
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantaisie
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139 Chs

New Faces

They were in a hall with the Villains on the left and the Heroes on the right. Alex was talking about something, the villains frankly didn't care.

"Although, you seem to be holding up quite well?" Cerberus commented

"No....their barrier will break sooner or later," Gadget explained.

The heroes couldn't refute what he said since it was true.

"But it's up and running?" Ivan pointed out "It doesn't look like something that would kick the bucket."

"It's not the barrier that will collapse but the Nights race will break it." Executive Krysa smiled

"Fair point they're intelligent beings so it's only a matter of time." Ink frowned

Executive Usagi smiled, "So let's enjoy ourselves and bounce. Shall I set a timer?"

"WHAT?!" Chrono roared

"Why would we risk our lives and lower the fighting force of our country?" Mask replied, "We need quite a good reason."

" Villains need a reason?" Ray frowned

"Right now. We're Country A and Country B. "Country B wants Country A's help without providing anything." Executive Slang told, "Is that what you heroes call an alliance?"

They were stunned

"I agree. Oddly, you expect us to hand you everything as if we've been friends for decades." Executive Drak scoffed "Politically speaking this has no benefit to us."

"We're making peace between each other. Isn't that good enough?" a young hero blurted out

"If a war starts...we'll win again." Multi Mask warned, "We're done here."

The Villain faction started to stand up.

"Wait...." a man went

"?" The villains waited

"My name is Roberto." he introduced "I suggested the alliance."

"That was a fun idea." Dea Tacita chuckled "Do you want to be a Villain?"

Roberto simply laughed, "Give us some time, I hear villains get easily bored."

"Yes...it's honestly a problem, especially for high-ranked villains." Ajkula agreed

"Why not come by the Hero HQ." He suggested

"You've got a deal." They reacted

They left and Roberto let out a sigh.

"I didn't expect them to be so grounded." Ray clicked

Roberto sighed, "Obviously, if it doesn't benefit them, why would they help us? Isn't everybody like that?"

"You said they get bored?" Thunder frowned. "Is the HQ some sort of entertainment center?"

"If they enjoy themselves they might help us without benefits." Roberto informed " The Blood Lily Empire....honestly lacks nothing. We need to think about what they may need."

"What else should we know," they asked

Roberto connected his computer to the projector, "So Blood Lily has rankings and organizations but they are different."

"Should we know?" Sofi asked

"Know your enemy." a woman nearby said "If we disrespect their way, it will only affect us."

"Alright. I-"


They rushed outside seeing young heroes on the floor with serious bruises all over their bodies. A boy was in the middle with them and the heroes frowned.

"Tor!" a voice echoed

A girl was running in their direction before tripping and sliding on the floor. A serious boy let out a chuckle as he helped her up.

"Who are you?" Sofi asked

"Ah..." the small girl reacted " I'm Executive Apina's daughter, rank: purple star, named Jinx."

"Punisher's son, rank: black chaos, named Tor." he frowned "We were lost and asked for directions but they insulted my mother."

"That's all?" Ray asked

"What do you mean by 'that's all?', hero," a voice asked

"Daddy!" Jinx went

He was a tall, slender man with brown hair. He picked up Jinx like a sack of potatoes placing her on his shoulders. He wore a black suit with a brown tie and a tail that ran down towards his ankles.

"Tor is already at black chaos, he must be talented." Roberto interrupted

"Thanks for the flattery." Tor sighed

A woman popped out, "It's cause he wants to join his mum's unit. He's trying super hard."

Tor's face seemed to redden, " Entrance into the Balance unit is hard."

"Thank the nice heroes for keeping you busy." Executive Apina smiled

Tor clicked his tongue and walked away in the direction Apina came from.

"We'll meet soon, the vice of the Dark Night unit, Frostina." the woman smiled "You can continue to discuss villains."

"As if." a person frowned

Frostina smiled, "Suck up heroes....are as annoying as hell. Can't you admit we're better than you?"

"Peace, Tina....we came in peace." Executive Apina laughed pulling her away with his tail

The heroes all dispersed in fits of rage and Roberto sighed. He wanted to tell them that reacting to villains made them happier.

"Did you study villains?"

Roberto didn't turn away because strong pressure came from behind him. It wasn't a voice he had heard before so he concluded it was a villain.

"Well, I wouldn't want to be rude to our possible ally." Roberto smiled

"Hmm. Ungrateful heroes don't see your worth."

The person was gone and Roberto panted wiping sweat from his nape. He wasn't too happy about standing out since they might kill him. He let go of another sigh.

Meanwhile, Zyder was with the twins. He gave directions to the driver and his younger brothers' interest grew. They passed buildings and entered the wilderness. Soon they stopped in front of a well-maintained house with a white fence.

They followed Zyder to the door and he rang the doorbell. They heard loud thumbs echoing toward them.

"Dear, did you forget something?" a voice asked before a crashing sound

The voice was soft and clearly didn't know who was a the door. The person finally opened the door and an elderly woman stared at them. Suddenly a revolver was pointed at the brothers.

"May I ask who you are?" she smiled with a finger on the trigger

"How have you been, Grandma?" Zyder laughed "I see your trigger finger is still working."

"Ryder, darling." She laughed tossing the gun back inside

"Twins, this is our grandmother, Greti." Zyder introduced

She turned her gaze to the boys beside Zyder and looked deeply into their eyes. The twin boys were surprised as her lilac eyes turned a deep blue with red rims. Their emotion eyes came out reacting to hers and Granny smiled.

"Come dearies. Tell granny whatever you want, how you think the world wronged you." she smiled "Or how you wish to burn something or one but can't."