
Waifu Catalog: Power Trip

I never thought that a CYOA would be a hidden Job Application being made by a company that dwells in slavery across the universe, but here we are. After filling out that CYOA Waifu Catalog, I get transported into my favorite game with a chance of getting more powerful and visiting another world as well. Well, I will do my best for my new job. Author Note! It's a bit slow in action (Lemon Included), but it will get there.

LuxVonDeux · Jeux vidéo
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88 Chs

Chapter 53

|3rd POV|

Freyjadour looks at the incoming army and releases a sigh. This is it. This will be his second encounter with Godwin's army.


He looks to the side and sees his aunt looking at him.


"Take a deep breath. It is okay to be nervous. However, as a leader, you must put it aside when enemies come. I know that it is hard but I know you can do it. You are the son of Ferid Egan and Arshtat Falenas. The blood of a leader is within you. I know you can do it. WE know you can do it."

To the side, Lyon nods her head and says.

"Yes, prince! We know that you will lead us to victory."

Freyjadour looks at the two of them and nods his head. His nervousness is gone, and a new strength appears inside him.

"You are right. There are many people who depend on me. I need to make sure to give them the victory they need."

He takes his weapon and gets up from his chair. Freyjadour takes a deep breath and walks out of the room. As the three of them leave their temporary headquarters, they can see many people waiting for them outside.

One thousand and two hundred people will fight for him, and Godwin has one thousand and seven hundred people on his side. It will be a hard fight, but they defend instead of attack. That should give them enough time for Lelei's plan to work.

As Freyjdour leaves the headquarters, Lelei walks forward.

"Your Highness! Enemy troops, backed by warships, are expected to strike at Lelcar from the west. Your Highness, I would ask that you take command of our infantry and cavalry. Create a defensive line to hold back the enemy. I'll ask the leaders of Lelcar to fight alongside Your Highness! Once Raftfleet has dealt with the enemy ships, it will back Your Highness to the hilt!"

Freyjadour nods his head and says.

"Very well. I shall take the troops to defend the center bridge. Tell the others to defend the north and southern bridges. Lelei, you shall be the one watching over the battlefield. Blow the warhorn two times in quick succession if the enemy focuses on attacking the north, blow it three times in quick succession if they are coming from the south and blow it once for a few seconds if they are coming to the center."

Lelei nods her head and says.

"You didn't need to worry about sending reinforcements, Your Highness. I shall be the one ordering the others to reinforce the wing."

"Very well. Then, I shall focus on defending."

After saying that, he shouts at the people joining him in battle.

"Let's win this fight!"



"Now! Push!"

Freyjadour barks an order as the soldiers around him push their shields to move the enemies away.


After saying that, Freyjadour and seventy people move forward with their weapons. Spear, sword, and axe move at high speed to kill as many soldiers as possible before the shielder moves forward to block another attack.

Watching from the side, Lelei grits her teeth, knowing they cannot hold for long. At the moment, they can hold their ground, but the people from Raftfleet get held down by Godwin's fleet.

Her plan will not work if the warship cannot support them from the river. As much as she did not want to admit it, Godwin had better soldiers than them. They move as one, and they attack as one. The Loyalist soldiers, on the other hand, are a combination of many people from different places and different kinds of training.

They cannot fight a long battle against Godwin because she knows that they will lose.

"Lindwurm Mercenary Brigade! Go to the South Bridge and support them!"

Wilhelm, the captain of the mercenary grins and shouts.

"Finally! Come on, people! Let's join the party!"

With that shout, the cavalry unit charges to the Southern bridge, where they almost get overwhelmed. Lelei did not stop there.

"Kyle! Take the fourth unit to support the Northern Bridge!"

Kyle, one of the Queen's Knights who supports the prince, gives a salute and says.

"Leave it to me! Alright, folks! Let's get moving!"

Lelei releases a breath and continues to watch the battlefield. She still has two more fresh units of one hundred soldiers per unit ready to be deployed.

"We can do this."

Sadly for her, on the other side of the battlefield, Zahak smiles and barks orders.

"Get the remaining soldiers to the center! The bait is working! Follow my lead!"

Zahak, one of the veterans who joined the previous war against the New Armes Kingdom and the strongest Queen's Knight, smiles as his plan is working. While Lelei is a great student, she does not have as much experience on the battlefield as Zahak.


Zahak and the rest of the units follow him to attack the center bridge. Zahak and his cavalry unit gallop through the street of Lelcar and continue to do so even when their allies are in front of them.

"Get out of the way!"

Zahak shouts as he quickly reaches the frontline. As he and his cavalry unit are about to slam into Frey's unit, a blue shield appears in front of them and blocks their charges.


Zahak glares at Freyjadour, who raises his right hand. Dawn Rune shines with power and blocks the incoming attack. Because of the Dawn Rune, Godwin's army gets blocked for now.

"Don't think this will stop us! Magician! Destroy this barrier!"

Frey widens his eyes at that order and prepares to strengthen the barrier even more. However, to his surprise, there is nothing. He is not the only one who notices that. Zahak looks to the back and is about to shout another order. However, to his surprise, a small group of people already defeated the group of magicians he had brought.

"Frey Frey, you are always a source of trouble. It looks like I can't even leave you alone for a couple of days."


Frey smiles brightly when he sees Gerrald and his group on the opposite side of the bridge. Gerrald smirks and points his sword at the enemy.


If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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