
War of Hathor

Adel Orson is a former Marine and single father. One day he gets a call from his son, who tells him an active shooter is on campus. Adel grabs his pistol and races to protect his son. While stopping the school shooter Adel is killed in the crossfire. He then wakes up in a small room. It turns out to be an inn and he is no longer a middle-aged man but a young man. His new name is Matthew Tequiti a demihuman who happens to be the protagonist in an RPG his son liked.

Deled · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Arrival and Loose Ends

"It just doesn't make sense…" Beth said with a vacant stare.

After the meeting with the council, the champion party found themselves in Emily's suite to discuss the meeting. Beth was already reconciling with her future without him, her only wish was that Matt would be happy and healthy, but now her dream vanished. He was the most wanted man in her nation.

"On top of that, you guys think that little guy is obsessed with power?" Ava asked.

"Clarify Ava…" Calen requested.

"Well, he was the weakest of us all and even if three of us ganged up on Raging Ross with our current strength, I could maybe see us coming to a draw. Was Matt so hungry for power he sold his soul for the strength that could overcome his father and the elite warriors of his tribe?"

"Tch, I hate to admit it but it's true my mercenary company once worked with that monster, his strength and mana are no joke. It has to do with that ritual whatever it was." Kyle reminisced.

"The Rewera or perhaps the Fox tribe is behind this! Matt would never commit these atrocities willingly, he is … the man I love and care for could not do this!" Emily screamed.

After she vented her anger, a small whisper came from Beth. At the same time extreme bloodlust came from her "what… do …you …mean."

Emily's face turned bright red as she sat down,

"I had sent a letter to my father 3 months ago after I understood my feelings for him. I requested to be made an independent Knight not a knight of the Astley's, so I may propose my service to Matt after this forsaken war."

Emily had a look no one had seen before, the longing in her voice made her seem fragile and her eyes stared at a distant dream as she looked like a maiden in love and not the fearless leader they had come to know.

"YOU CAN'T!" Beth stood up.

Emily snapped out of her daydream and glared at the bewildered woman.

"I already received the approval to be an independent knight, I don't need your permission, but it seems as though I can no longer be of help to him. Regardless of my intention."

Emily bit her lip and clenched her fist in vexation. Small drops of blood dripped from her hand.

"Sorry to interrupt your petty drama Lady Emily and Beth but I agree with Kyle and Ava, if Matt truly has this power, it means he is stronger than us. Not to mention having a fox tribe ally, if the rumors are true, we are dealing with an indomitable force and a master at espionage. I suggest we train and prepare to fight Matt to the death should we meet again."

They looked at the pictures on the table, a handsome Man with tribal tattoos accentuating his toned muscles and long unmanaged hair. He had a passing resemblance to the young man they knew, and it made them feel uncomfortable not understanding truly what all occurred since they separated. Next, they saw the fox tribe woman's depiction.

Kyle licked his lips "yea, Calen is right we need to be prepared for that eventuality. I kinda understand Matt though, this kind of beauty is the kind that leads to issues. It reminds me of those legends of old before the empire known as the Heilig Kingdom when people would take over kingdoms just to win the heart of a maiden."

His tone then turned deadly "Afterall… he killed his own father and lacerated his second in command in the same room. Do you think you could allow yourself the privilege of emotions? It will lead to a mistake. It is the same as killing one of us… make no mistake, put your emotions aside. He is truly our enemy until proven otherwise."

Beth and Emily scowled as they all sat in silence wondering what to do next.

Months before, Matt had sweat all over his face, in contrast Ayaka was only half as fatigued. He rushed in with a few quick punches and elbow strikes before throwing a knee. Ayaka dodged his hits and limberly executed a few backflips to move away from his knee.

"Close nya " she said as she cutely stuck out her tongue.

She then came in and punched, Matt dodged but then she changed her fist to a palm and grabbed his arm. Her body twisted and contorted in the air as her legs wrapped around his head and she used her momentum to try and wrestle him to the ground. Matt was waiting for her grapple, she was unable to throw Matt, now she strengthened her thighs as she tried to make Matt tap out where he stood. He grabbed her thighs and lightly opened them as he countered her grapple with his own. He was now on top of her holding her in a rear choke hold. He pinned her to the ground as she struggled but ultimately, she tapped out.

She gasped as she caught her breath, "jeez I still can't beat you hand to hand. I feel physically I have the advantage."

She rubbed her neck as she pouted, "don't feel bad, technique and form are my specialty. While I am not the most capable sort when it comes to power, and speed like you, it takes more than raw potential to best an opponent in battle."

He paused as he drank water, the fatigue clear in his movements "I suggest you take me up on me teaching you how to better enhance your body with mana."

"I'll think about it, but I mainly use my mana when I use my forging techniques. I reinforce my body on a novice level, but I am just used to enchanting myself with attack magic rather than defensive."

"Well, let's wipe down and then get going for today."

Ayaka nodded and used mana to create a large water ball to fill a bucket with water. They wiped off the sweat, whenever Matt wiped down his body, he was ignorant of the gaze she sent toward him. During their short journey, she learned just how genuine, funny, and creative Matt was. When at home plenty of men her age approached her, they flexed their muscles, talked about their training as spies or assassins, or just outright sexually harassed her. Those men that dared to touch her however would visit the local healer to fix their broken fingers. She found her fondness for Matt turning into more than just a dedication to a savior and more an affection for someone close to her. For the first time in her life, her heart yearned for a man.

"Ready?" Matt asked as he finished packing things up.

"Mhmm" she said as she walked up next to him. A few more days of training and walking and they will reach their destination.

Ayaka was leading the way as they entered a cave. It was cool and damp, it would normally be a regular cave but Matt's instincts were yelling at him. Matt felt a change in the air and heard Ayaka scream.

"WAIT!" Matt defended himself with his sword as stars and sharp throwing knives were hurled at him. A few got by his defenses as he kneeled in pain. Matt defended himself a few more times but it seemed the knives were laced with a numbing toxin as he lost sensation in his limbs. Then he felt a strike on the back of his neck and he fell forward. The last thing he saw was a man holding Ayaka back as she yelled toward him. "He… ith…e…leav…im…one!" her words faded in and out until there was nothing but darkness.

Matt woke up on a mattress on the floor, paper-like walls surrounded him, woven straw matts made up the flooring. He wore a bathrobe-like garment, but it was silky smooth. Underneath he was completely naked, a part of him felt violated. He looked over and saw Ayaka in similar attire except her clothes were more feminine with a large, decorated band around her waist. She was on her knees as she slept on top of a low table near his bed. Just then the door opened and a woman who looked like Ayaka entered. She too wore similar clothing, she had no features that told her age, and she was just as beautiful as Ayaka but had an air of maturity. She was holding a tray with a pot and small bowls.

"Ara, she fell asleep and was unable to welcome you when you awoke." She approached the table and put down the tray and walked over to Ayaka.

She caressed her head before taking out a folded fan and slapped the back of her head with it

"Itai! Mou MAMA, don't hit me awake."

Ayaka pouted, a small vein was visible on the divine woman's forehead "Says this ungrateful woman that didn't even stay awake to help explain the situation to our guest."

She gestured toward me and Ayaka's eyes grew wide, "Matt! You're up!" She went over and hugged him, it seems she only had the robe on as well as her soft mounds squished his head between them and the sweet scent of a woman flooded his senses. Matt slowly pushes her off him and looked at her

"Ayaka, please explain the situation, like your sister said I want to know what is going on."

"Ooh" the woman covered her flushed cheeks " I am afraid I am not her nee-san but her oka-san"

"oka-san…?" Matt wondered where he heard that before and thought of the games and shows his son watched.

"Mother? nonsense" Matt said.

Ayaka pouted "Mou… stop hitting on my mother and pay attention to me so I can explain."

Matt was dumbfounded but it seems this really was her mother, she giggled as she looked at her daughter lovingly.

"It seems the tribe was worried of my disappearance. They sent scouts to the forest and found a few cave bases with demihuman girls in them, some as young as 12 years old,"

She clenched her fists "but no sign of me. When I led you through the cave to get to the city, there were guards waiting in ambush should the bandit group find the entrance. They assumed you were forcing me to show you the way in. Hmmmph it's not like I would ever do so, I would rather die."

Matt nodded "I see, well what's done is done, I don't think anything is wrong with me but what happened to my clothes?"

"I bathed and clothed you after we healed you, you are in our guest room."

"I am sorry, you what?"

"I bathed and clothed you, like you said before being bare ass naked does not do much to build trust."

Matt sighed " you forgot that I only lightly draped you in a garb, but I see. Thank you for your help, so does your mother have a name?"

The woman got on her knees "I am Kenji Yuki, thank you for saving my daughter, Kenji Ayaka."

She then proceeds to bow so deep her hand folded in front while her forehead touched the bottom of the floor. Seeing this Ayaka also bowed in a similar fashion.

"I am sorry my people treated my friend and savior so poorly."

Matt smiled at the genuine apology, before he realized he was caressing Ayaka's head and rubbing her ear.

"It's no problem, I am glad you are home, and it has been my pleasure to meet you."

It was the display of physical affection he showed her on her trip when she seemed concerned or stressed. She liked his gentle touch and hid her grinning mouth with the collar of her bathrobe while her cheeks turned pink. Adel lived years without developing feelings, he was hurt from his divorce but as Matt he found himself falling for this fox eared beauty.

"Ara, perhaps instead of Kenji-San you can just call me Okaa san." Matt looked over at the smiling woman.

"Mou Kaasaa! You said your gratitude, don't make things complicated."

"Well joking aside Matt-kun, Ayaka told me you refused her duty of service in exchange for a friendship. In the history of our tribe as far as we know, no one has refused this bond of slavery."

"Think nothing of it, I despise slavery, I am not trying to offend your customs, but this is a personal edict of mine. Ayaka understands and I hope you do as well."

"No worries I will not be enforcing her on you as a slave but before you can take responsibility for her I request she complete her blacksmith training."

He shook his head "Ayaka is my friend, she doesn't need my approval to continue her training. I can head out to my village by to…"

"YADA!" Ayaka yelled as she pulled in his ear "listen here my little cub you will not be leaving on your adventure without me!"

Matt sighed "Where are my cigarettes? Also, how long will this take I really do need to report to my father."

"Ooh it seems my daughter has been lucky enough to be friends with royalty."

"What do you mean mama?"

"Honestly, you are immersed in combat and weapons. You need to study etiquette and world studies as well."

Ayaka closed one eye, stuck her tongue out and used her fist to knock on her head "Tee Hee"

"Don't 'Tee Hee' me young lady!" She shook her head "Matt is most likely short for Mathew the son of the Panther chieftain, one of their champions, and heir of the tribe's founding legacy."

Matt felt conflicted because while she was right he had Adel's mentality, he nodded at her words. "You are mostly correct but long story short I am no champion." Matt pulled his bathrobe and exposed his chest where his crest should be.

Yuki had a serious expression as she listened to Matt's story.

"I see, but seeing that you are no champion and don't have any urgent matters after you see your father why not wait here while Ayaka finishes her blacksmith training? It will only take a month or so now."

Seeing no harm in being surrounded by beautiful women while he relaxes, he nodded and Ayaka hugged him again and roughly wiggled his head around exposing her cherry nipple. Before Matt could react, Yuki slapped her on the head again. He laughed at their demonstration of closeness and goofy behavior. His genuine laugh and smile mesmerized Ayaka as her face turned red at her blunder.

Yuki had left and the duo was drinking the tea she brought in while they discussed the month ahead.

"So basically, the end of my training is for me to master craft a sword to be used by the next leader of the Night Stalkers. It will be held in their vault until the new leader is appointed. This custom started when my great grandmother made a sword for the then leader and boyfriend. My past grandmother and grandfather then made it tradition for a master blacksmith in our family to end their training by creating a sword for the clan. We also study the art of Tenshin Shoden like all the others in our tribe, a martial art that incorporates fighting styles with katanas, spears, staffs, halberds and jujitsu. I still need to complete my martial arts training via demonstration."

Matt: "Ok so will you have your demonstration after you make the sword?" She nodded.

'so it seems the Fox tribe is closely related to Japanese culture, I guess someone may have influenced this tribe before. It looks like I am wearing, what did Jack call them, yokatas? Similarly, my tribe has names that are associated with central Native Americans like the otomi or aztecs, private Negrette would go on and on about his warrior ancestors back in the day. Even the runes on my sword seem like Aztec characters.'

"Matt do you know about Katanas? It's relatively rare to see one outside of the tribe, in fact most people call them curved swords."

Matt clears his throat "yes I have seen a few in my lifetime so I vaguely know of them but not much at all. On another note, what should I do while I wait for you to complete your sword?"

"About that…" she nervously scratched her neck

"the Night Stalkers would like to have a sparring match with you while you are here. I didn't know until just now but knowing their worldly knowledge they probably know your status and want to spar with you."

Matt pulled out a cigarette and started smoking "well I will never say no to some PT."

"PT?" she cocked her head in confusion. "It means physical training."

"Ooh, so you are ok with it?"

He looked at her excited eyes and smiled as he released the smoke in his lungs "yea I have no reason to refuse and it would be great to ask them about the movements of the Rewera Alliance."

"Great! You are going to love my uncle! He's a big ol kitten" Matt was sure this was not the case but nodded along as his curiosity grew.

Matt was currently shirtless meditating in a training hall as he maneuvers his mana through his body. He has never had the attribute for wizardry but he may be able to enchant things like Kyle. He learned about it from Ayaka, when she forged she enchants her hammer with fire to keep metal from cooling as she shapes and refines them. She can also control the temperature in her tempering oven, creating water from the air, and her methods of using of mana could be very useful to learn. Sadly Matt was learning he was definitely more of a melee build where in the game he was an open canvas.

He stopped meditating when he felt the presence of a half dozen people entering the training hall.

"You must be Matthew?" A Fox-tribe member who was 6' asked as he walked in.

He had a clean shaved face and his sides were shaved leaving a short ponytail on the top of his head. He bowed " I am Sato Hiroshi, the current leader of the night stalkers please call me Sato."

Matt gave a small bow in return "it is a pleasure to meet you Sato, I am Matthew Tequiti, call me Matt. I am aware you all would like to spar with me. I am not sure how extensive your information network is but you should know I am the weakest of my party and no longer a champion."

"We heard from those who apprehended you that you had no crest but confirmed, told by Ayaka. Either way, we thank you for saving Ayaka, this sparing session is more of us getting to know each other if anything. We are all specialists in our own preferred combat and would like you to experience fighting people with unique styles. It's also rare for us to engage in long term battle. Our real specialty is assassinations after all. This will be a welcome change."

Matt was concerned with the group that walked in. This was more like a group of uncles that wanted to test their princess' new guard. This will be training from hell, "By the way are you Ayaka's uncle?"

"Ah, the rascal, she calls me that but I was her father's best friend. I helped raise her and taught her some fighting techniques. She is like a daughter to my wife and I."

"Understood, also I was curious if you all could provide me with information you se…" bloodlust and mana filled the room and every soldier looked at Matt as an enemy. It was hard to breathe as cold sweat formed on his head. Then it all went away, Matt gasped as he fell on the floor breathing.

"Matt! We are terribly sorry!" Sato went to his side to support him "You see as dedicated spies and assassins there is no phrase, we hate more than those asking us for information."

Matt calmed his breathing "That makes sense, but I was not expecting that much bloodlust and release of mana is all."

Sato awkwardly looked at Matt "Well the plan is to go one-on-one but I will say one thing."

A stern expression on his face "No offense but many of us here can fight your father Raging Ross… in theory, we have no need to kill him I assure you. We are the top warriors of our village minus one that is currently out on a long-term mission. While there are more of us we all care deeply for Ayaka, she is basically the idol of the tribe and we want to help her partner grow stronger."

Matt looked at the men around him and noticed they all awkwardly looked away while Sato had a big goofy grin found on Fathers. "It looks like she wasn't lying when she said he was a big kitten."