
Villain Supreme

In the aftermath of the catastrophic Day of Destruction, a resilient world emerges. Enter Tiraz Meishin, a determined youth starting his journey at the prestigious Reus Academy. As he steps into Class E, a realm of underprivileged students, fate unveils its plans. Little do they know, their unassuming teacher, Mr. Arkram, harbors a dark secret. He is none other than Aiden Arkram, the legendary Villain Supreme. In a world where heroism and villainy blur, "Villain Supreme" weaves mystery, action, and humor. Join Tiraz and his classmates as they unravel their teacher's enigmatic past, and discover the true meaning of heroism. Get ready for a thrilling saga of redemption and courage, where second chances shape destinies. Uncover hidden potentials and secrets in this epic tale that challenges beliefs and pushes the limits of heroism. Are you prepared to witness their legend? .... Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual records. All characters and designs in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be aware of the plot and read it as fiction. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes and shall not bear any responsibility for hurting sentiments. .... Your support is genuinely appreciated. Follow me on my social Instagram - @sidddwrites

Sinadin · Fantaisie
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89 Chs

Awakening and Realisation

As the dust settled and the defeated heroes lay in their defeated state, Aiden Arkram, the self-proclaimed harbinger of destruction, stood amidst the wreckage.

With a brief pause, his mind drifted back to the events that had shaped him into the formidable force he had become.

In the midst of the chaos, a flashback washed over his mind, transporting him to the bleak corridors of his past.

Aiden had been an orphan, discarded by society and left to fend for himself. Throughout his formative years, he had been subjected to the cruelties of bullies, their taunts and jeers echoing through his memories.

But it was within the darkness of his solitude that Aiden's true transformation had begun. Alone and broken, he sought solace within the depths of his own mind, delving into the recesses of his thoughts with an insatiable hunger for answers.

It was during those introspective moments that he discovered the dormant power residing within him.

"I was a forgotten soul, discarded and abandoned," Aiden mused, his voice laced with bitter reflection. "But in the depths of my despair, I found something extraordinary—a spark, a glimmer of something beyond the mundane existence I had known."

Through his relentless self-reflection, Aiden had tapped into a wellspring of immense power, a force that lay dormant within him, waiting to be awakened.

It was as if the universe had bestowed upon him a gift, a means to transcend his torment and rise above his oppressors.

"I realized that power was not merely physical," Aiden continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of defiance and revelation. "It was the culmination of my suffering, the manifestation of my innermost desires. I embraced it, nurtured it, allowing it to consume me."

With each memory, each painful recollection, Aiden had harnessed his pain, transforming it into raw energy that coursed through his veins.

The bullying he endured had forged him into something beyond human—a force of nature that would reshape the world in his image.

"The bullies believed they had broken me," Aiden spoke, his voice growing stronger. "But little did they know that their cruelty was the catalyst that awakened my true potential. Their torment was the stepping stone that led me to the pinnacle of power."

As the flashback waned, Aiden's gaze refocused on the present, the defeated heroes sprawled at his feet.

He reveled in his newfound strength, a testament to his ability to overcome the trials that had beset him.

"Now, in the face of their defeat, I stand as the culmination of my own journey," Aiden declared, his voice resolute. "No longer will I be shackled by the chains of the past. I am the architect of my own destiny, the one who shall shape this world to my whims."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Aiden turned his back on the fallen heroes, leaving them to lick their wounds.

The path he had chosen was one of darkness and destruction, driven by a desire to assert his dominance over a world that had forsaken him.

"The orphans, the bullied, the forgotten," Aiden mused, his voice a whisper carried by the wind. "I shall be their voice, their avenger. Through chaos, they shall find liberation, and the world will tremble before their rightful master."

And with those words, Aiden Arkram, the boy who had endured a lifetime of torment, stepped forward, his heart brimming with an unholy determination.

The world had underestimated him, but no longer. He had embraced his power, and now he would wield it as a weapon of vengeance and retribution, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

The city stood as a haunting testament to the devastation that had unfolded within its boundaries.

Once a thriving metropolis, it now lay in ruins, its once-proud structures reduced to crumbling remnants of their former glory.

Tall skyscrapers leaned precariously, their shattered windows reflecting the pale light of a bruised sky.

The streets, once bustling with life and energy, now lay desolate and broken. Piles of debris littered the roads, remnants of what was once a vibrant urban landscape.

Burned-out vehicles stood as charred husks, twisted and contorted in the wake of the cataclysmic events that had unfolded.

Smoke and ash hung heavily in the air, casting an ominous haze over the scarred cityscape.

The acrid scent of destruction wafted through the wind, mingling with the lingering echoes of chaos. The once-familiar landmarks had been transformed into ghostly remnants, mere shadows of their former selves.

The city's heart, where Aiden stood, bore the brunt of the devastation. Cracked pavement, split open by the sheer force of unleashed power, snaked its way through the desolation.

Broken streetlights dangled precariously from their posts, their shattered glass scattered on the ground like shards of lost hope.

Buildings, their facades cracked and crumbling, stood as towering sentinels of destruction. Jagged edges protruded from their broken structures, reaching out like skeletal fingers towards the darkened sky.

What were once symbols of human achievement now stood as haunting monuments of Aiden's power and the havoc he had wrought.

Amidst the wreckage, nature had begun its slow reclamation. Weeds and vines pushed their way through cracks in the asphalt, reclaiming the city inch by inch.

A sense of eerie stillness hung in the air, as if the very essence of life had been snuffed out by the malevolent aura that enveloped the surroundings.

Silence, interrupted only by the occasional gust of wind, weighed heavily upon the ruins. It was as if the city itself mourned its own demise, a silent witness to the cataclysm that had unfolded within its boundaries.

There was an unsettling serenity in the aftermath, an unspoken acknowledgment of the magnitude of the destruction that had taken place.

In this desolate landscape, Aiden Arkram, the young man with long white hair, stood as a solitary figure.

The city, once teeming with life and vitality, had now become his canvas of chaos, a testament to his awakened powers and the darkness that resided within him.
