

Noun: - An astronimcal/celestial body.

- The natural satellite orbiting around the Earth.

Verb: -To act in a dreamily or infatuated manner.

- To act or wander abstractedly or listlessly.

- To sentimentalize or remember nostalgically.

The moon exists outside of the Earth but greatly impacts the natural wonders of our planet. It communicates with the Earth using gravitational forces. This celestial wonder has the ability to cause rises and falls in bodies of water along with providing stability to the natural order of our planet. The moon's gravity pulls on the Earth to ensure that it remains stable on its axis. This stabiliztaion is what determines the seasons in all areas of the world, as well as keeping climates controlled in order to sustain life among living beings.

Although the Earth's gravity has altered the Moon's shape and structure, it's power and purpose is still shared with our planet to contibute to some of the harmony and necessary changes imbedded into earthly life. While sending all of this essential goodness from beyond the globe, it is also said that the Moon obtains the energy that is lost by the Earth as a result of the lunar gravitational pull slowing down its rotation.

This uptake of energy causes the moon to become more and more distant as time goes by......

Glossary For This World:

Reach Rod - Arm

Grabber- Hand

Gripper- Finger

Walk Rod - Leg

Walk Pad - Foot

Lenses - Eyes

Sheath - Skin

Processor - Brain

Hair - Veil

Fuel - Food

Wires - Veins

Sustainer - Heart

Fuel Hold - Stomach

Audio Passages - Ears

Scent Passage - Nose

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