
Void Genius

He was a genius of his generation before his death. The inventor of 'The Flying Car', which was a dream of many. It is now, a reality created by Arata Hiroyuki. He has died and reincarnated in a certain universe, in a certain time period. ... Anything related to this story, excluding Arata Hiroyuki, is not mine.

DrewTheDrew · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs


"Testing, testing..." Said someone tapping a mic on a stand. Seeing it work, he began his talk.

"Hello, hello! Let me introduce myself to all the people here who don't know me already. I am Arata Hiroyuki, an inventor, innovationist, and philanthropist. I know it's a weird name for someone who looks like me. But I'll have you know that I am indeed Asian. I was born in the US but raised in Japan. My mother is an American, and my father is Japanese. But enough about those two. I am here to present..."

The man, now known as Arata Hiroyuki, went to show off his newest invention—the first real flying car. Many people have tried before and failed. But many people aren't Arata Hiroyuki, a genius of high caliber. He had managed to make the flying work idea into an actual thing.

And he's only 27. Ever since high school, he thought of making the idea of a flying car into reality. When he graduated in 2025, he was at the top of his year. He graduated from MIT and was in the top 10 of his year at MIT. Due to being young and having such grand achievements, he was a target of envy.

He was shown to be incredibly smart and make innovations related to the automotive industry. A private pilot and an expert in aviation due to how it relates to the flying car. The speech ended, and he brought the car to a runway specifically for the vehicle. He entered the car and turned it on.

The car floated like anyone would imagine it to be. He drove it for a mile and a half, and it was floating all the way. Many clapped for the showing and how revolutionary it was. Some were thinking of ways to steal the technology and make their own. A few were incredibly envious of this.

He was already a target of envy, and this only fueled them even more. It wasn't until a few years later that this became mainstream and the norm for all. Once it became mainstream, in a year, they made record-breaking profits. He became a billionaire that same year. He was a multimillionaire before it became mainstream.

You might ask, do accidents still happen, even with these flying cars? They do, more frequently but less dangerous. Although, sometimes, they can be incredibly fatal. That is what happened to the creator of the flying car, Arata Hiroyuki. At the age of 47, he got into an accident which cost him his life.

Many mourned his death, as the world had lost a genius that came around every few decades. He was the genius of his generation, and he was kind-hearted, too. In his lifetime, he donated 30% of his total lifetime wealth to places in poverty.


It was a rainy and stormy day. Today is when they would bury Arata Hiroyuki. It was as if the Earth mourned him, too. A close friend of his was doing an eulogy.

His wife and two children were grieving the death of someone so dear to them. The wife was most devastated as she loved him so dearly. She was the one who supported him the most, ever since high school.

"Today, we are gathered to mourn Arata Hiroyuki. A man with unrivaled genius, the creator of what we thought impossible. And he died of it, a reckless and tragic accident. The unidentified man had been driving recklessly. Arata was driving home from a meeting. Soon, the man crashed into Arata, an immediate death for him. He was..."

The close friend went on to talk about how great of a man he was. Soon, he finished the closing statement, and people said their final goodbyes. After everyone gave their byes, they buried him. His family were the last ones to leave, and his wife left a crescent moon necklace on top of his headstone.

Once everyone left, a man in a scientist's garb came up. He stood over Arata Hiroyuki's headstone. The crescent moon necklace was still there, on top of the monument.

The man grabbed the crescent moon and held it, facing it towards themselves. He clenched it, and a bright blue light glowed from it. The crescent moon shone in a blue radiance. 

"As a reminder of your life here and the start of your new one in that place." 

He opens a tiny portal with his other hand and throws the crescent moon necklace into it. It closes, and he leaves without another word. The necklace goes through space, finally landing on a table in a house. The necklace still shines a bright blue color. 


Arata Hiroyuki was a man whose creation killed him. During his final moments, he thought of his family and how he, even if he did die, made it. He had archived his dream and made it into a reality.

He was a man without any significant regrets. Some regrets did burden him until that point, but he was expected to have a few regrets. He was an anime fan, enjoying the most popular and the least popular. 

Anime works such as Code Geass by Ichirō Ōkouchi and Gorō Taniguchi. The main protagonist of Code Geass is his favorite character of all time. He was mainly a fan of works by Kinoko Nasu and his verse, the Nasuverse. Arata enjoyed the likes of Fate/Zero, Fate/stay night, and the three routes it has. And the visual novel Tsukihime and the novel Garden of Sinners. 

Being a fan of them meant he knew much about the series—stuff about the universe and certain people or things. Due to his high intellect, he made guesses as to what specific things could be accomplished, even if they weren't shown. He could mostly guess Lelouch's actions and failures when watching Code Geass. 

The root, everything, and nothing simultaneously, the start of all and end for all of the Nasuverse. A being but not a being, a swirl of light and a ball of blue in its center. The root is what most interested him from the Nasuverse—a space where everything returns to and where everything starts. 


Arata was staring at what he believed to be the root, the swirl of the light and a ball of blue pointed toward that. His body, if you could even call his ghastly form that, was far away. Even far away, he could still see the swirl from his position. Many questions ran rampant in his mind, and it went into overdrive, searching for answers.

'This is impossible... How could I be here? I shouldn't be here. I would be absorbed into the root, not have the chance to even think before being sucked in. And my body... I can feel it, but not at the same time. This situation is so surreal. I died, and I'm here. What I assume to be the root of the Nasuverse. So many questions and nothing to answer me.'

He kept thinking, trying to figure out what situation he was in. Before he could think any further, a force pulled him somewhere. Arata reached out to the root, feeling like it would pull him back to it if it could. Sadly, he wasn't pulled back, and the force pulled him into something else. 

He awoke with his body, not ghastly anymore, being drenched in sweat. His eyelids felt heavy, and his body felt sore. When he went to sit up and look at his surroundings, he felt a great pain at his side. He winced, and his hand went over the pain to soothe it. 

Through the pain, he looked around his surroundings. He was laid across a bed. Next to the bed was a bedside table. The table held a diary, a tiny lamp was on, and some coins spread out.

There was a closet across from the bed he was on and a door next to that closet. Through the pain, he sat up, got off the bed, and headed toward the closet. 

'That diary interests me, but I need clothes. I'm naked, for goodness sake!'

Arata hadn't realized he was naked until he sat up and decided to get something on before anything else. Plus, he wanted to check out the rest of this place he was in. The diary could wait until he had checked out this place. Opening the closet, he saw strange clothes, but something he recognized. 

"These are just like the clothes that father used to show me. From Japan in the Edo period of their history. Almost the same... No. That can't be..."

Having an idea of where he is, he puts on some clothes, finding them to fit him nicely. He found it strange and kept it in his mind as he left the room and looked for the front entrance.

Finding it, he exited, and what he had thought earlier was true. He saw people in similar clothes to his. The dirt roads are being used by horse-drawn carriages and people walking on the side of the streets. 

With it confirmed, he entered the house and returned to the room he entered. He entered the room and went to grab the diary he had seen earlier. Arata sat down on the bed and began to read this mysterious diary. The diary's title, "Arata Hiroyuki," sent shivers down his spine, leaving an indelible mark on his memory. 

If you have read my previous stories, this is nothing like the others. And this, I will continue to the end. Updates will be terrible, random even, but I will finish this. If you find grammar mistakes or have constructive criticism. Please tell me, I wish to improve. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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