
Chapter 15

They moved in the area where there are no dead snakes lying around to have some rest. A magic circle suddenly appeared on the ground. Seiran and Luke quickly avoided it but Dina and Finn were too late. The ground disappeared and made a huge hole trap. Dina and Finn both fell into it.

"Are you alright?!" Seiran asked. She went on her knees beside the hole and looked down at them. She saw Finn's arm around Dina, protecting her in the fall.

"Yeah." Dina answered then stood up but she noticed Finn not moving at all.

"What's wrong?" Seiran asked when she saw Dina frantically ask him what's hurting him. Dina used her magic and carefully lift Finn up. Seiran saw he's writhing in pain while holding his side.

"He broke a rib." She said after taking a look. She quickly fixed it then let him rest for a while. Luke helped Dina out of the hole and Seiran checked to see if she's physically fine.

"Who would put a trap without any warning?" Luke seemed pissed right now. A team suddenly appeared then they looked at Seiran's team with dismay.

"Oh, I thought we finally caught another snake." The boy said. Seiran recognized him as Dylan, the one that sir Adam made fun of in the first day of the hunting game.

"You just wasted one of our traps. It takes time to prepare it." The plain looking girl beside him said. Dina recognized her because that girl, named Lia, is also a mage that always made everything she do in class a competition. Lia always loses to Dina who always focus on studying everything she wanted to know instead of wasting time by trying to pick a fight with someone else.

"We should go. We wasted so much time setting traps that we only caught 3 snakes." Lia said then turned her back. Little did they know The team in front of them almost wipe out their target.

"You should've told everyone you're setting a trap so we could be aware of it." Luke said.

"And let everyone copy of our perfect plan? No way." Dylan said and laughed like Luke told him a joke.

"Well, your selfish act broke our friend's bone." Dina said.

"Not our fault your reflex are bad. Besides," Lia pointed at Finn who's starting to wake up. Seiran helped him to sit up. Lia was about to say more but Seiran interrupted her.

"Let's go." She said when Finn stood up. Her cold voice made the other team shut their mouth.

"But-" Dina and the others felt scared when she saw Seiran's deadly eyes. The other team felt murdering aura came out of the white haired girl in front of them. They took a step back and ran away when Seiran glared at them. Her eyes are darker in red than the usual bright one.

They walked away from the scene. Dina looked at her friend then saw the bright red eyes returned. Uncomfortable silence fell upon them as they walked.

"Sorry. I just felt so angry at them." She said in a soft voice. Her heart beats fast as she thought of many things like what would she do if they don't want to talk to her anymore or what if they felt too scared and just left her alone.

"It's alright. I admit I felt scared but you're really cool back there." Finn said. Luke nodded in agreement. Seiran saw Dina getting tired so they stopped to let her rest.

"I'll be back in 5 minutes." Seiran said. The others nodded then she left.

"You won't notice where a trap is but when the magic circle is released, there is a 1 second interval before the trap appeared." Luke said behind her. Seiran let him follow her since he looks like he knows what she's up to.

"You're going to activate all their traps right? Let me help." He said. She nodded then followed him somewhere.

"I just felt angry that they didn't even apologize and I also don't want anyone to get hurt like Finn." She said. Luke can understand what she's feeling because he felt like it too.

"Let's go to the direction where Dylan's team appeared from." Seiran originally planned to search for traps around the area where they activated one but seeing Luke telling her what to do seemed like he has better ways to do this.

Noise came nearer as they walked. Down the large tree is where the team they encountered earlier. They quickly climbed the tree and Luke pointed his finger down. She followed his direction and saw there's a map that Lia's holding. There were small red circles drawn around the map. Seiran knew those were the trap's position around their territory.

"Do you think sir Adam got the wrong information? We've been waiting all morning to trap some snakes but we only manage to kill 4." Dylan said.

"At this rate we'll have the least catch for the second time." His other teammate said.

"If that happens I'll leave this team." The other one said.

Seiran chuckled at how restless they were being.

"Let's do half each. I'll go at the left." Luke said. After memorizing the trap's location, they quickly carried out their plan.

Lia saw the circle disappearing one by one in a fast pace. She quickly told others to check their traps. They saw their traps activated but none of them caught at least one snake or any other animal that fell into it.

"I someone doing this purposely?" Dylan asked.

"Obviously idiot!" Lia answered. After all their traps are gone, it was already the end of the hunt.

They all walked back towards the entrance of the forest so sir Adam could announce the winning team.

"They got 72 snakes in total." Everyone became silent after hearing what sir Adam said. They couldn't believe those four people got so many kills. Then their looks changed into something like they're starting to idolize Seiran and the others.

"And your team got 4 kills in total." sir Adam said then everyone laughed at Dylan and his team.

"It's your fault!!" Lia shouted at Dina then marched towards her. Their classmates blocked her and she looked at them in disbelief.

"You set off all our traps after you fell for one!" She said.

"Dont point at someone innocent just because you got the lowest score." sir Adam quickly said. He hated these youngsters ever since the first day he met them so he didn't think twice to say that to them.

Lia walked out of the class as well as her other teammates as everyone whispered bad remarks about them.

"Ok students, you may go back to your dormitories or wherever you want to go." Sir Adam dismissed the class.

At the pub.

"So, you can heal bones?" Dina asked as she ate some fried chicken.

"Yeah. Could you keep it as a secret?" Seiran asked. Hoping they would say 'yes'.

"Sure if thats what you want." Finn answered.

"You could be transferred to a better school you know." Luke said.

"But I want it here and I want to be with you guys."

"Awwwww jeez so cheezy but I love you too." Dina said and even kissed her cheek.

"She didnt say she love you." Finn said so Dina hit his head.

"You actually took out all their traps huh?" Finn laughed so hard that he almost choke in his food. They started laughing as Dina patted his back.

"Don't pat me so hard! I might spit out my intestines rather than food I choked out of!" Finn said and because of that, he and Dina started barking at each other again.


Seiran arrived at her last subject. She has the same class as Luke. She saw him sitting beside the window so she quickly came over and sat beside him.

"The left head of the two headed snake is larger and the one that has a poison. It protects the right head who has a cure." The teacher explained. This is Seiran's favorite subject. It's where they learn different kinds of evil beasts and how to quickly kill them. Luke doesn't particularly like this subject because he couldn't see the point of learning about those beasts when they had to kill them as soon as they see one.

The class ends after they take a short quiz. Since Luke didn't bother to listen at the discussion, Seiran let him copy her answers.

"Girl I think I'm in love." Dina suddenly said after she flopped down to her bed.

Seiran looked at her and asked, "with whom?"

"You remember my partner in potion class? That time when I failed because of him?" Seiran's jaw dropped when she remembered him at the cafeteria.

"But doesn't he have a girlfriend already?"

"That's why I feel angry at myself." She groaned.

"Why do I have to love someone who already has someone special?" Dina motioned her hands exaggeratedly then kicked the bed out of frustration.

"How does it feel to like someone?" Seiran asked. Dina stopped kicking her bed then turned at her with a surprised look.

"What? Uhm kind of like having a crush but deeper feelings."

"Oh, guess I'll never know that feeling. I don't even have a crush." Dina's mouth opened out of shock.

"Seriously? You don't have someone you admire?" She asked.

"I admire you, Finn and Luke."

"Aww that's so sweet of you but no, that's different. A crush is like someone you always think of."

As if on cue, Noah appeared in Seiran's mind.

"You admire their looks at first."

She remembered how good looking Noah is. She liked those golden eyes of his the most.

"Then you start noticing more about them."

She remembered how clear and manly his voice is. How he moved perfectly moved his body with poise.

"Hey you're blushing!!!" Dina squealed. Seiran looked the other way to hide her face.

"Who's the lucky man?!!!" She continued to squeal.

"N-no one." She answered but Dina laughed.

"You're stuttering omg!!" She said excitedly.

"Is it that senior you're always with? Reymund?" She asked but Seiran quickly shake her head.

"He's like my brother so no way." She denied.

"Ok I won't pry anymore but make sure you tell me someday alright?" Then she nodded.