
Chapter 1

Death. The bitter truth. Which everyone is afraid of. Viego he felt the fear associated with him like no one else.

Before that, he was just a background man. No friends, rather lonely. He spent most of his time in front of the computer and when he was not at work or shopping. That's where he was. Viego loved FanFiction, novel, anime, comics, it was a way for him to escape from the boring world.

He loved FF the most, where the MC is ruthless and heroic from time to time. But most of all, he loved the concept of when the MC does what he wants, no matter what the morality. And when he is sometimes shown as a villain or a hero.

In his last days, Viego lived with his parents. His character was quite peculiar, he was rich in imagination, he liked to think, make theories and the like. He loved gory games or just brutal ones like Dying Light, smashing zombies just relaxed him for a reason. Sometimes, sitting in front of the PC and listening to music, he thought about the sometimes brutal actions, imagined scenarios "What if?"

His appearance cannot be described as handsome. But he was also not hideous, in a deep investigation his appearance can be described as (5/10). Too little to impress any girl, and too much to look away in disgust. He had black short hair and blue eyes, his face was straight and there was nothing special about it. He was skinny, light muscles, but almost invisible, made by work.

On the last day of his life, or rather in the last minutes. He was sitting in front of the computer, drinking an energy drink from a can. He was reading Fanfick at the time, which was a Marvel and DXD Corssower. And it really interested him. When bad luck wanted a metal pin on his drink. She broke away and flowed down her throat, and the sharp point cut into the inside of her throat, provoking extensive internal bleeding.

And for the next 15 minutes, Viego went through agony. The pain was excruciating, he couldn't summon help. And the sudden panic attack only caused him to be in a hazy mind full of agony. Viego bounces off the furniture in his room and makes a high noise.

Unfortunately, the last sight he saw was his mother running into his room. When the eyesight was engulfed in darkness.

Exactly seconds after losing his eyesight, Viego stopped feeling pain. And what happened next surprised him a bit. Currently, Vi's forehead seems to fall on his knees from a meter high, and he actually feels the pain of the fall. Which caused Viego to open his eyes and look around despite his confusion and deep breaths.

Viego noticed that he was in a corridor, literally made of glass. And under Viego glass room, he noticed that the room itself was in space cosmic. This caused a slight panic attack, but after a few minutes Viego got used to it and went back to examining the glass room.

Although the view around it was beautiful, the computer attracted more attention. Although it looked like an ATM, it was made of white marble. And instead of the keyboard, it had a handprint, and the screen itself was now completely white with the golden words "Waiting for souls .... None ... Waiting for souls." Wiego did not really understand what was happening, except for the fact that he died. He put his hand on the scans and immediately struck a cold impulse. Which caused him to tear his hand away from the scanner. And as he slowly looked at the screen, the screen changed. Now he has seen.


[Souls detected ... Loading ...]

[Hello mortal soul from the world # 59343911239109360. Welcome to the automatic selection of f. During your lifetime, you were a high religionist # 1. And the lift # 123524334, called "Isekai". Accordingly, the System created by the supreme being, the creature. The system offered you two options.]

[Soul judgment. And go to heaven or hell depending on the outcome.]

["Isekai" content.]


Viego was a bit shocked by all of this, but seeing the last option, he didn't even think. He had read so much about it, so instead of the 50:50 unknown, Viego chose Isekai's options. Having many plans and dreams in mind. But seeing that the voice commands are not working and there is no mouse or keyboard. Press the object on the screen like on the phone. And a new table has appeared.


["Isekai Content" selected.]

[Randomize the world]

[Randomize the Power]


Viego was surprised at the simplicity of this option. However, without thinking too much about it. He pressed both and for a moment both text bars started changing. He couldn't see the numbers anymore, but he waited patiently for the draw to end.


[World Marvel/DXD/??? # 321314345352]

[Power Upgrade. [Improve an item at the expense of mental strength]


Then Wade heard the sound of breaking glass. To lose consciousness a few moments later.

And the next moment Viego opened his eyes, although due to the strong sunlight it was a bit difficult. Viego found that he was in a completely different place. He is now located against the wall of the stone building in a rather peculiar style. But Viego attention was more drawn to the people standing along the street. There were really a lot of people standing along the road, they were dressed either in armor or quite peculiar robes. However, the group driving on the road confirmed the current location of Viego.

At present, there was a wooden carriage pulled by two white pegasi on the road. The carriage load was a huge ice crown locked in a glass case, which was attached to the carriage with thick ropes. The coach driver was Thor Odinson himself, who had long blonde hair and looked identical to his counterpart from Thor 1 from the MCU. Next to him, Sif, a dark-haired beauty, wearing a Valkyrie helmet and somewhat indistinct armor. Well, the material adheres perfectly to her body, although it seems metal and solid. The color of the armor is silver red, and it seems that despite the sticky fabric, it has many silver metal reinforcements.


Three warriors rode around the carriage on three horses in Asgardian horse armor. Volstagg, Fandal and Hodun, followed by a series of warriors in Asgardian armor.


Viego already knew that he was in Asgard now, the great golden palace in the Oder was also a good clue. He then looked at himself, dressed in plain leather armor without patterns, only brown leather with a steel sword at his belt. Viego, being for a moment interested in his sword, retreated into the dark alley and drew the sword from its scabbard.

It was a simple one-handed sword, Gladius. It had a white hilt and a straight steel blade. Viego looked at him silently, feeling that the weapon seemed to be talking to him. Not in the way of enchanted swords, but as if he was remembering something from the distant past. That the weapon is low-class, Common-class or something like that. Viego was eager to test his enhancement power, but he held back and merely looked at his reflection at a slightly worn piece of metal.

His face, to his sadness, did not change, did not change into Gilgamesh or someone equally handsome. Still a dull 5/10. However, he knew that power is everything in this world, and even if he wanted the most beautiful woman. He can get it, which was impossible in his previous life. And Viego, knowing what his purpose was and that he could have anything, searched the pockets he had strangely enough in that leather armor.

There he found one document, folded into a small square, and a small metal copper plate that on closer inspection was the Asgardian equivalent of an ID card.


Name: Viego Wielandson

Date of birth: 08.09. ######

Place of residence: Warrior Valhalla Avenue.


At least Viego knew where to go. And from the fact that he felt like visiting his old hometown and somehow knew how to go home. That's where he went, wondering about his name.


Viego remembered that Wieland was the Asgardian god of the blacksmiths. However, thinking about it, Viego opened a document that seemed to be a brief summary of his history so far.

Viego read that he is the only son of Wieland and Ashe the Elf of Alfhaim which makes him half Asgardian half elf, but he did not inherit his mother's ears, so apart from being mentioned in documents, he was not even seen as a hybrid in the past. Viego lived with his father until he was 50, because his mother died in childbirth, and Wieland raised him alone. However, he was killed during one of the skirmishes in which he took part. And he has been alone for 4 years. Viego was given a blacksmith's shop after his father, which is also his home. And that he only had miserable business with the young apprentices of the Asgardian warrior school. Who are buying from him weapons that are not of high quality but are cheap. And so it has remained so far.

Old Viego had no friends or acquaintances. He was a person who was trying hard to improve himself in blacksmithing, so not counting pink with customers or vendors selling food and materials. Old Viego didn't talk to anyone.

As Viego finished reading the life summary about his lifeless counterpart whom the body had taken. Viego arrived at the blacksmith's shop, or rather his new home. There were many shops on this street but because of the parade, everything was empty and there were exactly 3 people, including Viego. The other two are the two guards patrolling the streets.

The building was quite small, but tall. It was L-shaped and with the naked eye you could see where it was without even going inside. The longer part was a workshop, because of the distinctive stove. And the shorter part, which was undoubtedly the part where Vi had his shop. It had a residential part in the middle, which was located on two petras upwards. Due to the appearance of the building it was quite peculiar, especially that it was made of white stone, and the roof was made of blue tiles.


Viego decided to enter first to the part where he was trading. He unlocked the door with a key that was under the rug that Viego reached almost instinctively.

The interior of the shop was quite interesting. Along the walls there were shelves with pieces of armor on the left or armor sets on stands, and on the right shelves with two-handed weapons and shields that occupied the most space. In the middle of the store there was a bookcase with one-handed weapons and bows, and at the end, opposite the door next to the wall and the door to the rest of the building, there was a cash register. Which was a plain marble table top, behind which was a better quality gun positioned on the shelves in the spotlight. Viego was pleased and continued his trip by the rest of his house.

The workshop part of the ground floor of his house was quite primitive. An anvil, a metal heating furnace, a large smelting furnace, a lot of metal casting tins, a grindstone, a few tables with tools, shelves of materials and a few other tools. However, everything looked dated. But Vieog now saw what he would test his power on.

Viego knew that super armor and weapons were necessary, but personal strength was much more important. So he decided that he would develop not only in blacksmithing, after all, since he has everything at hand. But he will be looking for resources for his own development. Viego had many plans, with an emphasis on magic. As he was now climbing the stairs to the second floor.

On the first floor he had a kitchen, dining room and bathroom. Which looked similar to that of his previous light, except that the toilet and bathtub were made of wood. And the bathtub is huge, it can fit 5 people. So Viego was 1st floor rather satisfied. The 2nd floor consists of three bedrooms, which used to be a large parent's bedroom, and two rooms. Viego and welcoming. However, old Viego, after the death of his parents, replaced everything, replaced it, and painted the walls. And he made the large room his personal bedroom, and made the other two rooms hospitable. So Viego lay down on the big bed, thinking how to test his power. And he came up with the stupidest, though not complete, idea.

Viego seemed to have the thought that compared to Thor, his muscle mass was almost non-existent. So he focused on his muscles first and whispered the word "Upgrade." Which resulted in tremendous pain one second and loss of consciousness the next. Viego barely survived the process.

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