
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · Fantaisie
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57 Chs


Weapon racks were located by the side of the small arena the choices of weapons were similar to the testing arena. Ares selected another small shield and Ziggy picked a three-pronged fork called a trident. Despite wishing to show his skill Ares didn't wish to hospitalise himself for several days again; for that reason, he decided to avoid magic attacks.

The several teenagers observing the fight quickly lost interest; neither Ziggy or Ares had much skill and it was more an endurance match of who could take the most hits then skill of any sort.

After five minutes of hitting each other continuously there was a loud shout.

"STOP. The match is over." Iron yelled. He then looked at the crowd.

"You know the rules, one mentee, one tutor; everyone has to make a choice. I know that these aren't the crème of the crop but someone will have to pick them or else I will make you all draw straws." Iron threatened the group.

"Ill take the trident kid." A large burly teenager yelled from the back. He was leant back in his seat his arms wrapped around a spear, his neck resting against its shaft.

"Right Johnas, take Ziggy and begin your training. You know the consequences if he doesn't pass the next assessment in three months." Iron said.

Ares had no idea what the consequences were but just knowing that he had to be assessed in three months made him nervous, after all his fighting skill was very low.

The burly teenager Johnas came down to the arena and soon took Ziggy away. Ares was left standing alone in the ring clutching his dented shield by his side.

"Any takers for the other one." Iron said. Ares was unsure if Iron had forgotten his name at this point.

There was a silence in the seats. After around twenty seconds and another threat of drawing straw from Iron there was a volunteer.

"Whatever I'll take him." A thin darkly dressed boy stood towards the back. Ares wouldn't have noticed him if he hadn't stood, he seemed to just blend into the background. The rest of the group went strangely quiet.

"Miles." Iron seemed a little nervous.

Miles made his way down to the front and grabbed Ares by his arm. The silence prevailed throughout his movement.

"Follow me kid." Miles said as he strode out of the arena Ares in hand.

Miles led Ares out of the combat dome completely and to a deserted street in the west corner of the underground city. Miles took Ares into a seemingly deserted house and sat at a dusty table.

"Sit." Miles said gesturing to a chair on the other side of the table.

Ares sat on the chair placing the shield he had taken from the arena on the table. Miles wore a black robe, he had brown hair, green eyes and fair skin he seemed particularly unremarkable in appearance.

"I picked you for one reason and one reason only. I need to graduate the Space guild. Having a mentee is the only way to complete our certification. You will be expected to pass the assessment in three months and I will do everything I can to ensure you do not fail in this matter. I do not care about you or your wishes, you are only a means to an end for me." Miles said this all in a monotone while staring intently at Ares.

"What's the assessment?" asked Ares.

"I do not know; the assessment changes every year. For me I was required to hunt and kill three low level beasts in the wet plains west of the third city." Miles told Ares.

Three low level beasts! That was an impossible task for even some veteran soldiers, yet he was expected to do something like that after only three months. Ares was pale at the thought of this task.

"What is your weapon?" Miles asked Ares, he had seen his spar with Ziggy but it was clear Ares had no experience with the shield.

"I don't know, I needed something solid to use push in my last spar but I don't know what else would work." Ares said truthfully to Miles looking dejectedly at the shield on the table.

"You can already use push with a weapon?" Miles was momentarily shocked.

"Well sort of. I ended up in the hospital ward for two days last time." Ares said his face slightly red at the admission.

"I will find another weapon for you that suits your magic. You will meet me tomorrow at this house at six in the morning. Besides our lessons you will spar with me and train with me twice a day. Every sixth day you will be allowed a rest day to recuperate." After explaining this Miles stood and started to leave. He paused at the door and looked back.

"You do not know me but I will issue this warning once, and only once. Do not disappoint me. I am not a forgiving creature." He then left leaving Ares to be somewhat confused at the intimidating new combat tutor he had acquired.

The rest of the day only contained the understanding of magic lesson, this was predominantly reading books and analysing them. Ares found this lesson to be far less useful than a few hours at the library on his own.

As Ares made his way back to his dormitory, he was somewhat dreading running into Victor and his goons in their shared room. He was surprised to find the room empty of their belongings, only his battered bag lay on his bed. Victor must have moved to a separate dormitory he thought to himself. He checked it for his items of which were few, they were undisturbed. It seemed that Victor hadn't touched his belongings whilst he was gone, he smiled to himself perhaps Victor did have values after all.