
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantaisie
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139 Chs


Leo was taken to the crime scene at the warehouse by Kingly. Kingly simply watched as he looked around and analyzed the scene.

"I'd prefer you to be fast. I want to return to Master's side." Kingly sighed

Leo turned, "You and your Master already know what's happening, don't you?"

Kingly broadly smiled, "Does that matter?"

"Are we....these dead me and me....are we a game to you?" Leo frowned

Kingly closed the distance between them and looked into his eyes that looked back at him searchingly. It made Kingly amused how he was grasping for an answer he already knew and scoffed at him.

"Time's ticking. If you don't want more dead people because this little game, I advise you to be faster." Kingly smirked "I don't really care what the end will be."


Leo felt the coldness of a blade on his nape as Kingly lowered his head to his level. His calmness was scary as if wondering if keeping alive was worth it.

"Yes....he gave me 'life' so to say." Kingly suddenly smiled "Don't look so tense, I'm meant to protect you but that doesn't go everyone else...hmm."

Leo knew it was a threat to those close to him and it sent a shiver down his spine looking at Kingly's calm smile.

"Don't tease him too much." a voice went through a bud in Kingly's ear

"It's called 'motivation' and that's all I did." Kingly smiled turning to the entrance "Stop talking to me. They're here."

Leo saw the woman that killed him, Navaeh walk in with Vance.

"Nava...he looked very alive to me." Vance smiled

Navaeh frowned, "Are you saying I can't kill or I'm bad at it?"

"Does it matter?" Kingly interrupted cracking his knuckles

Navaeh and Vance felt oddly threatened by Kingly's presence. They were shocked as Kingly appeared between them with hands stretched to their face before slamming their heads to the cement below.

"What?" Leo exclaimed

Zander suddenly stood up in Zyder's office with widened eyes. He turned to his older brother with a smile, "I'm going out, do you want anything?"

"Cheesecake....some really red cheesecake. Cherry or Raspberry." Zyder smiled

Zander smiled, "How interesting. You don't carry about the flavor but the color."

Zander left quickly glancing towards Zyder's smiling face before vanishing.

Navaeh and Vance got up and pushed back looking Kingly.

"If you won't come....I will." Kingly smiled

"What is he?" Navaeh exclaimed

Vance came from behind and Navaeh flew forward. Kingly raised his foot into Navaeh's face as Vance hit into his solid back. He pushed Navaeh back as he propelled himself upwards and made a black fireball fly towards Vance.

Navaeh used her wings to blow it back to its sender. Kingly fell tot eh ground but stood up again ripping his burning shirt off. The fireball wasn't a normal flame they noticed seeing Kingly bled and wounds worsen.

"You hatchlings are too early to be fighting me." Kingly laughed healing himself

His body was decorated with scars and toned muscle. The villains lost in the battle of experience but they didn't want to pull back.

"Let me use appraisal." Vance said

Navaeh shot forward wings tipped grey with spikes and talons outstretched towards Kingly. Kingly raised his brow and pushed his hands forward maneuvered them to grab her ankles. He swung her into a building like she was a dusty rug.

[ ERROR---Player <Vance> is unable to appraise due to level difference....]

"Fuck." Vance replied as Navaeh crashed into him

Kingly's eyes were blazing with happiness and looked smug as hell. Navaeh and Vance got up feeling looked down on.

"I get it. He's stronger than us right? He's trying to provoke us to continue." Navaeh panted " We were arrogant."

Vance saw Navaeh fly forward and as Kingly brought his hands out, she twisted her body, bringing her talons closer to her body, gliding under his arm and scratching his face before flying out of reach.

Kingly swiped the blood and grinned widely but Vance came from behind kicking his nape. Kingly used that second to grabbed his leg and Navaeh shot towards him but he grabbed her wing. He threw the young villains into each other.

Navaeh raised her leg and fired a water blast sending Kingly into a warehouse. Kingly jumped upwards and Vance fired a laser into his lower leg as Navaeh flew up. Kingly grabbed Navaeh's talons him allowing her to pierce into his flesh trying to push her back.

Navaeh stretched her back wings and stabbed into Kingly's torso. Kingly pulled her along with the steel tipped wings out his body and used her to break his fall to earth. It was like an unmoving mountain and he was enjoying himself quite well.

Navaeh stood up, made her steel wings force together and stabbed Kingly in the back. It came out his bell and he tilted his head towards her burning gaze. Kingly was stretching towards her when Vance changed into a lion and bit into Kingly powerfully.

Kingly didn't fall with his blood overflowing on the ground and preparing for another attack Yasmin suddenly appeared in front of him and he felt a shiver down his spine. She placed her fingertips on Kingly's chest and the other hand moved making Navaeh and Vance float as Kingly was sent flying into a pole.

"Shall we postponed this?" Yasmin smiled

Kingly smirked, "I suppose." and he vanished

"I...I want to be stronger." Vance mumbled digging his hands into the soil

Navaeh and Yasmin were silent, they knew what he wanted to hear but they knew they shouldn't lie to him. He knew Navaeh was a disadvantage because she wasn't in the sky nor sea thus a passive skill lowered her power output. Vance knows he almost caught Navaeh killed today and it was eating up his mind.

"....Let's....let's go....please." Yasmin finally said "Please Van."

Vance looked up with dark eyes and they returned to the murderers shelter by nightfall. Kingly was treating his wounds in an abandoned construction site.

"Yasmin Lev...hmm." Kingly said looking up towards Dylan

The sky rumbled as rain fell lightly as Dylan and Kingly staring daggers at each other.