
Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates

In the world of pirates, a young man reincarnates into a completely ordinary person's body. But coincidentally, he encounters Monkey D. Luffy. Hungry for adventures but also scared of death, he joins the Straw Hat Pirates as the vice-captain. ............ Straw Hats will follow the same routes with a lot of new changes. If you want to read chapters in advance, you can check out my Patreon: patreon.com/EvilParagon If you want to talk more about One Piece and this story, you can join my discord : https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV I am also publishing this story on Royalroad.com

Evil_Paragon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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160 Chs

Enel Versus Luffy Part 1

Thank you, Jack Kean, for your Patreon Support!


"But, how do we reach there?" Sanji asked.

"Follow that road and reach the town where you can find the boat. You will then find a road that will take you to the Upper Yard. When you start coming close to the real land, you will find more and more opponents."

"From there, Luffy's observation haki should be enough to sense Enel. Go and find him!"

As soon as he said that, Liam and Luffy immediately sensed something as they turned around without any hesitation.

"Humph! Mortals, your disrespect has made me angry."

Suddenly, a lightning bolt arced next to them as a man with a naked chest, drums behind his back, and long ears appeared in front of them with an apple in his hand.

"So, you are Enel. My name is Monkey D Luffy and I will be your opponent."

Luffy spoke as he walked toward Enel.

"You trash, there is no need for you to exist."

Enel raised his hand and his hand turned into a lightning stream as he released a massive stream of lightning.

But, Luffy saw it with his Observation Haki and managed to dodge it on time.

"Huh? You also know Mantra?" Enel realized that Luffy was using Mantra and curiously asked.

"Mantra? Do you mean Observation Haki?" Luffy confusedly asked as he puts his Observation Haki to its maximum to see through Enel's attacks.

"Humph! So what if you know Mantra? It is impossible for you to reach my speed."

Enel snorted feeling angry that Luffy was able to use Mantra. But, he quickly relied on his Lightning powers to turn into lightning and appeared above Luffy.

His speed was so fast that despite Luffy being able to see it, he was a bit too late to react. His heartbeat rose and his body turned red before escaping from a lightning attack.


The lightning struck the beach and made a powerful hole in it.

"Damn! I didn't expect I would need to use gear second. Liam told me that I need to use his speed to challenge my observation haki so that I can learn Future Sight."

"So, I can't use Gear Second."

Luffy's Gear Second was quite unique. It might not be fast in terms of long distance but if it was short distance, he was almost unrivaled.

Because he was combining the factor of his devil fruit with Soru to increase his speed to the utmost limits.

"You bastard, who the hell are you?" Enel saw Luffy dodging his attack quite easily. This made him furious and he shouted at Luffy.

"My name is Monkey D Luffy. And, I am going to be the King of the Pirates."

Luffy replied with a big grin on his face.

"Luffy, don't fight here! This place will not be able to bear his lightning powers. Go there!"

Liam pointed his finger toward the direction where there was the other half of Jaya and shouted.

Luffy also noticed that the attack from Enel could easily pierce through the clouds. This kind of destructiveness will destroy Conis' house so he knew that he had to leave.

He instantly turned on Gear Fourth and started to fly toward the direction Liam pointed while shouting at Enel.

"Hey Earlobes, if you are not a coward, then fight me there!"

"Damn mortal! How dare you call me by such a name?" Enel was furious. He didn't even think about how Luffy was able to use his elastic body to fly nor did he think about the Armament Haki coating his body.

He directly used his lightning powers and traveled to the other piece of Jaya.

"Wow! Luffy can fly?" Usopp's eyes widened when he saw Luffy flying with his devil fruit. He almost forgot that he needed to chase after Luffy.

"He is using the elastic force to kick the air. It's similar to that of Geppo but mixed with his devil fruit, he can produce much more speed." Liam explained.

"Although you said Luffy's devil fruit was extremely awesome, all this while he is still just using the power of rubber, right?" Nami looked in the direction of Luffy and held her chin.

"It's Luffy who made his devil fruit overpowered. Anyway, we don't have time to waste here. I want to master Advance Armament Haki as soon as possible. Let's go!"

Liam spoke.

He started walking toward the land as well as with others. It's just that after they reached there, their team got separated.

The second team started to find their own opponents and fight them. Zoro found the opponent who also used the sword.

His opponent was one of the four priests, Ohm.

Sanji's opponent was Satori who could use the surprise balls to attack his enemies.

Usopp quickly chased after Luffy since his goal was to improve his Observation Haki.

Vivi and Nami faced off against Hotori and Kotori.

Liam asked Chopper to fight against another priest, Shura. And, he also asked Chopper to fight him with all his strength.

Robin's opponent was Commander Yama. As for the last Priest known as Gedatsu, his opponent was Liam.

Of course, Liam also took the opportunity to finish other members of the God Army so that his crew members won't get disturbed in the battle.

He ended his battle rather quickly since he wanted to use his time to train his Armament Haki.

On the other hand, he also helped Robin to solve the opponent faster. Though Robin was already strong enough so his help was almost redundant.

After that, they finally went to the place where they found the Poneglyph. Liam asked Robin to quickly memorize the entire text.

Only after that, he started training his Armament Haki to the level of emission.

He still remembered Luffy's training in Udon Prison where he would punch massive walls with his Haki, trying to destroy them from inside.

But before that, he needed to learn how to exhibit his Haki outside his body. That means the flow of Haki must move outside his body.

But just before he started his training, he remembered to use his Devil Fruit. It was a risk but the rewards would be great.

He decided to put his Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Skills, and even 15 Years of Life as a wager. His bet was to learn Emission in three days.

Yes, just in three days, he must learn Emission and if he succeeds, his Observation Haki would grow by one more level helping him achieve Future Sight.

It was a big bet but if he could succeed then he would get even stronger. As for why he had to put so many things as wager had something to do with his luck.

If he doesn't have a lot of luck, then this bet wouldn't work with a low Wager. Since this isn't something that has no possibility of happening.

There is a 50/50 chance or even 70% chance that he can learn Emission in just three days. So, without any luck, he had to put all of those into wager so that he can match the results.

So, after placing the bet, a new card appeared above his head which will keep his status checked. It also represented that his bet was on.

He coated his fist with Armament Haki and stared at the Poneglyph before launching a powerful punch at it.


There was a burst of Haki but it wasn't a flow. This was similar to that of his Mini Galaxy Impact which wasn't enough.

So, he continued punching.

Robin was simply watching his training from the side. It was hard to imagine that someone would treat Poneglyph as a punching bag to improve their Haki.

More importantly, she also knew that Liam was dead serious about earning Emission in three days since he even made a bet.

While his training continued, Luffy and Enel started battling each other. To be exact, it was a cat and mouse race between Enel and Luffy where Enel was a cat and Luffy was a mouse.

[El Thor] [Vari- 100000 Volts] [Vari- 200000000 Volts]

Enel used several of the single target attacks against Luffy but Luffy was able to dodge it slightly. And, even if his attack could land on him, he wouldn't suffer any damage at all.

'No, this is not like what Liam said. I need to focus. Observation Haki allows me to see through his attacks but because of his own Observation Haki and Speed of Lightning, his attack will still land on me.'

'The only way I can change this is by seeing his Future. Only then I can dodge his attacks. Liam said that I need to learn Future Sight in three days but if I learn it faster, I can go on an adventure with Usopp and Chopper.'

'Yes, I must learn Future Sight as soon as possible.'

Luffy's determination soared in the name of adventure. He was fully focused on improving his Observation Haki.

Seeing that his single-target attacks were dodged so easily, Enel was angry. He gathered massive lightning bolts in the sky and shot them toward Luffy.

Each bolt of lightning was thicker than most trees around them and several of them were landing around Luffy at the same time.

[Sango/Lightning Flash]

Luffy knew that he wouldn't get hurt by these attacks but he can't let these attacks touch him. He must dodge them with his Observation Haki.

Luffy's Observation Haki kept flashing as he keeps on dodging. But, suddenly Enel turned into lightning and appeared behind Luffy.

He hit the drum behind him with his hand and a massive thunderbird burst out of his drum.

[Third Million Volt Thunder Bird]


At this moment, Luffy's eyes flashed red only for a mere second as his body turned to the side, completely dodging that attack.