
A Mother and Daughter

The letter began with Gerald and Synthia greeting me. Something they usually always do with each letter. I could even recognize Gerald's more rough hand writing for the whole letter. The letter read on about how I was doing in Prusha and how Lilith was. Her mother, Sarah, wanted to see Lilith. I took a glance up at Satah, she seemed to be in better shape when I last saw her. If I recall, She was bed ridden in our home due to Mana exhaustion…Didn't she used to have Black hair? I guess there was some permanent damage that came with the Mana exhaustion, but somehow this color seemed to fit her more.

As I continued to read, I kept on going about what had happened between the time they wrote their last letter. How Gerald has been taking up bounties in Shanford, he killed a…Giant snake in the Cascadia Plains? Holy shit. Anyways, Synthia has been trying her best to do what she can while dealing with the pregnancy. There was another part of this letter dedicated to Lilith talking about how her mother was coming to visit. Saying how Sarah was more healthy and wished to see how her daughter was doing.

Then there was the bottom of the letter, a more serious one. This looked like it was written in Synthia's handwriting.

"Kota, I have important news." I read aloud. "We've taken it into consideration ever since you left for Prusha. We've been told about what you're capable of by Kale. You're an exceptional Mage, I'd say even surpassing me. Which is why…" I felt a weird gut punch in my stomach as I looked more down at the letter. "We believe it's best for you to stay in Prusha, with Kale. We've already asked Kale and he approved of it."

My thought ran back to what Arael said. A vision of a baby in someone's arm. My baby sister.

"Oh…" I choked out. This isn't how I expected to be told of this. Actually, it could've been worse. Like Synthia or Gerald dying…I don't know how I'd take that. This was probably the best way as of right now.

"We'll visit once Your sibling is born! Just a couple more months! Then everyone will be together again! Please stay well." The letter ended on that, both Gerald and Synthia's signatures on the bottom.

I closed the letter and slid it back into the envelope. I must've been giving a sad face as a gentle hand was laid onto my shoulder. It was Lilith's mother, Sarah. She leaned forward with her hair falling down. I could just see the top of her hair and the black roots it had.

"Hello, kota. We didn't formally meet each other, have we? I was bed-ridden in your home for some time." She started to mess with her long silver hair. "I guess it was for the better, now I look more similar to my Daughter. I've never fully recovered from it…"

"Sarah…Er, Mrs.Esheram." I corrected myself. "Yes, I don't think we have formally met each other."

"Hm…You can call me Sarah." She said with a frown. "There's no need for formality." She let her hand off my shoulder, straightening herself. "So how is Lilith? Has she caused trouble?"

I shook my head. "No, actually she's been quite helpful with most things. She's training a lot as well." My praise of Lilith seemed to lighten Sarah's mood as she gave me a smirk.

"Is she now?…Much more expected than what Emmit thought then."


"Her Father." Sarah said in a rather cold tone. "You know…The reason my hair is like this." She pointed at her hair.

"Oh…Lilith talks a lot about him."

"In what shape or form?"


"Ok, good."

The sound of someone chugging something interrupted our conversation. I peered past Satah as Sarah took a glance at behind herself as well.

Behind Sarah was Derrick, who bought a jug of the Reptilian milk. He guzzled Down the drink as Mary encouraged him. "Go! Go! Chug that drink!"

Derrick feverishly drank it all. Letting out a loud 'aahh' as he dropped the jug onto the reptilians table. "Bwahaha! Oh, this stuff is delicious! Like drinking breast milk as a baby born! Mary, try some!"

How little this man knows.

"Your father's group is rather…Interesting, to say the least." Sarah said. "For most of my time, I spent it with Emmit. Off travelling and finding things." She smiled as began to reminisce. "…How he looked that one day when Lilith came back and told us of her friends shook me. It was like he suddenly changed that day. And now…"

"He's gone." I ended it for her. I'm starting to puzzle everything together. More than likely, I pissed off Liliths dad to the point of leaving…Maybe that isn't the correct theory. I couldn't see a damn reason why he would be mad about the fact I became friends with Lilith.

"Yes…Though to be honest, having you occupy Liliths life seems to be a life saver for me. If you hadn't shown up, perhaps things may have gotten worse than it was at that point for the girl…And I thank you for that." Sarah turned to me and smiled.

"Ah…well Lilith seemed like she needed someone to be around her. No one is bullying her anymore. In fact, I'm pretty sure she can probably beat the hell out of them."

Sarah stifled a laugh. "I see. I would like to see her. I assume you were looking for her when we came?"

"That's what I was trying to say before I read the letter."

Derrick then laughed, pumping his chest. By the time me and Sarah finished our conversation, he had drunk another jug along with Mary drinking some as well, dribbling pink liquid dotted on his head from Mary spilling it on him. "Bwahaha! Then let's go find this silver haired girl!"

"…Let me buy some reptile milk, first too." Edward said, brushing past Derrick.

"…Buy what?" Mary asked.

"The delectable that comes from that woman's breast-What else?" Derrick proudly said. "No reason why anybody would hate breast milk."

"…love breasts."

"Yes, we know, Edward! Keep your hands to yourself when your near me!" Mary said in a concern tone.


Sarah had a concerned look on her face before she looked at me. She probably isn't used to having these three around her. Can't blame her. She probably ended up coming with them as they most likely offered to.

"As I said…interesting group."


All of us began to look for Lilith as we traversed the floor of the market District. I stuck with Sarah as Derrick and the rest went their own way. Sarah moved with haste as she tried to look for Lilith.

"Does Lilith know you're here?" I asked her. I don't recall the letter or kale saying anything about her visit. If this was a whole surprise visit, this might make Lilith happy.

"No. The only person I suppose would know would be that Kale character you and your family know about." Sarah said, looking back at me. "Where is he anyways?"

"He's running around with one of my teachers right now."


"Oh…yeah, he's dating one of my teachers."

There was an awkward pause from Sarah as we walked towards the large fire pit.

"…I see."

"Something up?" I asked.

"No…just curious." She mumbled. "I'm starting to question what kind of people your Father stayed with."

"Who'd you stay with?"

"…Just Emmit. We both traveled the world, looking for items that he wanted to find. Ancient items that date back before even he was alive."

"Why's that?" I asked. Curious about what he found.

"Not sure. He never said much when it came to that, only that it would be essential in the future. I suppose he sought the items out as treasure." She gave a weak smile. "Fond times."

Ok, so Liliths dad was literally Indiana jones? Is that what I'm getting at? No, there's something else to that. Who would go out of their way to find these items? And what the hell were they?

"There." Sarah blurted out. She pointed at the large structure of wood, burning with white flames. "Perhaps she is there." She then began to speed walk.

"Do you know anything about the festival?" I asked, following behind her.

"The last time I was here was with Emmit many years ago. We came here during our travels to the demon continent, Emmit wished to stay here and watch it. I believe he told me that it was a celebration of the Lucian bloodline and their history. The Lucian's were a huge part of a demon war that took place many years ago."

"There was a war?" I questioned.

I don't recall being told this. Er, actually I probably was told but never listened during my classes.

"Yes. There is a reason why this kingdom is so protective of its north gate. When the war began, there was a god known as Verith, a god of Illusion. You know of Gods, correct?"

"Sort of. I know Duvul was a god of magic. How many gods are there?"

"Many. Though I wouldn't consider all of them as divine beings. The major ones I would consider looking into are The Great eight. Their powers are quite formidable." Sarah said. "Anyways, the demon war took place for five years. Ending up with The Lucian king at the time killing Verith with the aid of three of the Great eight. It was a battle that shook this earth to its core."

Ok, huge war in the past. The king Lucian we know right now is related to the one that killed a demon king. From the sound of it, it took a helluva fight to take that monster down.

"You seem to know a lot about this stuff." I said.

Sarah shook her head. "I've only learned these things from Emmit." She then waved her hand dismissively. "But enough of talking about history. Though I'll perhaps teach you when I have the chance."

We made it somewhat close to the large wooden structure that was on flames and noticed someone looking at the flames. "That would be her, I presume?" Sarah pointed at a small figure amongst the crowd.

"You don't recognize her?" I asked.

"I do. But perhaps her growth over the month has changed something in her, I'd like to make sure." She smiled. "Is it her?"

I squinted my eyes to see. The figure turned around, facing another figure. But I instantly knew it was Lilith. The other figure though…I wasn't sure, their back was obscuring my view of them. They were hooded and seemed to be talking to Lilith. I could make out some things she was saying, but it seemed like Lilith was just babbling about the huge flames.

"Yeah, that's her. Look, she's got a black dress on!" I said, pointing out Lilith's new dress.

"Mmm. Then let's greet her." Sarah moved diligently, brushing past people as she got closer to Lilith. At first, Lilith didn't take notice. But once she did, she tilted her head in confusion at Sarah walking towards her.

Lilith did notice me, but my focus was on someone else….this hooded figure.

"Kota! Look at the huge flames!" I heard her say. But I only nodded as I kept my eyes on this stranger. Something about them was off. As the people around us cheered and danced, this hooded figure just stood there.

"Lilith…" Sarah spoke. That caught the attention of Lilith, who whipped her head towards her in an instant. It was like something clicked in Lilith's head.

In the corner of my eye, I could've sworn I saw Lilith's left eye flash a red color. But I dismissed it as Lilith began to realize who this person was. At first, Lilith seemed confused, then shocked, then sad, it was like she was going through a bunch of emotions before she spoke with a Croaky voice.


Sarah gave her a wide smile, pushing her silver hair over her ear. "Yes, Lilith it's me."

Lilith left her mouth open as she looked at her mother from toe to head, not sure if she was looking at an illusion of sorts. Then she shut her mouth as she realized it wasn't, her eyes tearing as she ran towards Sarah.

Sarah held her arms out, kneeling down as she caught Lilith in her arms. As the crowd cheered on and ignored the two, I looked at them in envy, I felt looking at the two was jolting an old memory of mine in my past life. But I shook my head and looked at the hooded figure, who also starred. Their face in view now under the hood.

A brown haired woman, her hair just above her neck. Her brown eyes also looked with envy and longing. Her right eye glistened from the flames. Then her Gaze finally set on me.

"Don't mind me. The girl talked to me." She had the voice of someone who's been through a lot. It was weary, and rough. "No need to be so afraid."

"Afraid? Of what?" I cautiously asked. There was something about her that I couldn't put my finger on. Her face seems familiar, it's a little fuzzy to me.

"Who are you?"

"W-what?" I took a step back as she leaned in, closer to me.

"Your name. You seem to be close to the girl if you brought her…Mother."

"I think you are stepping over some boundaries, right now."

The woman frowned, continuing to stare at me before she finally smiled and got up. "I suppose it's my fault, I should've introduced myself then. The name is Kagami."

"…why do you want my name?"

" I already said. Don't make this harder."

"…it's Kota. Kota Detrut."

The brown haired girl narrowed her eyes when I answered. Her green cloak covered the rest of her body, but I could tell she was gripping something underneath.

"Kota, huh? It's nice to meet you. Along with this Girl." The girl took a glance at the two Esherams who were still hugging. The two were mumbling to each other, most likely talking about what Lilith was doing. "How close are you with this girl?"

Another strange question.

"Close enough." I vaguely answered.

"That's it?" She tilted her head. "Nothing else?"

"That's all I'm answering."

"Alright, I won't prod that one. I'm sure you are getting tired of these questions of mine." She clapped her hands together. "But I have one more question."

What's with these questions?

"Do you know who…Chris Rabidawg is?"

My eyes widen at the question. Who the fuck asked a question like that? Wait, wait…think this over. Why would she ask that?

"…A-Any reason why you'd ask that?" I stumbled on my words. The girl kept on smiling as she responded.

"Well, I was curious about an incident that happened some time. I heard about Chris getting kidnapped by some creature, I was hoping that I could get a chance to speak with him or the king about this…thing. My acquaintance is somewhat of a hunter of mysteries."

So…She's a hunter or something? Ok, maybe that's what's giving the bad vibes. Still…Just her looks were setting my senses off. I don't know what this acquaintance is or what they'll do. Am I even supposed to be telling people about what happened? No…If anything, Kale would be pissed that I told anyone what happened.

"Ah ok…well I can tell you that I've seen him once. But I never actually spoke with him."

The girl's face saddened at my response. Her lips turned into a pout. "I see. Well That's all the question I have." She then turned around, facing away from me. "Perhaps I'll see you again during the festival…"

"What is that su-." I got cut off as Lilith went in to hug me, basically tackling me to the ground. "Oof!"

"Kota! You brought my momma to me!" She sat up, sitting on my stomach as she gave me a big smile. "I-I didn't even know she'd come! Did you know?"

"Ah-No. I just found out like an hour ago and You're crushing my ribs!" I said painfully, the full force of this girl's butt was going to crush my body!

"Do you see her silver hair now?! It's like mine! How long is she staying?!" Lilith grabbed the collar of my shirt and shook me. "She can finally see the fruits of my training!"

"Yep, yep. Yeeep." I then put my hands on her waist to stop her, which actually worked. "Now get off me before I die of asphyxiation."

Instead, she doubled down and got closer to me. Laying down on my stomach and looking towards Sarah. "Did Kota tell you? We smooched!"

My gaze was now fixated on Lilith's mom, her facial expression only read as surprised and confused. I could feel my heart skipping beats out of fear and shock now. Why the fuck would she say that? You'll end up killing me, I don't know what your mother is capable of!

Instead of killing me, Sarah looked at me and spoke. "We…will speak of this later." Very ominous. At some point, kale will need to dig a grave for me.

Lilith then turned her head towards me. "What'd that lady talk about?"

That took me out of my focus on Her mother and onto the girl. I pushed Lilith's head aside as I looked at where the girl was, but soon realized she was gone. She had left when Lilith tackled me. Damn it!

"We…uh well she asked for my name and stuff."

"She did the same with me!"

Ok, a strange woman asked us our names, nothing suspicious….Very suspicious. Then decides to ask me some specific questions about people or my relationship with Lilith. Who does that?

"Lilith, please get off of Kota. You are making a scene." Sarah butted in, she grabbed Lilith by the collar of her cloak. "I don't know how much the two of you have progressed in your…Friendship. But this isn't the time."

"What other time will there be?"

"When we find Derrick and everyone else. I need to book a room in an inn also."

Lilith shrugged. "Why couldn't you just stay at Kale's? There's enough room in mine and Kota's room."

"You two share a room?" Sarah said in an alarmed tone.

That's when I decided to butt in the conversation. "I-uh- Kale did that and I didn't want to say anything about a grown ups decision! I could easily sleep on the couch in the living room!"


Sarah raised an eyebrow at me, she seemed to not believe that excuse but she simply shook her head and let go of Lilith. "Fine. If Kale is alright with that, I'll kindly stay in his home."

Lilith landed on her toes, twirling around to face the white flames from the pit. It's heat was pretty in your face, but Lilith didn't mind.

"Why's the fire so white?" Lilith asked. To which Sarah moved alongside her and patted Liliths head.

"The color white is a special one for Lucian's family. The Rabidawgs always used it since their beginnings, at least that's what Your father had told me. The white signifies Unity and the blues you see represent control. It is why most guards are wearing blue. Wearing both means you are together in a system."

Huh…I'm starting to wish I went to the library in the university to actually know about this stuff. Because all this shit is sounding new to me.

"Woah!" Lilith exclaimed. "That's why, huh?"

Sarah nodded. Watching these two conversations was interesting to watch. Didn't seem like Lilith had any hatred or anger towards her mother and neither did Sarah. It seemed these two had a pretty close relationship together before I came by, which is nice.

But now, let's focus on finding Derrick and the rest of everyone. I'd assume they were somewhere near, maybe causing a ruckus? Who knows, Derrick could be killing someone…Actually I'm pretty sure all three together would kill anyone, I mean they are mercenaries. Least two of them are. Ok, maybe we should find them quickly.

As the two girls watched the roaring white flame, I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Ahem…We should find those three now."

"Of course. Come in, Lilith," Sarah turned around, walking towards me. "Let us find those three."

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