
Voltaire Sebastian

Letisczia Penelope Santillan born from a silver platter, she wanted to explore the world, discover hidden gems, and go for an adventure. Embarking to a new life away from her overly controlling father, she met Voltaire Sebastian Del Gamo. A very mysterious man, as what she observe. A man who is always there in times needed. Is this destiny or a mere coincidence?

Tree_Noah · Sports, voyage et activités
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4 Chs

Mr. Lake Owner

We fell into a deep silence when a male voice spoke from behind us. Immediately turning our heads, I gasp a bit at who is standing infront.

A man. Not a guy nor a boy, but a man. Roughly around late 20s. He's big and lean and powerful. The kind where you'll get scared at some point.

'I, Uh. Uhmm' out of words, I looked at my friends and they too are in awe at what they are seeing.

'Don't you think it's a little bit late for little girls like you to stay here?' the man asked with a hint of annoyance and surprise.

The 'little girls' really did it for me.

'It's not.' Czarina said whisper alike. Gone are the confidence she had.

'It is. So take your things and leave. You're trespassing in my land.' He said calmly but his voice echoed from every part of the land. Obviously telling us that we should leave. He look at us one by one before finally stoping on me.

We immediately get our things.we did not even Changed our clothes. We just walked away as fast as we could. I swear, that man gave me goose bumps.

We're now in a distance so I glance at where the man was. He was still there, standing, still drilling her eyes on us or is it just in my eyes? Ahh. Whatever!

We were now approaching our Mansion when Czarina suddenly spoke.

'I thought that was abandoned?' she ask me a bit hysterical.

'I thought so too!' I answered defensively.

'Calm down you two. That was a one time. the best thing we could do is avoid that place. That dude scare the hell out of me.' Everyn said while running her hand on her shoulder as if she was shivering from cold.

'So much for older men ha?' Amy said playfully and we all laugh. So much for older men.

Since that day, I can't stop thinking about that guy and Dad not being around isn't a great help too. As much as I wanted to go back to that place, I rather not. I have to make the atmosphere clean first. I'd be dead meat if I go there again. And the police will surely arrest me for trespassing.

Days and days passed and I grew more curious about the man so without thinking twice, I started walking along the road that leads to the abandoned estate- well not anymore though.

I roamed around the lands hoping that I'd meet him again but there was no one. So I decided to knock on the house instead. I immediately ran towards the house. I knocked once, and then twice, and then trice, and then many more. But no one answered. I checked the door knob and it was open.

'Woah. Maybe that guy was just playing with us.' I absentmindedly said.

I entered the house, it's not that I haven't entered this before but today it seem a little more alive. I walked through room by room and then stop if I see something nice. I was in the middle of exploring the house when footsteps came rushing from the outside. Afraid that I might get caught again, I hid in the most obvious spot. at the back of the sofa, near the big window facing the lake.

'You're really dumb!' I scolded myself.

I stayed still, hoping they wouldn't see me, at least he wouldn't see me.

'With just a little bit of improvement, this place will be a talk of the town.' a male voice said.

'I'll think about it.' another voice said. I know this voice. He's that guy from a week ago.

a footstep came walking my way. I shrieked even more at my spot.

'Please don't look at me, please don't look at me.' i prayed closing my eyes

But I guess God didn't hear my prayers. A soft tud stopped in front. I slowly looked at what's infront of me and then saw a shoe. A dirty shoe. I traced the shoe up to the face of the owner of the shoe and to my surprise it's the guy from a week ago.

Unlucky bitch.

I was expecting something from him, a slap or a punch or a kick, I was getting ready to get beaten up but nothing came. He just stood there. Acting like he doesn't see me.

'Hey what happened to those kids you caught swimming at the lake?' another guy asked.

'I don't know, they didn't comeback.' he answered while look at me.

'How old do you think they are?' and another guy.

'15 maybe.' He said looking at me. Again!

We're 17 you asshole! i wanted to say that but stayed still and closed my mouth!

'Young but still a meat is a meat and a man should eat fresh meat.' a guy said and then laughed loudly. They old did actually, but this man beside me laugh a little while giving me glances.

'You all should leave now.' The guy from a week ago said.

'Ow, you're no fun!' a guy said dramatically. I chuckled a bit as I remember Czarina's dramatic acting.

'You can visit some other time.' he said with finality and then left. He actually left. a minute later foot steps were now far away and I can't almost hear it.

car engines ignite and sooner the land fell into silence.

I slowly got up. Still scolding myself for being such a nosy cat. I looked like I was stealing something but then got caught in the act and now trying to escape to hopefully live a new life.

I am now closer to the door with each careful step I take, my heart pounded ever so loudly it kinda hurt. Maybe it's because of the adrenaline.

I was about to reach the knob when it suddenly closes. I froze at my spot and just closed my eyes. refusing to see the man that would kill me.

'Turn around' he said. I was contemplating whether to turn around or not. But I chose the former hoping he would spare my life.

I can feel his presence enveloping me. Envading my private space. His aura is too powerful mine looks like a cat.

'What are you doing here?' he asked with authority and dominance.

'I w-w-was ju-just lo-o-ooki-ng around.' I said shyly while looking at the floor.

'You should leave now.' He said.

I immediately looked at him the moment he said those words but regretted it the moment after. He was so close to me. I am now face to face with his firm chest. He was looking down at me, I gasped a bit at our closeness.

Seeing him this close made him even more handsome. A hard feature displayed on his face, obviously dominance at that. His brows were thick, thicker than mine. and his eyes are so alluring it can hypnotized anything or anyone that would look at it.

His nose is pointy and sharp but his mouth did it for me. His lips were like of that in movies. Soft, thin, small. Perfect for his face.

I absentmindedly lick my lips as I observed him.

He's so perfect. Damn!

He was like a lion in his den and I was a kitten lost in the dessert.

I felt shiver run down my spine. I wasn't nervous or afraid. I am excited and thrilled.

'Kid, I said you can leave now.' he repeated.

my mouth went from smiling to frowning. KID? what the fuck!?