
Villain's Upsurge

"Death is beautiful. It is beyond any other form of pleasure. It is true art..." Raised by a family devoted to staying in the shadows, Leon was forced to become an insidious assassin devoid of any sympathy. Death would be his most trusted ally and the shadow his playing field. This path however, was not meant to be tread by him as killing in secret did not contain any beauty and charm. How could he kill someone when no one would be there to witness it? Life is so fragile. To give it a beautiful meaning, Leon always saw it as his destiny to end it with the most perfect of deaths, stirring up countless emotions in those who watch it unfold. He was no longer satisfied with being in the shadows but wanted to live in the light as an artist. Painting beautiful scenery with his weapons. To achieve what he sought, Leon crafted a legend with his comrades. They defeated evils, saved people and brought peace back to their world. Together with his 6 companions, he became a symbol for all mankind. A savior and a hero that the whole world could look up to. For many years, he worked hard to achieve the epitome of his work. His dream. When all things aligned, Leon began his beautiful massacre that would etch itself into the minds of the whole world. Killing his comrades and finally himself to perfect his masterpiece, he achieved what he was meant to fulfill. The ultimate tragedy and betrayal. The perfect death. However, fate had other plans for him as Leon did not get the salvation he hoped for. Instead, he found himself in the very place that initially ignited his ambitions. His first novel that he ever read; [Tribute to Death] ---------------------------------------------- Note that I'm a rare case of a perpetual motion machine that produces countless chapters with just a slight nudge (your support). No but for real, every kind of support, it doesn't matter how small, puts a smile on my face and encourages me to keep writing. Thanks in advance for every help and I hope you will have an awesome day and enjoy my story.

Marckaroni · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
28 Chs

Unwanted Trouble

Wrapping up our meal, we all headed toward Class A for the lectures. It was excruciatingly boring to waste my time sitting through these pointless lessons when I could do so much more productive things elsewhere but alas, I couldn't change it.

By now, the Class was already divided into 4 sections, with each one belonging to one of the four factions.

One group of students in particular gave me a rather hostile look so I guess they all are probably a part of the Hazecrest faction.

No doubt they resent me for "betraying" them.

Not wanting to further bother myself with these petty kids and their underdeveloped minds, I took a seat right in the center of the class and waited for the teacher to arrive.

Coincidentally, Professor Erosius will be our main teacher for the following years. As he is currently not officially allied with a faction, he will be the perfect fit to ensure at least a little bit of equality.

It seems that I didn't miss too many of the lectures as he still excitingly explained the history of the kingdom and its former clash with the neighboring empire of Sylvaria, which led to the downfall of the empire.

The empire of Sylvaria was supposed to stand for prosperity and unity but ended in a wasteland of rot and decay instead. The reason for its ruins was one of the countless inventions created.

"Mana-Nexus" A small cell filled with abundant mana ultimately led to their demise.

Theoretically, it was a brilliant invention by a brilliant mind that brought great wealth and power to the empire. However, it soon became the source of corruption and death.

It was intended to fuel the individual with bountiful mana to quickly raise their rank, allowing the empire to expand rapidly and conquer the world but things took a turn for the worst.

The surrounding kingdoms feared the potential advancements that this technology enabled the empire of Sylvaria and thus they banded together against it.

They ignored their treaty obligations as well as all agreements with the empire and sabotaged the only means of sustaining the production of the Mana-Nexus.

Bribing the workers and corrupting the overseers with something as exceptionally rare as Spell Tome, a mythical item allowing a single individual to learn a spell.

With a Spell Tome, it was as if they possess another unique ability entirely which made its value skyrocket.

After successfully buying off the workers, the various kingdoms poisoned and corrupted the mana, making it act like an extremely contagious virus that would quickly spread throughout the empire.

Millions of people succumbed to madness, disease, and ultimately died from the plague, leaving the empire in an early grave.

The few remaining untainted Mana-Nexuses are a rare commodity that has been coveted by many ever since.

Professor Erosius' eyes gleamed as he described how the empire fell apart. His passion and enthusiasm for the subject matter made him come across as quite knowledgeable indeed.

He seemed to exaggerate some events for dramatic effect to draw the class in and make them interested in his lecture.

Teachers like him are rare but greatly appreciated.

He continued on with the rest of the story, describing the fall of the empire in detail.

It was mandatory for the students to learn at least a bit of the world's history, even though most of the information was already known to me.

We were finally dismissed from school after a few hours of useless lessons for me. They don't seem to be holding practical classes until a few days from now.

I could already feel Isabella's piercing gaze on my neck the moment classes ended so I decided to ask Adeline if she knows anything helpful. She should be in 3rd year now, so two floors above us.

Each floor is allocated to a specific year level with the first years occupying the lowest floor, then the second years, and finally the third years.

I headed up the stairs to the third floor, immediately noticing the difference in quality. The walls were adorned with intricate murals depicting famous battles and magical creatures, giving the impression of being in a place of great knowledge and power.

The number of students diminished greatly in the span of 3 years and to spare resources, the academy shoved all the remaining students into one Class.

It wouldn't come as a surprise if I find the whole student council in her Class.

Adeline's classroom was located at the very end of the hallway. The door was made of polished mahogany, and engraved with intricate symbols that seemed to glow softly in the dim lighting.

It was clear how much more the academy was willing to provide the students after they have proven their worth and are almost certain to successfully graduate.

Opening the doors, I was immediately bombarded with the sweet scent of lavender and jasmine.

The windows were draped with rich, velvet curtains of deep purple, casting the room in a mystical, otherworldly glow. The ceiling was adorned with a magnificent chandelier, made of shining crystals that sparkled in the light.

It was truly a sight to behold.

Soon after entering, curious eyes turned toward me. A quick scan and I spotted Adeline sitting at the back of the class. Her face lit up when she saw me approaching.

However, before I could even approach her, a boy with neon green hair and a cocky grin stepped in front of me, blocking my way.

"Well, well, well, look who we got here!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with contempt. "A pathetic traitor that bites the hand which feeds you."

A small sigh escaped my mouth. That's why I initially didn't want to go here...

All these stuck-up, simple-minded creatures with their inflated egos and inferiority complexes that need to prove their worth in a fight.

He probably only has this attitude because he is under the assumption that I'm weaker than him.

Although it is true for now since he is most likely around D-Rank but with a little preparation beforehand, I can easily snuff out his lights, especially when I finally get E-Rank.

"..." I remained silent, simply staring him in the eyes without showing any emotion whatsoever.

For impulsive subhumans like him that don't even deserve to witness the tiniest glimpse of my art, not giving any reaction is the best response.

His loudmouthed demeanor attracted the attention of the whole class. They all probably want to be entertained hence they attentively watched our confrontation.

However, the long silence made things awkward for him so he resorted to blustering, trying desperately to break through my icy glare.

"I bet you're too scared to even talk right now," he continued, his voice becoming more aggressive. "Come on, let's see what you're really made of."

I still didn't say anything, but simply raised an eyebrow, indicating that I was unimpressed with his posturing.

He seemed taken aback by my lack of response, and for a moment, he faltered. But then, he regained his confidence and took a step forward, getting alarmingly close to me.

Not fond of engaging in physical contact right now, I gave him the response he desperately sought.

"I'm not interested in proving anything to you," I said, my voice calm and measured. " If you are that eager to pick a fight with me, perhaps you would be so kind as to settle it in a fair duel instead of disgracing yourself by beating someone way weaker than you with underhanded tricks."

The boy's expression changed from arrogant to furious as he heard my words. He took another step forward, his face twisted with anger.

"You think you're so high and mighty, don't you?" he spat. "In this academy, you're nothing but a defenseless fool that abandoned your only source of influence and protection!"

"Do you even know what your actions cost our faction?" he continued, "When Adeline Hazecrest eventually graduates from the academy, we have no direct connection left with our benefactor."

He paused momentarily to allow himself time to compose his thoughts.

"Our faction will be trampled on and all because of you! Do you think the Hazecrest dukedom has any reason to invest in the academy when there is no heir left to nurture?"

There was a hint of desperation in his tone, almost pleading. It was obvious that he had been waiting for just such a chance to make his case against me.

"You said you would fight me right?" He went on, his voice rising once again. "Then let's fight. And if I win, then join us and become our ally. We'll forgive you for your idiotic actions after a bit of discipline."

His words caused his faction members to approvingly nod whilst others whisper among themselves.

"And if I win?" I asked, interested in what he was willing to give up if he would lose the duel.

He better provide me with something at least double the value for all the disadvantages I am taking here.