication using psionic energy.

   "Lord of Ultramar, Calgar," said the Eldar.

   "Who are you?" Calgar asked.

   "I am the prophet of Sam's Ark World, Anvil."

   "Anvil, what do you want?" Calgar looked at the Eldar in front of him.

  After the Battle of Ultramar, his view of the Eldar changed greatly, and the Primarch acquiesced that the Ark Eldar and Harlequin Eldar were allies of mankind. For this reason, Calgar's tone was still polite.

  If it was other aliens, Calgar would just shoot them there.

   Talking about aliens is disloyal to the Emperor.

   "The big predators have arrived, and their plans have reached the last juncture. If you don't act as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous." Anville said, "The situation has reached the most critical moment."

   "We are lost, Anvier, Vigilus is covered by warp storms, and our navigators cannot see it."

   Calgar's tone was a little frustrated.

   Obviously, it is very difficult to admit one's incompetence in front of an alien.

  Even if the Eldar are their allies.

"We will help you, and I will gather other spirit races to perform the ceremony together and turn on the psychic beacon for you." Anville said, "Let your subordinates pay attention, I don't have many people, and the psychic beacon can only Open it once. If you miss it, you will fail your genetic father."

   "I understand." Calgar.

  Anvil nodded, and his psionic image disappeared.

   This is a technique to free the soul to roam in the warp, and it is very dangerous.

  Only a race like the Eldar who is good at this method can use this method with ease.

  The former ruler is hung on the city wall, and the winged demons are torturing him with unimaginable means.

   This is destined to be a long torture process.

  Those demons hurt Lucian XII, and healed him with witchcraft, and the cycle repeated, making him suffer until his soul was broken.

   This is the favorite method of demons, and the souls that fall into their hands are tortured in this way.

  The screams of the former ruler resounded through the communicator in this saint port city.

  Even Port Saints is no exception.

  Saint Port is the largest airport on Vigilus, and it is also the origin of the city name Saint Port City.

  The Iron Warriors took control of the port, sending down troops from the void in a steady stream, preparing to completely wipe out Jubei City.

  Each ship lands in a precise pattern on a port, unloads its cargo, and takes off in a carefully choreographed sequence.

  The Iron Warriors know a lot about this.

  They inherited the advantages of their genetic father - Perturabo.

  The Iron Warriors have talents in siege and logistics that other legions do not have.

  They are more precise and efficient than machines.

  The gates of the spaceport are in order at this time, and the troops that have surrendered to the Great Looter are passing through the gates, and are then deployed to various areas.

  All kinds of vehicles sailed out from the huge transport ships of countless transport ships, and the endless rumble echoed in the airport.

   And those huge titans, also transported to the surface.

  In the name of Abaddon, the titans strode from the skyport.

  Each step made a terrible roar, shaking the fragile shell of the planet.

  Most of the war machines are more than twenty meters high.

  It is different from the decoration of the imperial honor and prayer flags.

  The Titans of the Dead Skull Legion generally use human skin and skull devices.

   Some corpses are hung from spikes, screaming as they go, just to please the crazy drivers.

  Titans, Knights, Dark Mechanicum, Chaos Army, Demon Army, Heretic Astartes, and the enslaved civilians are all integrated together.

  The scale and speed with which this operation was carried out would put the experts in Imperial logistics to shame.

  If it weren't for the Iron Warriors standing on the opposite side of the empire, I'm afraid they would have willingly kowtowed in front of each other and begged them to teach these logistics skills.

   Abaddon showed a satisfied look.

  Steel Warrior is indeed one of the best. Even he can hardly arrange large-scale logistics supply work so concisely and efficiently.

  Wait until the sizable forces are sent down and assembled where they should be.

  When the Dead Skull Titan Legion and the traitorous knight family are also ready.

   Abaddon pulled out the magic sword Drachanion, swung the sword, and issued an order to the entire army, "Let's go, target Jubei City. Kill all the followers of the corpse emperor."

  After the army set off, the Word Bearers troops broke away from the team, drove a large number of civilians, and continued to complete the task assigned by Abaddon.

   After the laying of the Blackstone Demon Crown is completed, a large-scale sacrifice will be carried out to completely reverse the anti-subspace force field formed by the Vigilante and Chidixing.

  Once the plan is completed, Terra's path to the dark side of the empire will be cut off.

   At that time, the empire will be completely over.

   Abaddon could already imagine Guilliman crying like a fart at the impassable chasm.