
VRMMO Top League

Endou Eiji was a young man who ruled the spotlight as one, if not, the greatest idol to ever take the stage. However, that was months ago, he just wants to live a simple relaxing life away from all that stress. True, the job had made him into one of the riches in all of Japan, but he never really did it for the money, just for the fun. Though, now that time should pass as he wants to relax in his home with his family as any other kid his age. So, what better way for him to spend his now free life than to buy the new virtual reality equipment that has just been released and play some games? Sounds like a great idea!

AegisStigma · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Gaming Is Life

Before this kicks off, just a few notes. This story is not a harem story, there is only one love interest, which will be pretty obvious in this chapter. Also, the story will be featuring the character playing different games, think of them like arcs. Also, some games may be based on anime and more, though the first game will be original.




『Phone Calls/Texts』


Sometimes you just want to live your life like any other normal person, either it is because you were unsatisfied with what your life was before, or for whatever other reason you may have. For a certain young man by the name of Eiji, it was to get away from the stress.

A few months ago, Endou Eiji used to be one of, if not, the most famous idols to ever take the stage. He was known for his absolutely incredible performances, along with a voice that people dubbed as 'The Voice Of The Heavens', it was pretty weird.

His whole career was a very exciting and profitable one, it had made him one of the richest people here in Japan. He was someone who had made far more than other celebrities, and he could honestly be compared to people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and more. He was a genuine billionaire due to his career.

While all of this was definitely a positive, there are always negatives when it came to these kinds of careers. For him, it was the stress and expectations. People expect brilliant performances, that best of the best. He greatly enjoyed performing and singing, though there is always a limit. Over the time of his career, he had accumulated trillions of yen.

He wasn't even a big spender, so most of that was just stored up in his account waiting to be used. He had honest doubts that he would ever be able to truly use it all before he died of old age, though he would just end up giving it down to his descendants. His family weren't the type to even want to be known for wealth and high status, they were like Eiji in personality.

Modest, polite, and loved to relax.

Though, even though his career as an idol was no longer a thing, he didn't stop singing or playing instruments as he did so in private. Even more so, his popularity didn't at all diminish as people were still crazy over him, maybe it even grew due to his sudden retirement.

Anyway, in the present time, Eiji could currently be seen relaxing in his room while laying down on his bed. The house he and his family lived in was a mansion, though it wasn't insanely large like other rich people, it would just be overwhelming if the house was too big.

The mansion that they lived in was very modernized and was mainly white with some dark grey secondary coloration. His room was pretty big and had a number of things like a set of gym equipment, a computer, a bed, and pretty much everything that one would need for something to be considered a house. Even his own kitchen.

At the current day, Eiji was sixteen and didn't at all go to school. Why would he exactly need to? He was insanely loaded and there was no need for him to work anymore. Though, that didn't mean he was at all stupid, he was actually a very intelligent person. If he went to school, it would be no doubt that he would be an absolute top student.

All of his family, as stated before, shared his modest and relaxed personality. However, his parents didn't exactly take his money for granted, they decided to work different jobs anyway since they didn't believe not doing anything was a good thing. They always encourage Eiji to go outside quite a lot, which he didn't at all mind.

Eiji, as already stated, is sixteen and had a lean yet compact muscular physique. His skin completely pure of any imperfections and was very much fair, along with having pure snow-white hair along with a pair of vibrant ruby crimson eyes. At the moment, his clothing only consisted of a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt.

While abnormal eyes and hair color weren't at all uncommon in today's world, the pure red and white colors of his features were a stunning sight. He had actually dyed his hair, to keep himself disguised, he didn't want to have to always wear a hood when in public. His eye color didn't need any changing since a number of people had similar eyes.

"Alright, and send..." Eiji muttered to himself as he had just sent a sum of money to a few charities and orphanages. He may be rich, but he didn't want the money to go to waste even if he didn't use it much, if at all. He might as well support charities and help provide money for orphanages, it just felt right.

Just as Eiji was about to turn his phone off, his door suddenly opened up as he looked calmly towards it. When he did, he saw that the person that had just opened the door was none other than his mother, and she seemed to be carrying a small box in her arms.

"Dear, this came in the mail for you."

"Oh, thanks, mum!" Eiji smiled as he hopped up from his bed, chucking his phone onto the bed as he jogged over to his mother with an excited look on his face. His mother handed him the box as he looked up at her. "Thanks! This is awesome!"

"I know you are excited, but make sure to get plenty of rest and more."

"I know, mum." Eiji voiced as his mother gently closed the door. Eiji smiled as he walked back over to his bed and gently placing the box down onto the bed, the thing that was inside was really damn expensive. Maybe not for him, but definitely for the majority of people.

The thing that was inside the box was the newly developed Full Dive Virtual Reality equipment that had just been released, and it was currently only available through online purchase a month ago. To add to that, only a thousand were available and they would be in the shops in around one or so weeks from now.

So, people who managed to order online were very lucky.

The price of this was insane though, it cost around twenty or so million yen. The people that would buy it would have to be pretty wealthy, or those that don't consider the price and just end up buying it without considering how it may affect them. Since it was the first-ever full-dive virtual equipment, the price was justifiable.

The only real way for those who aren't as well off to be able to even consider buying something like this was to wait probably for a good amount of time so that the prices slowly go down. Most people cannot afford something damn expensive so casually.

Eiji carefully opened up the box as he gently took out the contents inside, which was actually just one singular item. The item that he took out appeared to be some kind of white headgear, and the visor that went over the individual's eyes seemed to be able to be flipped up and down.

Eiji also took out a small sheet of paper that held a few instructions, and they weren't at all complicated. All it said was how to turn on the item, how to charge it, and also that he needed to make an account to connect the product to the main network, that being so he could buy the games that he could play on it.

"Alright, simple enough." Eiji nodded as he carried his things over to his desk, to which he soon switched his computer on and waited for it to boot up. He needed to set up his own personal account and also buy the game for the product online, it was a simple process. Also, there was currently only one game from what he remembered, the product did only just come out after all. "Hm?"

Eiji blinked his eyes in confusion as he saw that he was getting a phone call, he picked up his phone after quickly placing the VR headgear onto a charging station, which is something that charges any kind of electrical appliance simply by placing it inside. It was a very useful thing to have, just chuck his phone or the headset inside and it will start charging.

『Eiji: Hello. What's up, Yuna?』

『Yuna: Hey, Eiji. I just got the VR stuff delivered to me!』

『Eiji: Really? Same here! I'm in the middle of creating my account』

『Yuna: Perfect! I'm doing that right now too, we also need to get the game』

『Eiji: Do you remember what it was again?』

『Yuna: Not sure. Though, it is supposed to be pretty expensive』

『Eiji: Not surprising』

Eiji quickly made his account, it wasn't exactly difficult as he just needed to fill in some basic information. The account was for all games connected to his account, though he could of course choose his nickname for each game. He'll think about that at a later time though.

The person that he was just speaking with was Yuna, a friend that he had made quite a number of years ago before he even became an idol. Despite his busy schedule previously, he still tried his best to stay in contact with Yuna as much as he could.

"Let's see..." Eiji muttered as he then quickly switched to the main homepage of the website before logging in as he then entered into the store area. Upon doing so, he then went into the game section, which he soon saw one single game up on display on the page.


〖Freedom Valeris Online〗

〖Price: ¥1200000〗

〖Description: A world with mysteries abound, countless places to explore. Rise forth and become the strongest, or perhaps not, in all of the realms within Freedom Valeris Online. Gain the power to utilize the magic of your wildest dreams, complete quests, defeat challenging monsters, and more! Which realm will you join?〗


『Eiji: Wow, a lot cheaper than I thought』

『Yuna: Yeah, I was kind of expecting it to be at least one hundred thousand. I just bought it, it's installing now』

『Eiji: Same. Also, the realms were called Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Right?』

『Yuna: According to the official website, that's the case. They're all the same according to the information that I'm reading, it's just the name of each realm that is different. From what I'm reading, the content is all the same across each realm』

『Eiji: I see, then it doesn't really matter which one we choose. So, which realm do you think we should join then? Not like it really matters though』

『Yuna: I'm fine with any aside from Beta』

『Eiji: Why?』

『Yuna: It's the land of the Beta Males and the Beta Females』

『Eiji: Okay then... We'll just go with Alpha then』

『Yuna: Sounds good!』


As Eiji and Yuna waited for their games to install, they just chatted with one another on the phone as there wasn't really anything else the both of them could really do. They honestly didn't feel like playing any other games, they had already gotten bored of the ones they played previously.

Though, fortunately, due to how rich both of them were, getting a very good speed internet wasn't the hardest thing in the world. As expected, the game had a very large file size, though it was downloading pretty fast. A good connection was also really important in games like these.

"Hm? Oh, hey there, Sylvester." Eiji smiled as he saw his door open as a figure walked in. He placed his phone down, though the call with Yuna was still on as Eiji turned his chair as he smiled down at the entity that had just walked into his room. "How are you, buddy?"

Eiji smiled as the creature that had walked into his room was a cat, though not a normal cat as the feline was walking like a human and was pretty wide. Sylvester was black and white had a constant serious look on his face, giving a salute to Eiji after hearing his question.

This was just his pet cat, though he was more like family as Sylvester was far more intelligent compared to normal cats. Sylvester was just his first name, the guy's full name goes as follows: Sylvester Auditere Ventralian Shveilbest The Third Of The House Of Scratchypants.

A perfect name.

Absolute mad lad.

[Image: Sylvester Auditere Ventralian Shveilbest The Third Of The House Of Scratchypants]

"Sylvester, could you go and get me a glass of water? My throat is a bit dry." Eiji requested as Sylvester gave a simple nod before saluting as he then ran out of the room, still running on both back legs like a human. Eiji just turned back to his computer after shouting a quick 'thanks'. "Oh, the game's done."

『Yuna: My game just finished downloading! What about you?』

『Eiji: Literally just finished as well, quite the coincidence. Do you want to play now?』

『Yuna: Definitely, it's time for us to get virtually yeetsekaied! I'll see you in the Alpha Realm!』

『Eiji: Alright, I might be a few moments late. I'm waiting for Sylvester to get back』

『Yuna: Who is that again?』

『Eiji: My cat』
