
13) World Building part 6

Chapter 13 World Building part 6

Oscar's eyes went wide when the MagalaN introduced them to the Demon Princes. He felt the cold going all over his body. He looked at Michael who went pale as white like his blood has been drained out of his body.

"You can't do this!" he blurted out" "This will start an all out war!" He continued in panic."

"The Alliance will declare war with you if you try to summon her!" Sputtered by Michael who just remembered to breathe.

The MagalaN cut them off coldly, "You are here to advise and not to declare the obvious. I told you before that I expect them to wage war on me. When they do, I will crush them. Many will perish and some of them do not deserve to die. You are here to represent those who deserve to live. So advise."

Oscar's mind is floating from the revelation.

"Then I advise you not to summon her to avoid war." He heard Michael blurt out.

"War is upon you wether you like it or not!" The MagalaN interjected then laughed as if he just said something funny only he understood.

Is he toying with us? Oscar asked himself horrified. It seems like he is expecting this outburst and enjoying it. He looked at the Demon Princes who is smiling affectionately at the MagalaN.

"Dark Lord, may I ask the Demon Princes why she wanted to enter our Realm and her intentions?"

"You can't be considering this Oscar." Michael pleaded.

"The Dark Lord has already made up his mind about this. He does not need our advice on this topic. He is just letting us know of his plan." He answered back to the Human.

"Princess Victoria, may I ask your intentions why do you want to enter our Realm and what would you do afterwards?"

The Princess looked at him and raised her right eyebrow looking like she doesn't appreciate being asked by anyone other than her equals. The Dark Lord reach out and held her right hand gently, and she smiled again to him. "I intend to be with my future husband, to follow him and to attend his will."

"Do you intend to bring your Horde upon us once more like the stories of old?" He asked further trying to read the Princess' reaction.

"I follow the Dark Lord's command. When I bare them down to your armies, it shall be from my Dark Lord's order. Pray that day never comes." She declaimed this like a foretelling.

He pondered from those words for a long time. The throne room was blanketed in silence. And then he stood up and faced the MagalaN. "I congratulate you Dark Lord for your betrothal. I advise that you do this secretly and as far away as possible from the Realms of the Light Races."

Merlin surveyed the towering cliffs before him as the Ship Swifter approach the continent of the Untamed Realm.

"I will be a knight like you one day." a small voice said next to him.

He looked down and saw a young Elf girl looking up at him.

"Hi there young one, I'm pretty sure that you will become a strong Elven Knight one day. Your parents will be very proud."

The young Elf smiled at him, "Thank you Master Merlin, I will make them proud." She said holding back her tears. She bowed her head and briskly walk to the cabins.

I later learned that day from Captain Ellis that her name is Maia. She's an orphan, both her parents where Elven Knights who perished from a skirmish with the Orcs at the Gallan Wall. She is heading to the fortress to train.

I landed on the shores of the western part of the Dark Realm continent north of the Elven Realm. I traveled on top of a Minion that took on the shape of a large fish and swam across the surface of the Rapid Sea. I have sundered myself with five percent of my power and brought a total of twenty minions with me. I chose not to fly to avoid being seen by anyone.

The only natural source of light in this place came from the nine moons and stars floating in the sky. The Dark Realm is the home of the dark races where my power have the strongest dominion. This is where I shall harvest the souls I needed to become a Deamune Lord and summon my Princess.

Salem looks more like a garrison. A twenty feet outer wall made of stone encircled the town with towers on top of it. A second wall thirty five feet high encircles the inner town that leads to a secured port. I was allowed access to the highest walled tower to get a glimpse of the Gallan Wall north of us. Standing on top of the wall I saw the Gallan Wall that stretched from the north of the town and to the far eastern horizon. I saw smokes rising from the first Fortress North of us. I looked back to the great port in the west of the town to see several sheep's arriving and docking. A stream of armies from different races are marching out of the ships from the pier and out of the town moving east ward. Only Elves are marching towards the first Fortress. I learned that the first ten fortresses of the Gallan Wall is the responsibility of the Elven Realm while the Light Races Alliance defends the rest of the Gallan Wall except the last ten fortress which is handled by the Kingdom of Rosun.

"Master Merlin, Captain Ellis asked me to come here and tell you that we are now ready to march towards the first Fortress." Maia spoke behind me.

"Thank you young Maia, we shall not make them wait then." I answered as we climbed down the wall to join Captain Ellis and his team.

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