

Footsteps echoed in the dimly lit dungeons.

At first, I ignored it but slowly, a small vibration could be felt resonating on the ground, as lots of guards kept running here and there.

I felt a very bad premonition. I reached my hand back slowly and Tukare took hold of it, our eyes never leaving the front of the cell as we walked back soundlessly to the darkest corner there is. It wasn't long until a loud explosion sounded and became the onset of pandemonium all around us.

Wailing could be heard a few cells to our right, where the interrogation cells were somewhat located. Some hopeful prisoners were yelling benefits to those who bravely invaded the dungeons in hopes of freeing themselves.

They should be here for the rebel group.

Unsteady foots sounded nearer to our cell. I held my breath and squinted my eyes as the premonition I felt before felt much worse than before. I forgot to breathe for a moment when two hooded figures stopped in front of our cell.

All of a sudden everything felt too quiet. All I could hear was the loud beating of my heart, as I squeezed Tukare's hand tightly.

One of them shook off the hood and sniffed the air. The female lycan then accurately pinpointed our location in the dark and growled lowly at us, her eyes glowing slightly in the darkness.

The other person was cautiously looking around as he pulled out a ring of keys that jiggled loudly the otherwise quiet place, his face still hidden.

The metal door of the cells creaked loudly as the unknown person entered first and stopped in the middle of our cell to stare at us. Probably another lycan.

I briefly forgot about my premonition and began calculating what to do.

Should I try running to see if we can escape through the open door? If they're here, then they should take us with them right? Maybe we can escape from them once we get out of the dungeons. There should be a way to...

I did not see the face Tukare had made behind me when she felt the bubbling hope and eagerness in me. All I felt the sweatiness of her palm and the tightness of her grip.

"Come out", a young male voice gently said, as if coaxing children. "You're the Satori hybrids, right?" With only silence as his confirmation, the young man continues as if we were in a conversation. "I have really wanted to meet you for a long time now. I suppose I'm curious as to see another hybrid like me", he says as he takes off his hood.

My eyes widen as I unconsciously step out of the shadows, letting go of my sister's hand. Red hair and beautiful eyes, one strikingly golden and the other a beautiful light shade of green.

Laris Ashraf... What is he doing here? Wh-Why is... Why is he taller and older than me?! What's happening? Isn't he supposed to be still a kid? Just how old was that memory stone?

I stare at him in bewilderment. He must have noticed and took my befuddlement as me understanding his identity, for Laris just smiles at me kindly. I have seen a lot of faces and a lot of smiles but in his smile, I cannot find any malice. But I can't say I don't see the calculating gaze he has when he glances at us.

"I do not have much time. I need you to make a choice--come with us and you'll be free from these bars", he waves a hand to one side. "Or stay here and continue this life no man or wolf should experience", he says as he stares at the plate of bread and water Tukare brought with her back.

In my mind, I had already decided when I realized Laris meant no harm, despite not knowing the consequences of doing so. I would ask him to take us out of the dungeons even if it means I'd have work for him.

I walked forward to him. Laris smiled and offered his hand to me. I lifted my hand to touch his when all of a sudden, I had been pulled back forcefully.

I had wanted to complain to Tukare and ask her why, until I saw the female lycan with Laris tore off my sister's arm with her sharp claws. It takes a few seconds to get the bloody image registered into my head, and even then, all I could think of was why wasn't it me instead?

It should've been my arm torn off. Not hers... And yet...

My body freezes, my eyes widening in horror, not noticing the blood that sprayed over my face. Wasn't I supposed to protect her? Why was I the one being protected instead?

"Karen, stop! What are you doing?!" Laris exclaims as he stops her from doing more damage. He should've realized she wasn't right at all. No human-kind in deep grief and anger is in the right mind.

Tukare fell to the floor with a thud as I screamed belatedly, clutching my own arm as I desperately crawled to her. I was more terrified at the thought of my sister dying. Due to my haste. Due to my carelessness. At my own eagerness to free myself from this place.

"It's them! Because of them, Anthony, Beckham, Tony... All of them died before we could get them out, because of them!" Karen pointed angrily at us, tears streaming from her eyes. "M-My mate..." She could not continue as sobs escaped her lips.

I could vaguely hear Laris and Karen arguing as the guards shouted in the distance at the noise we were making.

"Tu-Tukare... Tuka... re...", my voice broke.

Why isn't she moving? Why isn't she answering?!

"Tukare answer me", I shouted in utter panic.

Hastily, Laris covered my mouth as he pulls me off my sister and carries me on his shoulder as he tries to run.

"No... No! Stop it! Let me go!" I struggle out of his hold with strength I never knew I had, and fell back to the floor, kicking Laris on the abdomen in the process. He clutches his stomach for a second before looking to the direction of the running footsteps, and then at Karen who understood his silent command. Karen hang her head, her expression unreadable before walking out of the cell to intercept the guards and buy them more time. For her to be the lone guard at Laris' side should be proof of her strength and prowess.

The guards had finally come. Karen poured all her anger and anguish in killing them. She alone was enough to stop the guards, trying to give Laris and me enough time to escape.

I held my sister's hand, refusing to leave her there.

"We have to go! I can't carry both of you!" Laris was desperate, glancing every now and then at Karen fighting the guards as he kept on prying me from my sister.

"Then leave."

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