
War Lord's Apocalyptic System

Arthur, the most terrifying warlord in the world, has reincarnated into an apocalyptic world. His pursuit of power made him the richest and most powerful man on earth. But all that power and riches couldn't save Arthur from dying of a terrible disease. When Arthur thought he was going to hell for sure, he met the god. God gave him two choices: to pay for all the sins he committed in the eternal pit of deep hell or reborn into a world destroyed by magic and overran by all kinds of monsters and rebuild it. Should he choose to accept to be reborn, God agreed to give him only one thing except immortality. Obviously, our hero(villain) chose to be reborn and tricked the god by asking for a System that would help him reach immortality. Join Arthur’s journey of redeeming himself and rebuilding the world that is destroyed while uncovering the mysteries behind the apocalypse. What to expect from this book? 1. Competent MC who is not a beta 2. Harem done right - a harem not done right can be frustrating to read, but when it is done right, it can be so refreshing 3. Kingdom building - Who doesn't like kingdom building? 4. Action - Both killing and action with our gorgeous sexy Female leads (yes, that action) 5. MILFs!!! What not to expect from this book? 1. Rushed Plots 2. Logic less Face slapping ( Of course we have face slapping but characters will have human level IQ) 3. Mild gore and less blood ( This book is r18 which contains extreme violence and explicit sex scenes)

don_offl · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

New Power And New Destination

Arthur, still savoring the taste of the roasted rabbit meat, abruptly placed it on the ground as the new notification caught his attention. His focus shifted entirely to the floating golden letters announcing his first achievement in this ruthless world.

A mix of surprise and curiosity flickered across Arthur's face. He had been so consumed by his immediate survival needs that the prospect of gaining new powers hadn't fully registered until now.

As he pondered over this unexpected turn of events, his status window reappeared before him. The window, a testament to his new life and challenges, showed his current status in this unforgiving world.

Name: Arthur

Age: 21

Status: Slowly Recovering

Rank: None

Powers: None

Settlement Rank: Unranked

Subordinates: None

Soul Points: 300

Current Objective: Survive and rebuild the shattered world

System Rank: One

Arthur's eyes narrowed on the "Soul Points" section. The system had awarded him 100 Soul Points for each scavenger he had killed, totaling 300 Soul Points. Though new and unfamiliar, this currency was a resource he knew he must learn to exploit.

"What are these powers, and how do I access them?" Arthur muttered under his breath, his mind racing with possibilities. He had always been a strategist, a planner. The idea of gaining supernatural abilities or tools he could use to manipulate his new world was an enticing one.

"System, show me the powers I can obtain," Arthur commanded, hoping for a response.

To his relief, the system reacted. A new window materialized in front of him, shimmering with the same golden light as the others. This window was different, however. It was filled with a list of powers he could potentially unlock or purchase using his newly acquired Soul Points.

Arthur's gaze was immediately drawn to the new window, glowing with the golden light that had become a hallmark of his interactions with the system. This window was distinct, not just in its content but also in the promise it held. It displayed a list of powers, each a potential game-changer in his quest to survive and rebuild this world.

Soon, he looked at the first power that caught his eye.

[Rage - A short outburst in strength and speed for a short amount of time. The duration can be increased with upgrades]. 

Arthur's lips curled into a slight smile. "Rage, huh? Sounds like it could come in handy in a tight spot," he thought, imagining the boost in physical prowess it could grant him.

He then shifted his attention to the next power as Arthur's brow furrowed slightly.

 [Minor healing - A minor amount of healing. New variants must be bought from the system. Cannot be upgraded]

"Healing could be vital, especially given the state I'm in now. But its limitations... That's something to consider," he mused, weighing the immediate benefits against the long-term utility.

Lastly, his eyes landed on the final power in the list.

[Scavenging Eyes - Passive ability that lets the user learn about the organic lives in this world and their properties. Can be upgraded to learn about more lives and Inorganic things]. 

"Now, this is intriguing. Knowledge is power, after all. Understanding this world and its inhabitants could be the key to mastering it," Arthur's interest peaked looking at the power. He could already envision the strategic advantage such knowledge could provide.

Then, Arthur took a deep breath, his mind racing with the potential of each power. 

"Each of these has its merits. Rage for combat, healing for survival, and Scavenging Eyes for knowledge. But which should I choose first?" he pondered aloud, weighing the immediate need against the strategic benefits in the long run.

He glanced back at the roasted rabbit, reminding himself of the immediate demands of survival. His current predicament and the threats he'd already faced highlighted the urgency of enhancing his capabilities.

"Since I can have only one power for free, I need to be careful and considerate…hmm, which one should I choose?" Arthur pondered, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he evaluated his options.

His eyes lingered on the [Rage] power. "While this surge of strength and speed is tempting," he said to himself, "I already possess the knowledge and skills from my previous life. Those should suffice to keep me alive in combat situations for now." He nodded slightly, acknowledging that his past experiences as a warlord had equipped him with more than just basic survival skills.

Turning his attention to [Minor healing], Arthur's expression turned contemplative. "This seems like a waste to use my freebie on a power that cannot be upgraded," he mused. 

"More powerful variants can likely be bought later, and with my current Soul Points, it's not the most strategic choice." He was already strategizing for the long term, considering how each decision would affect his ability to navigate this harsh new world.

Finally, his gaze settled on [Scavenging Eyes]. "This is a passive power, and it can be upgraded," Arthur reasoned, his voice tinged with a growing sense of conviction. 

"It will assist significantly in my mission to build a settlement. I'm pretty confident the plants and organic life forms here can be made into healing pastes and other useful things." He paused, letting the idea sink in.

 "Knowledge of this world's flora and fauna could be invaluable. It could lead to discoveries of medicinal herbs, edible plants, or even materials for shelter and tools."

Arthur's decision seemed to crystallize as he spoke. "Yes, Scavenging Eyes it is. It's the most logical choice for long-term survival and rebuilding efforts. It aligns with my immediate needs and my ultimate goal of reaching immortality,"

With a sense of newfound determination, Arthur directed his attention back to the system. 

"System, I choose Scavenging Eyes. Get this power for me," he declared confidently, ready to embrace the first of many powers he hoped to acquire on his journey to the peak of power.

As Arthur made his choice, the system responded with a mechanical voice. 

[Activating Scavenging Eyes…]

Almost instantly, Arthur felt a sharp, piercing pain in his head. He clenched his fists, growling in pain. 

"Fuck!" he cursed, feeling the intense discomfort coursing through his skull.

The pain gradually subsided, but as it did, Arthur's eyes briefly glowed with a strange blue light. For a moment, the world around him seemed to shimmer with this unearthly hue.

"Son of a..." Arthur began to curse again, but his words choked off as his gaze fell upon the green grass near him. His newly activated power was already at work.

A status window appeared before his eyes, floating in the air and displaying information about the grass he was looking at.

Category: Flora

Name: Snake Grass

Properties: Useful in concocting healing remedies when combined with other organic materials.

Arthur blinked, the information processing in his mind. 

"Snake Grass... useful for healing? This... this changes everything," he murmured, a sense of awe in his voice. He leaned closer, examining the grass with his newfound vision, seeing it not just as a part of the landscape but as a valuable resource.

The pain he had felt a moment ago now seemed a small price to pay for such a powerful ability. 

"This power... it's more than I expected. If I can find more plants like this, maybe I won't need the Minor Healing power after all. Dang, this is better than I expected," he thought, already planning how he could use this knowledge to his advantage.

Arthur stood up, his eyes scanning the barren landscape with a new perspective. Every plant, every piece of flora could hold the key to his survival and success in this desolate world.

Arthur hastily finished the remaining rabbit meat, his mind still racing with the possibilities his new power opened up. He then turned his attention to the scavenger he had killed. With a few precise cuts and tears, he fashioned a set of black robes out of the scavenger's clothing. They were loosely fitted, but Arthur shrugged them on., 

"Better than nothing," he commented. The robes, albeit imperfect, provided some semblance of protection and concealment in this harsh landscape.

Next, Arthur noticed a rolled-up parchment dropped by the scavengers. He picked it up, curiosity piqued, and unfurled it to reveal an incomplete map of the region. His eyes traced over the rough sketches and annotations. There were forests, mountains, and water sources marked, each potentially crucial for his survival and mission.

He recalled overhearing the scavengers talk about heading west if they wanted to find settlements. 

"West, huh?" Arthur mused aloud. Though incomplete and possibly inaccurate, the map in his hands could be a valuable guide. It was still better than wandering aimlessly.

"Seems like I should head west," Arthur decided, folding the map and tucking it securely into his new robes. 

"And study more of the fauna and flora on my way." He was determined to utilize his Scavenging Eyes to the fullest, uncovering the secrets of this world's natural resources.

As Arthur trekked across the barren land, the sky began to darken, signaling the approach of night. Unbeknownst to him, he was about to discover why nights in this apocalyptic world were feared as nightmares.