
Hearts & Spades Club

Lev sat in the back of a 1990 Cadillac Broughman Stretch Limousine with 9 female prostitutes. Sitting next to him was his girl best friend, who's name was literally "Hunny Dew". She was born into prostitution just like Lev was. Lev didn't really know much about the other girls.. He was only close to Hunny. They grew up together.

Lev had his legs crossed. There had barley been enough room for everyone to squeeze in. That goes without saying for the rest of the girls. Some of them had been complaining about it ever since Driver 6181 had picked them up from Sharid's Studio. Hunny and Lev didn't mind. They were used to it.

All the complaining lev was hearing nearly annoyed him. He stayed silent, looking down at the strawberry colored carpet covered floorboards under his black heels. He had his right arm rested on his knee and he was leaning forward a little. There was barely enough room to have his left arm over his waist.

Hunny didn't like being this close or touched by anybody besides Lev. She trusted him more than anybody in the whole Tollen Territory. She knew he wouldn't ever hurt her or force her into anything she didn't want. She had to bare it on her own during working hours. Whenever she told Lev about whatever a john did, it would sent him crying. Q\Anytime she was abused or tortured by a client, it would have to be reported to Sharid. Sharid and they boys would take care of the rest.

Hunny looked up at Lev with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

"It's okay," He reassured her, whispering. "Just a little bit longer."

Hunny silently nodded.

Lev wasn't really interested in the conversation the others were having. He didn't exactly know what the hell they were talking about. He wanted to get home, take a shower, and rest for the right with his large grey cat, Aolly.

The small yellow screen near the roof above flickered from "Tolltage St." to "Locage Ave". This sent the girls into a fit and they're annoying complaining because louder.

"What the hell!" One of the girls shouted.

"i thought we were going back to the apartments!"

"Stupid Driver must of took a wrong turn!"

"I want to punch him in his fucking throat1"

Lev grunted softly, "Hold on, ladies." He got up and crawled over to the other girls, "One of your move."

"What are you doing, Lev?" A maroon haired woman asked him as she moved into the soft floorboards.

"I'm gonna talk with the Driver." Lev felt like smarting off, but this time he wasn't going to. He was way too close to smack a bitch and if he did, they would of piled on him.

Lev climbed into the seat and slid open the small window. He looked in at the Driver. This one was a blondie. "Hey, what the hell is this? The apartments are back that way."

The blonde glanced back at him before looking back at the road. He seemed to be around Lev's age. "Aye, I have to go wherever Sharid tells me to go."

Lev became a little confused. Just how long did Sharid want the girls and him to work that night? Was there something going on?

"Sharid wants me to take you and the girls back to the club."

Lev said nothing more and slid the small window closed. He went back over to his seat next to Hunny.

"What's going on?" One of the girls asked.

Lev felt sick to his stomach. He didn't want to speak, but he also didn't want to get screamed at. "...Sharid wants us at the club..."

Then the girls started to complain about it. Lev sighed before feeling Hunny look at him.

He heard one of the girls call him a pimp's pet, but he ignored it. He lets his hair fall his face before he closes his eyes.

When the limousine arrived at the club, the girls struggled to climb out. Lev wanted to be the last to get out, but that wasn't going to happen.

Hunny clumbed out and moved close to Lev as Lev looked over at one of the club's guards who was eyeing him. This made Lev smile. "Do you like what you see, baby?" He tilts his head to the side, moving a hand to his hip.

The man seemed tempted to walk up to him and slap his ass, but Lev wasn't planning on letting him touch him. He wasn't here for him, after all.

The girls were taken inside by Sharid's boys, but Hunny was stopped by one of them and pulled to the side.

"Hey, pretty thing." He greeted Hunny seductively. "I know you and the others are off tonight, but I got an itch. So, what do ya say, pretty?"

Lev stopped and looked back at Hunny after he heard the man's offer. He turned and went over to them. "Why don't you leave her alone and go fix your "itch", yourself." Lev put himself in between the two of them.

The Italian man looked down at Lev. The man towered over the feminine male and way more masculine up than Lev, but that didn't stop Lev from defending his girl best friend.

"You know Vin," The man began with the boss's nickname he usses for Lev. The nickname usually made Lev submit. "I outta let you fix it."

Lev wasn't going to bow down to this man. "Really?" He smiled, "I don't fuck pussy, Butch." He patted the man's arm before grabbing Hunny's wrist and pulling her along.

Hunny followed Lev through the red carpet and show case room as the muffled music around them began to get louder and louder. She allowed him to hold onto her wrist before they went into the club's main area. Hunny immediately threw herself at Lev, hugging his waist.

"Oh Lev1" She shouted, so he could hear her over the loud music. "I'm so glad your with me!"

Lev was a little surprised about the sudden hug from her. "Hold on, girl! We can't do this here!" He pulled her over to one of the club's couches near the bar.

Hunny lets go of him and sits down. Lev sits down next to her. Hunny seemed to be on the verge of tears. Lev had no idea if this was something that could be reported to Sharid.

"It's okay, Hunny." He said, trying to sooth her. "It's over."

She slowly nods at him.

He gives her a warm smile before noticing Butch coming through the doors.

Butch began consulting with one of the boys who worked alongside him and Sharid.

Lev ran his fingers through his hair, looking off into the distance with a harsh look on his face.

Butch turned around and touched his earpiece after interacting with his boy. He said something before looking over at Lev, "Aye!" He walks over to Lev, "Boss wants you in Private Room 8. He's got a gift for ya. Come back out here when your one putting it on."

Lev looked up at him for a moment before turning his head and looking over at Hunny. "Don't go anywhere, Hunny. I'll be right back. Something for Sharid."

Hunny just nods. She seemed to not like that idea.

Lev got up and headed towards the right where he passed the bar. As he headed into the Private Room area, he heard Butch holler "Hey! Turn off the fucking music1"

Lev choose to try to ignore it. He went over to the door that had the number "8" on it and pushed it open. He went inside and let the door close behind him.

He went over to the bed, seeing a large black box with a red heard on the lid. There was a black card set on top of the lid with Lev's name in red. Instead of Lev or his full name on the card, it was none other than ht name Sharid calls him.

Lev's stomach turned and let let out a shaky breath. staring down at the name. Lev knew right away this was going to be a bad night for him... and he couldn't run from it.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he began to strip.

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