
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Returning to Konoha

Soon after the capturing of Zabuza and Haku. Gato, the boss behind every issue in the Land of Waves, came with a hundred of bandits or clients and mocked the unconscious Zabuza, he wanted to finish everything including team 7 personally.

Let's just say. It didn't go too well for Gato and the men he hired. Most of the individuals that were hired by Gato died either by Yoshiro or Kakashi's hands while Gato was swiftly beheaded without no expression from Yoshiro.

When team 7 went back to the village and words spread amongst the people, the Civilian's created a huge party for team 7. It was the best they could do for their saviours that helped them escape from Gato's hands.

All night team 7 was thanked multiple time by adults even the orphans that cried to them personally. Someone with even the lowest brain cells could tell how they became a orphan, a genius was not needed to realize it.

Praises were thrown everywhere whenever one of the members of team 7 were mentioned. The names that was frequently mentioned was Yoshiro and Kakashi. The reason for this was just like in Canon, Inari grouped up men and woman to revolt against Gato because of Naruto's words off screen.

Only in the end when they arrived at the bridge, the scene of Kakashi killing Gatos men and lastly Yoshiro, himself, besieging Gato of his life. When they came back, all that saw the event told everyone about what had happened in excitement for once in their life without the threat of Gato.

Partying all night, Naruto would just laugh and speak to other people like the social butterfly he is. Naomi would speak to other girls just slightly older or younger, after all she had the Social butterfly affect like Naruto. Must run in the family because Kushina was exactly the same.

Kakashi was like always, reading the godly Novel that was Icha Icha. Someone like Yoshiro and even Itsuka agreed. Yoshiro took a note to buy one when Jiraiya would come back to the village around the Chunin Exams. As for the Uchiha pair, Sayaka stayed near Yoshiro like a little sister would her older brother. They had that exact relationship due to living with each other for half of their life's.

Yoshiro didn't really do nothing but eat his apples, just like Itsuka with her pocky. Yoshiro had a thing for apples because of their sweet taste. He kept out of everything, he evidently took the description of an emo. But the reason for this was because he wasn't good at socialising and to be fair, he knew that there isn't a reason to because they are all canon fodder.

Dismissing the fact that at some point people decided to group up to dance and all the girls ran for Yoshiro because of his handsome face and yet again, 'cool' demeanour {A/N: All emo's in anime, am I right? 😂}. Except them details, nothing else special happened, so the party ended.

The decision not long after the next day came around, team 7 would depart to Konoha a day after the bridge was done. In the days to come when the bridge was done, all the tension in the village and sadness disappeared like nothing was formerly their. The issue of getting other builders to help the bridge no longer was a problem after the death of Gato.

In the time, Kakashi sent message of the captives to Hiruzen and the plan Yoshiro gave him. Simply giving someone like Zabuza, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist to the Mizukage would be one step to peace between the villages.

Accepting this notion, Hiruzen instructed them to bring the captives with them to Konoha so Hiruzen could personally notify the Mizukage about it and sort a decision between each village.

Even though Haku was a captive of them, Yoshiro would speak to her which came to the dismay of the two females of team 7. Sayaka had a reason unlike Naomi who was jealous of their closeness. She desired the closeness that Yoshiro showed, though slightly, she stilled wanted it because whenever she tried to gain his attention, all he would do is look the other way.

No matter what she did nothing changed, only anger and sadness came from it. On the other hand, she obviously saw the love he held for her but it wasn't visibly like she wanted and not the right kind of love. She wanted the love that didn't involve family... The right kind of love... Romantic love.

Yoshiro realized this ages ago... But... He couldn't cooperate with them feelings, sadly for her own good. Casting ones feeling for another's safety. No matter, if it pained him.

So finally the day to leave came, packing stuff and belongings. Team 7 with Haku and Zabuza, was set off by Tazuna and his family. Naruto and Inari crying from leaving one another, Tazuna saying his good byes and thanks to each member individually with his daughter. They finally adventured back to Konoha.

Going back was quite unlike before, no ninja's trying to kill you or issues regarding a person with influence noticing your movements. Voicing to one another and mentioning what had took place in the Land of Waves was the subject when going back.

Traveling for two days, they came to their destination and without delay, they went straight to the Hokage tower to meet with Hiruzen. Going into the building easily, Hiruzen stood in his normal seat while looking at them. Waving his hand, Anbu member's teleported beside both Zabuza and Haku before disappearing with them.

"Good Job Team 7. It seems I didn't have to worry for nothing, after all." Feeling reassured for his life, literally. Kushina wasn't some one you could mess around with when her 'babies' are in danger. Smiling at the Genin's, Hiruzen said again to the squad.

"Because of the danger that has transpired while on the mission. Your pay has been increased to an A rank mission." Hiruzen said to the group which didn't really get that excited for it. They were apart of some of the most richest and strongest clan's. So money wasn't really a problem.

"If that is all. Is it alright if I can leave?" Asking Hiruzen, Yoshiro looked at the old man.

Raising his brow at the sudden voice of Yoshiro, Hiruzen nodded and said. "Yes that is fine. But Kakashi can you stay behind."

Each one of the members except Kakashi leaving the room. Hiruzen puffed out a mouthful of smoke and looked at Kakashi at the same time leaning back in his seat.

"You can see it as well... The change in the boy."

Tiredly nodding at the serious words of his Hokage, Kakashi experience first hand of how the massacre had affected Yoshiro. The young Uchiha was far from sane in his opinion, his reaction to killing someone even though seeing death was abnormal.

"His reaction after killing for the first time wasn't normal at all. It was like he didn't care for life at all... He is currently mentally unstable and if another situation arrives the same as the massacre... I'm afraid that he might do something stupid." Kakashi told the third his personal, he believed that Yoshiro should do it himself but while on the mission, he could see the craziness going through the Genin's head.

".... I see, If that's the case..." Taking some time to think, Hiruzen said and wavered his hand. Dropping to the ground, an Anbu member was kneeled on the ground.

"Can you get Jonin Kurenai Yuhi." Nodding at Hiruzen's words, the Anbu disappeared from both mens sight.

Placing his eyes back on Kakashi, Hiruzen saw Kakashi's confused expression. So he elaborated for the Copy Ninja.

"Kurenai Yuhi might be a Genjustu master but she is also a very good psychologist. She doesn't fall far from Inoichi. Some say she can see one's 'True nature', that's how good she is." Complimenting Kurenai, Kakashi nodded. It shocked him at first because she never mentioned being good with in this aspect, all Kakashi hoped was if she was half as good as Hiruzen said.

Couple of minutes in silent. The room was suddenly opened by a spiky black haired women with natural ruby eyes. She stood up at 5'5 and wore a flack Jonin best like the rest.

"Lord Third." Bowing at Hiruzen, Kurenai straightened her back and looked beside her and saw Kakashi. Curious for a second, She looked back at Hiruzen.

"I've called for you because there is something I need you to do." Saying these words, Hiruzen stood up and looked at the window to see the whole village.

"Currently Kakashi is in dire need for some help with a certain member of his team. Yoshiro Uchiha, the Victim of Itsuka Uchiha and Prodigy of the Uchiha Clan."

Hearing a name which she knew because of his well known title of a prodigy and her little Lavender Genin constantly topic of talk. Kurenai was very curious of the young lad that was compared to another prodigy in the past, Itsuka Uchiha.

"I want you to set aside some time to have session with the young Uchiha. Try to probe anything from him even if it's the slightest, we don't need another walking disaster. Understood? This isn't no normal mission, take it seriously." Turning around, Hiruzen explained to Kurenai how important the mental state of the young lad was.

"Understood." Replying seriously, Hiruzen said to both of them while returning his gaze back to the window.

"That's all. You can leave." As Hiruzen said, both Jonins left shortly outside the door. The Chunin's exams was coming soon and they had to prepare for it.


I wanted to some credit to Venerable_Read3r for giving me an idea to involve Kurenai. To be frank, the way he explained this whole situation, scared me for how creative and the amount of pity I felt to Asuma when I read it. Gotta give props where it's due.

I've only gave a decent size chapter, not short and not long.

The Chunin Exams are coming up pretty soon, things are going to get very spicy. I can't wait for what will happen to team 7 and what changes may occur because of the difference in this Naruto then the other one also the changes with Yoshiro being alive. Soo much things going on, it's actually going to be pain to write all of this down. But I guess it's for the better of mankind 😭😭

Anyway hope you liked the Chapter and keep supporting me with them Juicy Stones. Keep them coming and get them in my belly! Thank you for everything and bye! 👋👋👋