
Vampire Queen and Her Poisonous Alpha Pet

Update every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday! WARNING! MATURE CONTENT! --- Genevieve Morana Bancroft is a vampire who lives among humans, and she is the vampire queen of the Bancroft clan after her father died. She has a perfect life when she disguises herself as a human, and she even becomes a top actress in the country. But, she has a problem, and that's how she started to age after she turned one hundred years old. To stop aging, she needs to drink werewolf blood, and that's when she finally meets Treznor Lucian Maccon, a werewolf who ends up becoming her blood slave. Werewolves are vampires' enemies, but everything starts to change because of the werewolf's 'poisonous' blood. That's when hatred starts to change into something else in the vampire's heart. As she begins to fall in love with the werewolf, the werewolf still can't forget his childhood sweetheart, and the vampire queen finally begins to feel misery. What will happen to the vampire queen? Will the werewolf's heart finally melt for her and forget his first love? Will it still be a forbidden love between the two creatures until the end?

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20 Chs


"The wolf... the wolf is looking at you, My Lady!" Simon was on the verge of screaming out in panic when he noticed how the black wolf was now looking dangerously at his master, and the huge wolf even growled deeply as if to warn the two newcomers who came uninvited into the house.

"Do you think I need you to tell me that, Simon? Do you think I can't see that the wolf is glaring at me right now?" Full of annoyance, Evie rebuked the old man.

Hearing the scolding, Simon couldn't even reply, and he just shook his head in fright even if his master didn't look at him at the moment. Of course, Evie wouldn't take her eyes off the wolf this time. It was clear that the wolf was extremely dangerous, and that was why Evie knew she could not take her eyes off him for even a second.

And maybe she guessed it correctly because the wolf suddenly left the dead chicken on the bathroom floor, and carefully brought its four legs to where Evie was standing near the bathroom door.

Evie knew that the wolf wouldn't try to eat her. After all, werewolves would only follow their instincts on full moon nights, and their instincts wouldn't let them eat vampires because it was too dangerous to fight them in their wolf form.

Aside from that reason, this werewolf seemed to have eaten enough food before Evie came to the house, and maybe his stomach wouldn't have enough room for a big meal.

Evie knew that the wolf wouldn't eat her, but there was no guarantee that the wolf wouldn't try to attack her. At a time like this, it seemed that the wolf saw her as a threat, and in order to eliminate the danger, he had to kill her, right?

That was why Evie knew she couldn't ignore how the wolf was closing in on her, and she knew Simon was more panicked this time when the old man even started tugging at her sleeve.

"That's… that's too dangerous, My Lady! What are you going to do with the wolf? We better leave this place now before he can launch an attack on us!" Simon panicked and voiced his realistic suggestion.

It was a modern era when Earth was at peace, and that's why there was no more strife between vampires and werewolves. Simon knew that Evie had no fighting experience even if she was stronger than him, and that was why he could only persuade his master to back down.

Unfortunately, Evie only chuckled before pulling her arm away from the old man. "I know what I'm doing, Simon! You can wait for me and get ready to take the wolf to the car later!" She ordered the old man.

Evie sounded very confident in what she had just said, but Simon only frowned further after hearing what she said. He was standing behind the Vampire Queen, and that was why he didn't know what kind of expression the woman was making right now. However, he could feel the change in her aura after she finished speaking, and because of the aura, he immediately understood the meaning behind her words.

"You... you can't use that forbidden ability, My Lady! You can't use it because it's too risky!" Simon's voice could be heard again, and his hand once again tried to catch Evie's sleeve, but the woman coldly avoided his touch.

"Too late, Simon. I have activated my forbidden ability, and that is why you can only wait for the results," replied Evie coldly, and as soon as she finished speaking, her red eyes shone even brighter before her pupils changed shape.

Vampires had the same pupils as humans. It would increase in volume in the dark, and it would shrink in full light. Its shape was sometimes like a circle, and sometimes it was shaped like an almond.

Evie's eyes were like that even when she was in vampire mode, but then her pupils suddenly turned into a pair of triangles, and she fixed her gaze on the wolf who was also staring at her.

The wolf continued to growl as if it was warning Evie, but then it stopped making that noise as Evie kept her eyes fixed on the wolf's blue eyes.

Just like a vampire's, a werewolf's pupils were also similar to those of a human's, but after the werewolf's pair of blue eyes were locked by the vampire's pair of red eyes, the pupils began to change shape as well, and in an instant, they transformed into a pair of triangles just like Evie's.

Currently, the wolf no longer howled dangerously, instead sitting obediently on the bathroom floor. At this moment, Evie knew that it was a success, and that was why she smirked proudly as she continued to stare at the black wolf.

Her proud expression was very different from how Simon had watched everything as if he had just witnessed a murder. No, Evie hadn't killed anyone, but maybe Simon would have liked her to kill someone right now.

"Why... why did you use the forbidden ability, My Lady? You... You just used your Hypnotize ability, right? Why did you use it? More importantly, why would you use it on a werewolf? You know the consequences you have to accept after using that ability on a werewolf, right?"

Simon had asked several questions, but his voice trembled as he asked them. Evie still had her back to Simon, but she could tell the old man was both frightened and worried. Sure enough, the old man didn't expect that she would do this kind of thing tonight.

But, she had done it, and she couldn't just rewind time to undo everything. She was indeed a powerful vampire, but she didn't have the ability to rewind time. Thus, she couldn't help but smile slightly before replying, "I know the consequences, Simon. After using the forbidden ability on a werewolf, I won't be able to use my vampire abilities for ten years, right?"