
Villain becomes the Main Character

In process of rewriting (including unreleased chapters). Why? Because I suck at writing novels. ---- Weekly chapters on every Wednesday! ---- "People say the closest things are the greatest." "Yes, I can certainly agree with that now." "The system is certainly really close." "And I will be with it, forever." "And become the strongest." "And achieve anything while the black travels with me..." Archehon looked up to the black sky. "With a normal, generic ending." --- The protagonist is called 'Lucifer' and was the fourth strongest in his previous life and was a villain. One day, he by mistake encounters an individual who was the Main Character and kills him. To his surprise, he dies and gets reincarnated into the body of the guys descendant two hundred years later. He gains a system (yes, I know it's overused but I have my twists) with the skill- [Main Character]. Watch his journey to becoming the strongest in the world and uncovering- oops, can't say that. Anyways, just read it. Things to know: I don't release a ton of chapters a day since I want to not make my stories total garbage. Word count: 1500+ per chapter.

Strawberryhouse · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

Divine power

"I'll go now~ grandpa.", Archehon teased the old man again.

"Hmph! S-see ya kid."

Archehon exited the red hot room that would dry all of the water left in his body, if he stayed any longer.

"System, show me what I unlocked at level 15 after fighting Fuchsia."


Host: 'Archehon' (Lucifer in previous life)

Level: 15 Title (equipped): Monster hunter (Amateur)


Strength: 15(+7) Speed: 18

Dexterity: 15(+7) Intelligence: 17

Stamina: 15(+7) Luck: 22

Mana: 19 Fatigue: 0

Divine power: 1

Skills: <Main 1 Character lvl.>

<Aura 2 lvl.>

Talent: Dell's Talent (-8x penalty)

Unused Stat Points: 2 '

"System, what is this Divine power? It sounds similar to the Holy power the Divine church uses."

'<Divine power is different to Holy power. It has existed since the ancient era in this world. was used by beings who had immeasurable amounts of strength>'

'<This type of power is something only very few people can use. The host usually wouldn't be able to use this power, if not for the ability- [Main Character] that possesses>'

"Welcome back sir, where will you like to go.", the driver smiled.

"Back to the housing estate.", Archehon responded after getting into the car.

'So, that's why I've never heard of it. And, does it work like mana?', he asked inside of his head, so the driver wouldn't hear.

'<In the host's case, no. Divine power's properties alter depending on who controls it. The hosts type of divine power will depend what user is using This only a simplified definition. Not single being across universe knows it truly>'

'Then, will anyone know if I have Divine power? Does it have traces like mana?'

'<Almost nobody will be able to detect Divine power, unless they have it in their bodies themselves. It is estimated that no more than ten people this world>'

'So.. it's almost impossible for anyone to be able to know I have it.'

'<Certainly >'

'But, are there any ways I can know if someone has Divine power or not?'

'<The host will know immediately if someone has Divine power, only they use it themselves>'

'Okay. Can you invest two stat points into divine power?'

'<No, Divine power will be impossible to increase using the stat points. It's a miracle that host has power. To power, need able first control it>'

'How do I do that? Actually- no, don't tell me. I'll worry about that later.'


"We're here, sir."

The fancy black car stopped in front of his brand new house which he bought purely for the purpose of Ariel's cooking.

'Then, invest two stat points into Mana.'

'<Mana: 19---->21>'

"Alright.", Archehon walked back into his new home.



The pleasant aroma wandered into Archehon's nose.

"Mmmh..", he hummed after smelling the food.

He travelled into the kitchen, looking at Ariel holding all the different varieties of food.

The two ate the delicious food and Archehon started to think about training in his room.

"Hmm.. system, how do I train my Divine power?"

'<The host will need to first learn control the power>'

"How do I do that?"

'<To control it, the host will need to know what type of shape or form it is in>'

'<This is possibly the hardest process of all steps. That's reason why even if a few people contain it within themselves, they will not be able to awaken>',

"So, I have to figure out what kind of power it is first."

'<Yes >'

"I've always been someone who is very blood thirsty, yet, I can also be quite brainy sometimes."

"I guess you could say I'm good at killing and very smart?"

"Hm.. system, can Divine power be altered based upon somebody's personality?"

'<Yes, that is possible. Though, this doesn't affect everybody>'

"Alright. I'll try to awaken it for the next hour or so. But If I fail I fail. I'm still very weak thanks to the penalty."

A little more than an hour had passed since Archehon tried to call upon the Divine power like an incantation numerous times but failed no matter how hard he tried.


"Awakening my type of Divine power is like looking for a single four leaf clover in tens of thousands of three leaf clovers."

"I'll just have to give up. I'll still try for an hour every day but I'll mainly focus on my training."

"Since I can't increase my strength that much, I'll need to rely on my mana which won't be a problem as I have a blunt tip on my weapons."

"So let's do this."

Archehon crouched down and sat on the floor, crossing his legs, looking like he was meditating which wasn't a bad assumption.

"Time to do -Mana Cultivation-."

He took a deep breath and sighed. Constantly repeating the process to improve his concentration. The blue particles from the air that glowed, flew into his body.

'Little by little.'

Small amounts of mana particles were absorbed in the boy's body.

'Slowly feel the mana in the atmosphere.'

More and more could be felt.


'<Mana: 21-------->22>'


Half an hour passed.

"Hoooo..", Archehon stopped.

'<Mana: 25---->26>'

"That's some amazing progress. It took me just half an hour to increase my mana by this much."

"I could do this all day but I need to increase the rest of my stats."

The next day...


"System, show the status window."


Host: 'Archehon' (Lucifer in previous life)

Level: 15 Title (equipped): Monster hunter (Amateur)


Strength: 15(+7) Speed: 18

Dexterity: 15(+7) Intelligence: 18

Stamina: 16(+7) Luck: 22

Mana: 26 Fatigue: 0

Divine power: 1

Skills: <Main 1 Character lvl.>

<Aura 2 lvl.>

Talent: Dell's Talent (-8x penalty) '

"My intelligence also increased. Could intelligence help with my understanding of manuals."


"Hm? What was that noise?"

Archehon closed the darker-blue window and slowly creeped downstairs, to the the living room door and opened it.



"Happy Birthday!", Ariel shouted with a cheerful expression.


Ariel jumped with a delightful face, wearing a party hat with other decorations; pink cloth on the table; balloons that reached the ceiling; boxes surrounding the table, and most importantly, the two layered cake filled with pink creamy toppings.

"Uh- yeah, thanks.", Archehon replied hastily, gazing at only the cake.

"I wanted to surprise you with this homemade cake since you love cake so much."

"I'll light the candles and switch off the lights."


Small candles lit up while the siblings were illuminated by its light. All the focus was on the cake with fifteen candles.

"Ha-ppy birth, day to you~, Ha-ppy birth, day to you~", Ariel started singing while Archehon cringed on the inside.

When she finished singing she asked him something,

"What do you wish for?"

"What I wish for?"

Archehon had no reason to be in such a deep thought when he had already made up his mind.

'I don't believe in these wishes. They're only hoping for something without putting in the effort. I prefer achieving a goal with the intent to get to it rather than 'hoping' I'll get there. After all, in this harsh world, hoping will never get you anywhere.'

'That's why I will achieve my goal of, Becoming the strongest in the world.'

Archehon blew out the candles and started cutting pieces out of the cake to feed himself-

"What are you doing?", Ariel grabbed his wrist.

"Uh, eating the cake?"

"Haaa.. you're not supposed to eat it yourself. I'm meant to feed you the cake, then you feed me.", she explained as if she was an expert in the field.

"Uh, alright."

'I have to be fed? What the fuck am I supposed to be? A baby?!?-'

'<Emergency quest: Be fed by Ariel like the baby you are>'

'I swear to fucking god system. You're taking this too far.'

'<Error-Error. Unable to understand 'swear f****** god' phrase>'

'Fuck', he dumped tears down like a waterfall.

Ariel instead took the slice and brought her arm to his face. The entire motion looked very slow to him from the embarrassment he had to face. His face in the slow movement screamed 'no' and eventually received the cake slice.


'Hehehehe. Now, it's my turn!'


Winds blew from the punch into her mouth with the cake-

'Dammit. If only I could do that.', he clenched his fist, realizing that him feeding her that way would not be possible.

(AN: The part above is his imagination, hoping he could feed her like that.)

"Here.", Archehon put the slice up to her mouth, looking the other way while she bit into it.

'This system..'

"Sucks.", he muttered.

"Hm? Did you say something?", Ariel asked obliviously.


* * *

Archehon went back to his room and planned.

"So, I have one more month until the academy registration test which I may be able to pass trying but I don't want that. I'll need to be able to pass while looking amateur. Can't risk attracting attention."


Archehon held his spear.

"Let's begin."

Two weeks later...

"One hundred and ninety nine.."


"Two hundred!"

'<Level Up>'

'<Host 17 is now level>'

"Still very slow."

'<Host has met the requirements. Accessing [Blood Demon's heart necklace]'s memories>'



'<Memory will be played>'

A huge massive battlefield of sand as the floor. Many corpses laid on the sand, brutally murdered while human soldiers screamed charging towards a single place.

"Everyone! Charge at the Blood Demon! She's a traitor to the Empire! Even if we die, she must be erased from existence!", one of the soldiers shouted.

"AAAAHHHH!", the many soldiers screamed.

At the point where all the corpses appeared, a woman wearing- a red blouse, brown hair, black fluffy scarf and scarlet eyes massacred the soldiers with a dark red demonic sword.


'Why did it end up like this?', the woman thought.



An explosion sent a number of the soldiers flying. Red smoke shrouded the air after the sword shined and exploded the men.

'I just wanted to help the empire.'

"Huh?", Archehon widened his eyes looking at the fight.

'Why did I get betrayed? I loved the prince. I'm sure he felt the same too.'

"What the fuck?"

'Then why?'

'No.. thinking why won't help my situation. I need to take revenge then will I question why.'

The woman increased the input on her power, causing more and more explosions.

'You.', the woman looked towards Archehon.

'Will you carry my revenge?'

"A-are you talking to me?"

'Yes, will you?'


'No. You're close to being suitable. But you're not the right person.', she turned away.

"W-wait. Who are you-"

"K-hukk!", the memory cut out.

Archehon was back at his room.

'<Memory ended>'

"What the fuck was that?"

Hi guys,

Just to let you know that when the new arc starts (which I'll indicate when), I'll be posting minimum once a week but it will be slightly longer than a normal chapter. I can't guarantee more than one chapter, thanks to school -_-.

Thanks for reading my chapter and,

Happy reading everyone!~

Strawberryhousecreators' thoughts