
JailBreak & Martyr


Anyone who like the picture I uploaded in the last chapters poll know this!


Thank you for listening to what I said, now back to the story!


And like AFO said, the rest of the League decided to take a rest and heal from their wounds, while for me I just relaxed while AFO had a 'heart to heart' with Shigiraki about somethings.

But I decided to just relax as it was best I didn't do everything on my own as everything had its own process to complete besides I'm not in any rush for anything as I look back at the four objectives we had completed from all that carnage this day.

Kill the Symbol of Peace: End the Life of All Might, Complete!

End of a Rivalry: Have AFO kill his old rival by his own hands, Complete!

Family Feud: Have Dabi kill his Father Endeavor by his own hands, Complete!

Destroyer of Hopes and Dreams: Break the heroic spirit of the people of Japan and stir the violent tendencies in its people that want a new age to begin!, Complete!

'Well I can say that this day has been rather productive for what we have done this day, now it's time for everyone to get some rest, and even if I don't need it anymore I should enjoy some sleep every once in awhile.'

I thought to myself as I decided to take up one of the guest rooms here in HQ as this bar was more like a hidden Inn so their were rooms to sleep in while staying at the HQ, besides we got plenty of things to do after today.



"This is the place Dio-sama?" Mariah said as we were looking down from a large skyscraper out to the sea to see a large prison complex only connected back to the mainland by a single bridge which is rigged to blow up if a prison break is allowed to happen.

"Yep, that's Tartarus, this worlds most secure prison, one no one has been able to break out of…." I said with a smirk.

"Until now…." Ice says finishing my sentence before getting in Cream and flying over there.

"Show off." Mariah says before she takes a metal board and hops on before surfing down the side of the building before propelling herself into the sky and inverting her magnetism on her to go against gravity and surf through the sky on her metal surfboard.

"…. And your any better?" I said shaking my head before levitating and then flying through the air with them both to our destination as we stopped not far from the entrance to the bridge where the military checkpoint was at.

Seeing us land not that far from us, and that our faces are plastered everywhere as SS to A rank Villains they instantly took aim at us.

"Idiots." Is all Mariah said before their rifles aimed right at their heads before-


-she made all of their guns shoot them in the head before Ice ripped apart their bodies until there was nothing left of them before he barreled through the fenced off gate, splitting it in half.

And Mariah didn't need to do anything before it just got thrown away like a pile of garbage as we just made our way across the bridge to the other side.


Though obviously with some resistance as snipers shot right at us, but the bullets were just stopped without Mariah even trying before they even reached us, and after they stopped firing at us she pulled out a cigarette and lit it before looking at them before letting out the smoke from her mouth.

"You know it's rather rude to shoot at a lady? Here, you can have them back!" She said with a bit of an irritated look as the bullets turned around and faced the snipers.



With a snap of her fingers the bullets were Returned to Sender and killed every single one of them as we kept making our way towards the entrance.

Even though I knew there were explosives under the bridge, they don't go off unless both the front door has been destroyed and all of the prison cells have been breached, it saves them money from having to repair it from any minor break outs, all governments are cheap like that it seems.

As for me I'm letting my followers show their powers off in here while I begin freeing our new 'comrades' from their cells, though only a few of them are interesting to me in anyway just as AFO showed them which is strange as they never appeared in this worlds story but in what are this worlds 'Side Stories'

Surprisingly most of our worlds have stories of our own, most of them are considered to not be cannon to the worlds story but some of them are but don't leave a major impact in the story as they are parts that get resolved rather quickly in there own ways.

'Nine, Splice, Mummy, Chimera, Wolfram, Swordkil, Daigo, Nobu, Volcano, Dusty Ash Gust Boy and last but certainly not least, Lady Nagant.'

These were all the villains we should definitely get under our wing, but there are also several other groups that should be brought under our wing or just outright destroyed just because they would be a thorn in our sides in the long run.

"Alright we already know who we're after to join up with us, but we're letting everyone out, the more chaotic it is, the better." I say to them which I get a nod before we enter and begin to tear this place apart.

Gunshots, screams of pain and freedom as alarms blared across the complex as cells doors were ripped open from there hinges as more and more villains were freed from there cells as we went deeper and deeper into the complex.


Well all except for one particular Villain that would never see the light of day again, 'Rest in Peace Stain, you won't be missed, but may your death make you a martyr for us villains.' I think to myself with a smirk as I mind controlled a guard to execute him before the cameras watching his cell.

I even made it look like I arrived a second to late with the execution of it all with killing the guard only to see the dead Stain, who I was restraining him with my shadows to make him an even bigger sitting duck, before I only showed myself shaking my head before moving on.

I deserve an Oscar for my amazing Acting skills, and if they don't give it to me because those bastards alway rig the award ceremony so I'll just make them give me one!

*Cough* anyway….

I made my way deeper looking for our targets which some were in low security sector and others were in the heavy security sector with automated turrets to shoot intruders and escapees down.

But since Mariah is a full counter to guns, and Ice is a invisible bulldozer those turrets didn't stand a chance as we made our way deeper as the villains began to deal with the guards for us, making our job simpler by the minute.

Now as for those we were after all I said to them was, "The Age of Hero's is over, now come with me if you want to see the light of day ever again." With a bit of vampiric manipulation to make them answer my call as I didn't have the time to convince every one of those groups as it's best to just get them to listen to my voice and follow my orders so they can get freedom, after we are all out of here then I can really convince them to join our cause if I need to.


A loud explosion shook the entire prison complex, they obviously blew up the bridge trying to strand us on this island while they get reinforcements across the country.

With a snap of my fingers we were enveloped in darkness before reappearing right before the broken bridge as the other escapees arrived.

"…. You could have warned us…." Lady Nagant says as she and a few of the others steady themselves after suddenly being teleported through the shadows like that.

"Ohh, but where's the fun in that?" I say before I lift up my hand as darkness extends from one end of the bridge to the other before I looked at the somewhat surprised villains with a smirk.

"Well? What are you waiting for? An invitation?! Go out there and do what we villains do best!" I shout out which makes them all roar out in cheers as they barrel down the bridge and towards freedom.

"Things are gonna get a lot more chaotic, but it's time I bring you to meet an acquaintance of mine, so steady yourselves." I say before we sink into the darkness and disappear as the bridge stays up until the last prisoner goes across before it disappears entirely.

(Objectives: Jailbreak and Martyr, Complete!)

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