
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantaisie
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139 Chs

The Front

Ivan started glow pink. He stood up surrounded by the mini slaves and smiled. Pink knives appeared in his hands. He ripped his jacket to tie up his wounds.

" Come at me, you disgusting bugs." He went running forward

Vance jumped upwards making tiles which helped him jump higher into the sky. He was in a white overcoat, white boats and light blue shirt and black jeans. A couple of rectangles floated nearby his right eye.

[ The authority: <Materializer>, < Tech Freak> and < Overseer of Tech> has gone beyond sixty percent in your body]

His lime eyes turned blue as he jumped up one last time. A silver sphere circled him, the ripping feeling in the pit of his stomach was indescribable and the layout of the entire country was pushed into his head. A light shot out of his chest and he let out a pain-filled scream. The light shot up and split up going across the country forming new and improved Zeta towers.

A purple blanket wrapped around the country and a large portion of the ocean as Vance fell into the waters. Crystal jumped into the water and surfaced empty-handed," PRINCE!....VANCE!!!!!!"

Mini slaves outside the Zeta Field hissed and pushed back. Now they were trapped with the mini and large slaves they thought in dry laughter.

Skyler returned to Jaxon fighting a large slave after cleaning up the mini slaves where Vance left him. Jaxon's orange was flame red, his green eyes were yellow underneath in a black and red general attire with a skull and bones at the back. He was fully combusted and smoke came out of his pores. Skyler could tell by the intensity of the smoke that Jaxon was being wearied down since he fought the large slave single-handedly.

The battle slave wasn't in peak condition either. The two were in the battle on who would fall to fatigue first. Otis and Octavia saw the struggling battle and she made a tornado pick up her brother flames to throw it to the slave. The slave jumped instantly and was in front of Jaxon's niece and nephew.

Rationally thinking Jaxon would have lose the usefulness of Otis and Octavia but he accepted that he cared for the two regardless of Julianna's blood in their veins. Jaxon re-combusted in a bright beautiful blue flame, his right hand claws gleamed as he concentrated power into his right arm and slashed in the air. The battle slave suddenly split into pieces, his core split into two clean halves and died.

Jaxon fell to the ground, his ears rang muting all other sounds and his arm blackened. His arm began intensely bleeding, his skin broke apart and bones were shattered. Although what he thought as consciousness faded was that he was glad that Otis and Octavia weren't hurt.

[ Player< Jaxon> authority: < Passion of Flames>, < Queen of Arsenal> and < Road Un-safety> has gone beyond hundred percent?]

Skyler stood in front as mini slaves started coming towards them. He pictured the beautiful flame of Jaxon and opened up yellow eyes and stretched out his hand as Otis and Octavia tried to stop Jaxon's bleeding.

[ Player <Skyler> authority: < Riser from the Ashes>, < Photocopier>and < Loyal Vassal> are beyond sixty-seven percent]

Another large slave fell and Ivan came crawled out of its mouth with the core. Gaia was struggling with her injuries as Gain and her guarding the only entrance to the underground areas the civilians were safely placed.

" Let's do this Gain." she panted holding her reopened and new wounds

Gain smiled," Sure."

Some civilians saw what was happening and attracted in a crowd of people. Gaia was in a rustic safari outfit with the shoulder cover of a lion over her shoulders dampened in blood and Gain wore full black with a shield on his back. The held hands and an energy ball occurred in their palms.

[ Player< Gaia> authority: < The Brute who dies in battle>, < The revenge-seeker> and < King of Beasts> is mixing with authority of Player < Gain>: < The impenetrable Fortress>, < Seer of Nothings> and < Promise Holder>]

The mini slaves jumped on the two but Yoel appeared and let out a growl and a vortex opened up and sucked up the slaves. The pillars let out a blast as blood gushed out of the wounds which vaporized the mini slaves all around the entrance and kilometers beyond.

The wave passed and blood cover Caesar beside a dead large slave. Blood flowed like a river from a cut on his chest and turned to a body of a child. He picked the youngling up after hearing its shallow breathing and turned to arriving mini-slaves.

Urvi wore a suit with boot-leg pants. Her scales coin was behind her as disc of different faces were around her and a star on her forehead and sclera. She was facing the only medium slave that was in the country. It was planted in the ground and sending harpoon like structures to Urvi. Unknown to her Reese was nearby in camouflage.

Reese remembered her contract with Zaiden.

' You don't have to be a real Pillar. Just to fill up the numbers because we like even numbers, you can do what you want I don't give a damn just be there at significant moments in my plan'

She easily agreed and Zaiden smiled," Do what you want even let my villains die after all...you're a fake, Reese Klemens. Don't forget and get attached "

Reese saw harpoons punctured into Urvi's into her shoulders and blood splattered over Reese and Zaiden's words came repeating in her head like a broken disc: You're a fake. She had accepted being his fake Pillar but is it worth is it, what is Zaiden's plan with her she thought watching Urvi struggle.

" If you'll only watch. Please leave, Reese." Urvi went suddenly

The slave took that split-second of distraction to hold a harpoon with its tentacles and slash Urvi. Urvi tried to pull back but the tip when upwards to her face. The memories Reese ha tried suppressing flooded in and she realized that Blood Lily may have become more than she planned. She held onto Urvi's body and hugged it apologizing and begging her to wake up.

Drones appeared and flew to the slave fueled with her emotions.

" Urvi you said you'd go back to you're newborn baby. PLEASE ALEXANDER NEEDS A MOTHER!" Reese cried

Urvi's undamaged eye faintly open as Urvi pictured her loving husband, children and the new addition of their seven month baby boy as well as her Blood Lily family. She saw her unit members trying many methods to stop Alexander from crying and laughed.

" Reese Alex...really loves...when I bring you.... I forgive...you." she panted with a smile before fainting

Tears ran down her cheeks and the size of the drones increased and the went rampant. Reese had been faking but it all started to hurt in her chest. A harpoon flung into her shoulder blade but Reese was didn't flinch and smiled," I'm a fool. Zaiden, you monster!!!!"

The medium slave was killed by continuous hole puncturing until its core was smashed. The drones were sucked out the energy from Reese. She held up Urvi who gained some consciousness and the started moving.

Thunder watched his sons carefully as the the ate the core of another slave. The sky became dark as the beyond large slave descended and it darkened the entire country. The twins simply smiled.