

Weapons, drugs, blood and HARD love. In this Family nothing what it seems. Welcome to VMA.... an addictive GANG

Christina_siapika · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs



The crowd parted; we reached him.

"Eva is like my sister..." Myra make the introductions. "Laton Cross or Wolf. Good friend and member of the Family".

I smiled politely; he reciprocated by shaking his head sharply.

"Stop pushing each other" Laton shouted furiously at the crowd and with unprecedented calmness asked my friend if she knew where Ethan was. Myra nodded and pushed me to the entrance. We passed a dimly lit glass corridor that formed parallel lines on the wall. We reached a double iron door and from there to the tickets aera where she introduced me to a redhaired woman named Laura. We turned right, until at the end of the corridor an additional door opened, and we found ourselves in the core.

The picture looked like hell. A solid mass of people was delirious swaying in the high-ceilinged space that was specially shaped like a hatch. The club had two levels, suffocatingly packed. People were dancing to the rhythm of the rave music coming out of the speakers, causing seismic vibrations on the floor. Three disco-balls drawing bright boxes even in the farthest corner, while there was photo rhythmically on every square of the wall. Two bars, one larger than the other, and finally, two cages hanging by chains from the ceiling imprisoned the half-naked dancers.

Myra again began to maneuver through places that seemed unimaginable for a human to fit, and we quickly passed the chaotic Juliet level and reached the elevated Eyes level. There were two copies of Laton who simultaneously moved to the side for us to pass. The Eyes level was designed with high table, stools and a-slightly more civilized people. Dark-haired waitresses in provocative clothes served customers while there was plenty of free space. We moved parallel to the bar until my friend was locked in Ethan's arms.

I had met Ethan Campbell three years ago and thought their relationship was over when she found out he was involved with gambling. For some reason, Myra had decided to be with him, so I had to be friendly.

After a warm greeting he turned to me. "Is it Eva?" asked Myra. Myra confirmed it with a smilling nod and I extended my hand for a handshake.