
VRMMORPG: A Force To Be Reckoned With

In a rural area of the Philippines, an old man with his grandson lived peacefully in the wilderness. They managed to survive in a forest swarmed with beasts that could take their life away if they weren't aware of their surroundings. They were very far from the nearest residential village that inhabits people resulting in complete isolation from the rest of the world, well not 'that' isolated. Kaya, which means "The ability or capacity to accomplish things" is a 17-year-old boy who loves nothing more but the thrill of adventure. Despite being surrounded by powerful animals in the wild, he stood his ground as the apex predator and ruled all of the beasts. He'd lunge himself in a pack of hyenas and beat them all up with his iron fist, not to kill them but enough to strike fear into their furry hearts. He'd brawl it out on a troop of gorillas each weighing at least 400-500 pounds of pure muscle. Despite only sizing up in 100-200 pounds, he had enough battle prowess to beat the living shit out of these apes. He'd fought against these animals night and day without tiring himself. Despite being covered in battle scars and wounds, he enjoyed the thrill of fighting and adventure. He wants nothing more but freedom and independence. He wasn't a blockhead, he was smart, well not 'book smart' but intellectually smart. If he was placed in a pinch of a dire situation, he'd think of ways to get out of this predicament. This was not due to his intuition, rather, he was molded by his grandfather to have this type of mindset. Though they lived in seclusion, it didn't mean that they were ignorant not to know that there were also others like him. They had a small library of records of human civilization, but the majority of these books were martial arts manuals. They even have tapes to play on their run-down TV, that worked on solar panels, where they got these solar panels? He had no idea, his old man was stingy about this stuff. After leaving the forest and being introduced to a virtual reality game; Haven of God, he will start his adventure by leaving a trail of his legacy and lots and lots of blood. He will become a legend: A force to be reckoned with.

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41 Chs

Chapter 11: The Goblin Slayer (4)

Kaya retrieved the pendant from his inventory. Watching the baby goblins with his cold eyes, thoughts travel on his mind. From what he learned from the information that he was given, goblins are monsters under the Chaotic Neutral chart. But as babies, no matter how bad a species are, babies will be babies, they have not done anything bad and are considered innocent.

Regardless of being innocent, one does not have the absolute certainty that it will have not have a high likelihood of them growing up in a week and taking revenge on humans by going out and kidnapping more women but in technicality, they haven't done anything wrong yet (which one can't be certain). Is it 'morally' right to kill something that hasn't done something bad yet? It is the same thing as killing baby Hitler or killing Hitler's baby because you know it'll grow up to have fucked up ideology. Like if your parents were 'horrible' people who kidnapped and tortured women, and someone came along and killed them, and once they find you sitting in the corner, does that warrant them killing you as well?

'You can't mold a racist to love the minority and just like goblins, it's already in their nature to be cruel and evil no matter how young they are (that does not make any sense).'

Kaya held one of the goblin children on his arm. Their body looked just like any child's except for the green skin and although they had goblin faces, their expressions were very human-like.


[Goblin Child (0)] [Common Monster]

Level: 5

HP: 100/100]

"I'm sorry little one."

Kaya gave the goblin child a swift snap in the neck instantly killing it. Due to its level, Kaya didn't gain any experience from the monster. He placed the dead body of the goblin on the straws and closed its eyelids.

He then proceeded to do the same thing to all the goblin children in this small nursery. Kaya checked on the dead Pregnant woman and when he saw the babies rumble on her stomach crying, Kaya forced the newborn babies out and although only one managed to survive from the tummy, Kaya still killed it with his bare hands.

His hands trembled but he felt no remorse for what he did. Using a big bone, he started shoveling the ground on the floor and placed the dead body of the woman giving her a proper burial.

'There should be more nurseries in those small cavity tunnels, it's best to check it out, maybe I could still save even one person from being placed in the same fate as her.'

Kaya checked out the other cave tunnels one by one, some had a smaller nursery room which had a goblin nanny whom he immediately killed but the women inside had already died, he even saw a group of goblins taking advantage of these women's decomposing bodies so he immediately killed them with no hesitation.

'Sick fucks.'

As unfortunate as he was, he couldn't find any live victims and any family heirlooms to give back to their loved ones, he could only give them a proper burial. After finding the last batch of the nursery, Kaya didn't hesitate to slaughter anything that breathe the same area as him.

After massacring a few thousand baby goblins, his experience barely budge by a single percent but fortunately, he was given rewards with one of them that he resented very much.


[System: You are the first player to not only kill one monster child but thousands of them. You have received the title: Monster Child Slaughterer.]

[Monster Child Slaughterer: You are hated by any monster that has children and if you kill their children with them witnessing it, they will lose their sanity with all the intent of their mind to kill you. Once the family of the child has been defeated, you will be rewarded with permanent 1-5 random attribute point/s.]


[System: You have massacred an entire den of Goblins. You have received the title: Goblin Slayer.]

[Goblin Slayer: 30% Increased damage dealt on goblins. When facing a goblin of a higher level, increases attributes by 10%. Goblins of lower levels are automatically inflicted with the Fear effect, decreasing their attributes by 40%, and losing their fighting morale.]

'Shit, why do I have to earn such a title?'

Kaya contemplated a lot about his actions but in his gut, he knew he was doing the right thing although morally, it was the wrong thing to do it.

A small price to pay for salvation.

Kaya left and he finally got the answer he had looked for. The reason why the goblins didn't contain any monster core in them was due to crossbreeding. Since humans and goblins didn't have compatible genes for breeding pure goblins of direct lineage, the offspring would not contain any monster core since humans themselves do not have any monster cores in their bodies, and the only ones who have cores are awakened humans like the players and uncommon NPCs (Mana core).


He firmed his will not to be swayed by his emotions and he left the goblin den with aching in his heart. Although this was only a game, everything he had experienced was far too realistic that he wanted to log out and take a breather but he knew he couldn't since not only is he barred from logging out as he was still in a dungeon, he had to do this for the sake of his grandfather.

'Let's go to the next goblin den.'

From what he could sense from the two caves, one on the further left was where the boss is located while in the middle were the last sub-bosses. He couldn't even tell it last time since the aura that both emanated was almost indistinguishable but now, he could sense it more accurately after leveling up. The aura that the middle tunnel exuded gave off a weaker vibe than the left one.

After reaching the deeper parts of the tunnel he was stunned at what he saw.

'What the fuck is this?'

What he was witnessing was the domain of hell incarnated in real life. Piles and piles of dead bodies lay on the floor, some were males and the majority we're females. There were also a few surviving females that were currently being subjected to sexual torture but soon enough, they would die.

Goblins had their way with these helpless women as they couldn't do anything but have them do their biddings while two bulking goblins covered in tribal tattoos and garments made use of females in their hands as some sort of pocket pussy.

He could have three titles activated at once so as soon as Kaya arrived at the center of the dome, the normal goblins who were having the time of their lives suddenly felt a looming pressure weighing over them. Their face fluster in fear when they looked at Kaya as their fighting morale slump down.


They immediately scattered and ran away. As for the two giant bulking goblins sitting on their thrones, they stared at Kaya like he was some cute puppy and continued o with their businesses. They weren't afraid of him at all which just shows how cocky they were with their strengths.


[Goblin Champion, Gurek (1)] [Lord Boss Monster]

Level: 50

HP: 700,000/700,000


[Goblin Champion, Dugal (1)] [Lord Boss Monster]

Level: 50

HP: 600,000/600,000

' It's no wonder they are uninterested in me even after I chased away their goblin subordinates. Normally he wouldn't think of me as a threat since they're of a higher tier and level than me then let's see how you'll react to this.'

Kaya Pulled out two goblin heads in his spatial inventory and threw each head at the Goblin champions. Once they caught the goblin heads with their hands and inspected them, their faces quickly twisted and a powerful aura exploded out from their bodies. The surrounding pressure was so strong that the goblin onlookers from afar felt their bodies being pushed to the ground. On the other hand, Kaya was completely unfazed due to his innate talent, Firm Resolve.

'Now, do you feel threatened?'

The Goblin Champions threw away the females in their hands and grabbed onto their weapons. One was a pole weapon (Ex: Naginata) and the other was a traditional Chinese sword (Ex: Dadao). When they stood up, each one of them was a staggering 12 feet tall, they were double the height of Kaya but even with their towering figures, Kaya stared at them like they were nothing but a joke. His head right now burned in anger and he couldn't wait to just kill every goblin he could see. No matter how strong and scary you were, as long as you were a goblin, you were dead.

Kaya Pulled out two thigh bones in his hands. Each of these thigh bones was from the berserk shaman's corpse and when he held it in the air, fire started to blaze around the bones.


[Berserked Shaman's Thigh Bones]

Type: Makeshift Clubs

Durability: 200/200

The bones are durable and are composed of minerals that are highly flammable. The damage is equal to e wielder's Strength attribute and has an additional 100 fire-based damage (+100% Fire Element)

Requirements: Alon]

Kaya held the two blazing bones like clubs in his hands. Gurek and Dugal swung their weapons right at Kaya's head and in response, he quickly deflected the attacks with the blazing bones.

[Berserked Shaman's Thigh Bones's durability has fallen by 4!]

[Berserked Shaman's Thigh Bones's durability has fallen by 4!]

'It seems like I have to finish this quick.'

Gurek and Dugal were surprised to see that the puny human had managed to block their attacks without any struggle. Seeing that they couldn't underestimate their opponent, they became serious and started moving in the opposite directions to quickly end Kaya in a flashy combo.


They swung their swords horizontally to slice through Kaya but Kaya simply leaped and laid flat like a paper in the air. The blades pass through Kaya completely missing their mark.

Whilst in the air, he threw out dozens of bone stakes towards the two Goblin Champions but with both their arms preoccupied from the swinging momentum, they could only block the stakes with their bodies.






Their health fell by a few percent when the bone stakes struck through their shoulders. Kaya was surprised that they managed to stop any of the stacks from hitting any of their weak points since he had accurately aim the stakes to hit their faces. It seemed like he was in for a challenge.

As soon as Kaya landed on the ground, he didn't waste a fraction of a second and activated Dash and Flash to greatly increased his movement speed. He instantly arrived at the closest Goblin Champion, Dugal who had a smaller amount of health.


[Skill proficiency has reached 105%; the damage has been enhanced by 380%]

He swung both his clubs sideways right through Dugal's groin which was completely open and unprotected. One club bashed through his nuts while the other one bashed through his penis. The entire groin exploded into guts and gore while blood and semen had splattered around Kaya.


Dugal screamed in pain after his entire cock exploded into bits. He instinctively cup his groin with one of his hands as he knelt on the ground wailing in the pain. Dugal was right in front of him having anger and tears flushed his face. He was completely open for attacks but before he could activate any skill to retaliate, Kaya rose his clubs in the air.

'You're open.'

Consecutive Strikes!

Machine Gun Blow!

Kaya started bashing right through the defenseless Dugal who could only block the attacks with his blade but his blade couldn't even do any help since its durability rapidly fell until it shattered like glass.

With the skill being amplified with Consecutive Strikes, his barrage of attacks left three after images each time he swung the club. His big arms couldn't even endure any of the bombardment since not only did the flaming bones add firepower on each of his attacks, the title: Goblin Slayer gave him a massive boost in power when he dealt against goblins of a higher level. Dugal's entire arms turned into a soup, and now with nothing to help him block the continuous barrage of attack his face had become the center of the beating.








His berserk state couldn't even do shit since there was nothing left of his head, normally if you lose your head, you'd die and that case was the same for Dugal.


[You have slain The Goblin Champion, Dugal]

[Level difference: 23, experience gain +115%]

[Level Up]

[Crimson Blood Necklace (Tier 0 Epic) has been obtained]

[Gold Key has been obtained]



A Series of notifications appeared on his view. After killing Durak, he only earned one level which showed that his leveling has started to slow down which he was not surprised considering that every ten levels, the experience needed would be quadruple of the latter.

He had no time to check for his rewards as Gurek had long been stabbing and slashing his back and was now full of wounds. His health had fallen by 30% so he quickly drank a lesser health potion and parried the attack.

As soon as he parried the attack, Gurek was enraged after seeing that Durak had died. His pole weapon started gathering a swirl of air and when the bladed part had a miniature vortex, Gurek started thrusting his pole weapon towards Kaya.

[Gurek has activated Torrent]

Multiple pole weapons appeared at Kaya. Using his clubs, he blocked the majority of the bombardment but he still lost a chunk of HP. Thankfully, his chainmail managed to repel half of the attacks that struck him but his health continued to fall.

After his health dropped by 10%, Kaya started counterattacking. Gurek was surprised as Kaya started overwhelming him, not just from power but also speed in which he was very confident on.

Now the situation switched as Gurek now began defending rather than attacking. Every time he blocked one attack, he'd be hit by two strikes. Wounds started showing around his body and it wouldn't be long after his health would fall.

After trying to thrust with all his might, he wanted to end Kaya's life in an instant but he quickly realized his mistake as not only did Kaya effortlessly dodged the pole, he revealed an opening to his enemy for a counterattack.


[Skill proficiency has reached 105%; the damage has been enhanced by 380%]


[Skill proficiency has reached 105%; the damage has been enhanced by 380%]

Kaya lacerated both his arms that decapitated the two to the ground. Gurek screamed in pain as blood sprayed around the surroundings. His health fell by 40% and he was now unarmed (no pun intended).


Seeing that he could not fight back anymore, he tried to run away as fast as he can.

Kaya chased the fleeing Gurek. He wore the Stealth Cloak that sharply increased his movement speed and in no time, he caught up with him (He didn't wear the cloak when he entered the dome that's why the Goblin Slayer title automatically activated its Fear effect on the goblins). Kaya immediately bombarded the helpless gurek with attacks and didn't allow its arms to regenerate and as soon as his health fell by 20% his berserk was triggered.

[Goblin Champion, Greek has gone Berserk!]

Gurek's skin tone turned gray and his body started gathering wind, his aura had also expanded but his health remained unchanged while it only increased his attributes by a bit.

'The berserk's effects must've deteriorated due to the loss of his arms but let's not get cocky since I don't know what skills he might show.'

Just as Kaya had expected, wind arrows started to form around Gurek, these arrows shot right at Kaya with a speed of a bullet but fortunate enough, he could easily dodge the arrows.

The situation again switched as now, Gurek was the one chasing Kaya. They started running around in circles. Although Gurek had a boost in his attributes, his speed was just the same as Kaya's.

When they chased around the dome like cats and dogs, Kaya would throw bone stakes at the goblins they pass by which instantly killed them. Kaya tried throwing these stakes at Greek but the wind that was enveloping his body changed the trajectory of the stakes completely missing its mark so Kaya could only hope to drain his berserk mode.

A few minutes passed by, and Gurek's berserk ended and now he had been incredibly weakened. Although he retained back his sanity, his attributes had fallen by 40%.


Knowing that he'd die, Gurek ran away and went to the remaining live woman on the ground threatening Kaya that he'll stomp her.

'Fucking sly bastard.'

Kaya quickly stopped his movements and when Gurek saw this, he smiled and laughed.



Kaya vanished in an instant leaving a crackle of electricity to where he stood. He instantly reappear right at Greek and swung the clubs right at his legs.


His entire legs broke and bent in an abnormal manner causing Greek to fall to the ground.


[Berserked Shaman's Thigh Bones' durability has fallen to zero]



[Skill proficiency has reached 105%; the damage has been enhanced by 380%]

He vanished and reappeared again at Gurek's neck were he pulled out a sharp bone from his inventory and slit his throat. His health immediately fell to zero as window panels appeared in his view.


[You have slain The Goblin Champion, Gurek!]

[Level Difference: 22, experience gain +110%]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Crimson Blood Ring (Tier 0 Epic) has been obtained]

[Silver Key has been obtained]




Kaya discarded the notifications in his view and immediately went to check on the unconscious woman on the ground. He placed his finger on her neck and was fortunate to find that her pulse was still beating.

He carried and placed her on a nearby rock to rest and covered her naked body with a gray wolf hide. Her eyes slowly opened and when she saw Kaya, tears poured out of his eyes and she started crying ugly.



[Marielle de Arc(2)] [Noble NPC]

Level: 34

HP: 1,870/3,000,000

Status: Weakened, Poisoned]

When her character information appeared, Kaya couldn't but be surprised.

'A tier 2 NPC and it's a noble at that!'

From what he knew, tier 2 NPCs were very powerful, and adding with its status as a noble, its power could contend with a tier 3 player that's why nobody would dare to mess with any nobles especially if they were NPCs.

"Drink this first."

Kaya gave her a lesser potion, a cleansing potion, and a lesser antidote to cure the poison in her body and once she drank it, her complexion started to become lively.

"What happened to you? Why did you end up here?"

It was best to help and befriend noble NPCs since this would give you various benefits depending on how high your affinity with the NPC.

"I was supposed to enroll the Starlight Academy in Lion's Mane Empire but our carriage was suddenly ambushed by an army of goblins that was led by a goblin king, and after that....they subjected us to....."

She couldn't make herself say the words but Kaya knew what she meant as tears poured out in her eyes again. Kaya could only comfort her by letting her cry on his shoulder and once she started to calm down, she spoke again.

"Please, defeat the Goblin King and retrieve the purple locket he stole from me, it is a keepsake from my mother who had passed away. I don't want to lose the only remaining thing that my mother left me."


[Special Quest]

Defeat the Goblin King and return the stole purple locket to Marielle de Arc.

Difficulty: A-

Rewards: ???

Penalty: Marielle de Arc's death, -2 Levels

Do you want to accept the quest? Y/N]

"Don't worry, I'll kill the Goblin King for you."


[Quest has been accepted!]