
Villain: I don't care about the story

Transmigrated into the novel, but as the villain, With wealth and parents that are one of the strongest of the country. I chose to live my life liesurely. But the hero seemed to hate me without even me doing anything.

Daoistyglf7O · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Attack in the forest

Oblivious to danger, the students dispersed throughout the beast forest,

They were only allowed in a part that was previously cleared by the teachers for their safety,

The groups almost immediately started killing monsters and collecting cores.

The monsters categorized into the ranks as F , E , D, C, B, A, S rank.

There will be only D ranked monsters in the area as the teachers have cleared the above,

Evan, Jake and I was walking in the forest,

Evan and I were in the back while Jake was in front confused as we were not hunting and just walking,

Evan and I talked a lot on our way to here,

Evan said: "What are your thoughts on cooperating with me? "

I said: "I will think about it "

Evan nodded in satisfaction as he got more than he anticipated,

His evaluation of me was more than he imagined and was most impressed by my thoughts as I came from a modern world so some of my thoughts were way advanced than many could imagine,

Evan asked: "Shall we begin hunting now? "

I nodded in agreement and said: "That's why we're here."

We both took out our swords at the same time,

Evan was wielded an A ranked sword and mine was B ranked,

Evan teased: "Why is the heir of the Everheart family wielding a mere B ranked sword "

I smiled and said: "What's the use of wielding a sword you are not capable of using more than once."

Evan chuckled as it was the first time someone retorted to him this way,

Even his brother won't say something like this to him,

Evan said: "Let's see if you can use your sword like you tongue "

I said: "Believe me, I use both better than you. "

"Haha.. ", Evan couldn't help but laugh,

Unsure if it was my family's strength speaking or it is my talent.

Regardless, he found it enjoyable.

As we were talking, we were surrounded by a pack of Dire wolves,

Dire wolves are D ranked monsters, they larger and more aggressive cousins of regular wolves, dire wolves roam the forests and mountains in packs. They are often sought after for their thick fur and as trophies.

Jake quickly took a defensive stance as Evan signaled with his eyes, silently conveying to show him my skills.

With a chuckle, and lightning speed, I swiftly appeared in front of a dire wolf and cut him half clean,

Its blood splattered, but I was already swinging my sword at another dire wolf before the blood could stain my clothes,

The dire wolves were all killed within a minute,

Jake couldn't even react for a couple of seconds,

Even Evan was surprised, he could tell that I am an Advanced ranked warrior like him, but couldn't believe as I am in my first year,

I said: "Collect their cores Jake. "

Jake came back to his senses, nodded and said,

"I will, but aren't you a mage? "

I manifested a fireball saying: "I am, but I also am a warrior. "

Evan asked: "What rank are you in "

I said: "I am in advanced ranked in both sword and magic. "

Now this came more of a shock to them,

They were aware of magic warriors but the fact that I held an advanced rank in both magic and swordsmanship at my age left them thunderstruck, 

Evan also realized that my fearlessness was because of my strength,

Evan thought: 'Sister, you lost a gem, if he is in background, I don't mind you becoming the queen '

'He would take the kingdom hundreds of years further '

Jake swiftly retrieved and stored the cores of the dire wolves,

We then continued going deeper into the forest,

But as we got deeper, we both felt an ominous feeling crept on us,

Evan and I looked at each other, both sensing the upcoming danger,

Suddenly, forest fell into an eerie silence, so quiet that we could hear our heartbeat,

I knew what was coming so I was not worried that much,

But Evan and even Jake were in both defensive state with vigilant senses,

But the silence didn't last long, as we heard sounds of footsteps of monsters coming towards us, but according to the sound, it was a horde of hundreds of monsters coming towards us,

Soon, the horde of monsters came into our view, dire wolves, dire bears, goblins, and giant boars, each emanating a sinister purple energy, running towards us.

Evan and I quickly realized what the purple energy was the reason of this horde,

But Jake was puzzled and afraid: "Why are there so many monsters? "

I said: "They were being controlled "

Activating the mana stone embedded within my sword, a complex runic design appeared on my blade in ethereal light.

Turning to Evan, I said, "Why don't you activate yours? "

Evan said embarrassingly: "I will run out of mana even before I could deliver on attack. "

I chuckled saying: "Now who's all talk? "

I said to Jake: "Kill the ones who get away from us and don't forget to collect cores. "

With this Evan and I both ran towards the monsters,

As I reached the forefront of the approaching monsters, I swung my sword,

A surge of mana rippled from the blade, manifesting into a powerful shockwave that thundered through the air.

The shockwave flattened the ground before me, killing nearly half of the monsters.

As the mana stone in my sword dulled to a normal stone, I even felt my own mana depleting of 2000,

According to this, one attack costs around 3000 mana,

But it was worth it as half of the monsters were destroyed leaving only their cores,

I then attacked the monster with Evan, we were in sync as we butchered our way through the monsters,

It only took us couple of minutes to kill the remaining monsters.

Jake in the back was collecting the cores as he did not get any chance to attack, 

In the novel, all of the students were attacked, and Arhtur was the one who saved them,

Well technically they were saved by Mary and Daisy, but because they were led by Arthur, they were overshadowed by him,

And Arthur, shamelessly accepted the credit, the girls also let it go,

But this would be different now,

I said to Evan: "Let's head to the other students. They might be under attack too "

Evan nodded in agreement. "You're right, let's go."

Turning to Jake, I said: "Follow us and collect the cores "

We then ran towards the directions of the other students,

As we thought, they were getting attacked but the monsters were less in numbers,

But the students were barely standing their ground with the help of senior students,

We quickly handled the monsters and told the students to go back and ask for help from the teachers,

The teachers would have come by now, but they couldn't as the monsters also entered the city,

The monsters were not that strong and can be dealt with an attack or two from the principal, but the monsters spread around the city and attacking the normal people,

This will take a lot of time for the teachers to find and kill the monsters and then come save us,

Evan and I were killing the monsters and rescuing the students while Jake was collecting the cores,

In about an hour, we have rescued most of the students,

But we soon came across a group that was surrounded by hundreds of monsters and a black cloaked person,

It was the group of the Emma,

Emma and her teammates stood in a tight circle, their backs pressed together,

As the person removed the cloak, revealing a young boy of their own age, with intricate purple web-like lines across his body and holding a purple stone in his right hand,

The boy said: "Surrender princess if you don't want to get hurt "

Emma said: "I will never surrender to someone like you "

I had stopped Evan from attacking and was just watching,

Evan also was waiting despite the princess being surrounded by monsters,

Evan remained composed, his gaze shifting between the opponent and the battlefield, calculating the odds of victory.

The boy said: "We have no need for your limbs. Surrender now, or you will be taken without them "

Emma said: "Why are you doing this, don't you fear the royal family? "

"Haha.. ", The boy laughed manically: "Fear them? Ha! I have no reason to fear them,"

Emma said: "Why are you doing this? "

The boy said: "For revenge of course, your royal family abandoned my village when we needed them most."

His story was also tragic, his village was affected by a plague and to stop it from spreading, the king decided that to completely quarantine the village,

The villagers who tried to get out the village were shot by arrows before they could even step out of the village,

Nobody could even take their corpses, so their corpses rotted at the village gate,

After a month, with the king's orders, the village was obliterated with the use of S ranked weapon,