
Jun Tianyun Receives A Slap

Jun Tianyun pinched his forehead as he digested all the information. He guessed that after he killed the Evil Mage's avatar Hiroto. It somehow created a butterfly effect.

The causality made the Demon Shrines sealed across the country being unsealed somehow. Now, for the past eight years, not only demons and ghosts appeared in this country, but exorcists and other ancient powers also appeared to fight them back.

An ancient organization turned into the Exorcist's Association, whose sole purpose is to eradicate evil beings and keep them away from the noses of the general public.

Thanks to their powerful control over the government and the nation's resources, the matters of supernatural and evil were easily kept under the wrap away from the public.

As for the Urban Legends and other things, they just kept some smoke like that to confuse the public.

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