
Unveiled Secrets (Tsukiuta - fanfiction)

It was a day when both Six Gravity and Procellarum had a rare day off. The members of both groups were gathered in the cozy living room, enjoying their free time. However, one notable absence was Hajime.

Koi glanced around, searching for their missing member. "Where is Hajime-san?" he asked curiously.

Haru, always well-informed, chimed in, "Hajime has a commercial shoot, but he'll be back here at 4."

Just as Haru finished speaking, Hajime walked into the living room, a tired but content expression on his face.

Haru grinned mischievously. "Oh, speaking of the devil," he remarked playfully.

The members of both Six Gravity and Procellarum greeted Hajime warmly. "Good work, Hajime-san," they chimed in unison.

Kai, having heard the news from Haru, mentioned, "We heard from Haru that you'd be here at 4."

Hajime chuckled and replied, "Yes, but the shoot finished earlier than expected."

Shun, always curious, couldn't help but ask, "Hajime, what do you have there?"

Hajime glanced at the envelope in his hand and smiled. "Ah, this is for Kakeru," he replied, holding it out to his bandmate.

Kakeru, taken aback, stared at the envelope. "A letter?" he questioned; his curiosity piqued.

Hajime handed the letter to Kakeru, who took it with a mixture of surprise and intrigue.

Hajime noticed Kakeru's reaction and asked, "What's wrong?"

Kakeru shook his head. "Nothing," he replied, his voice tinged with curiosity. "But who sent it?" he wondered aloud, opening the envelope.

Hajime answered with a smile, "It's from your fan. Tsukishiro-san asked me to give it to you."

Haru interjected "Hajime, what are you going to do now?"

Hajime stretched and yawned. "I think I'll go rest for a while. Wake me up when lunch is ready," he replied, heading towards his room.

Aoi and Yoru nodded in agreement. "All right," they said simultaneously.

As Hajime made his exit, Haru decided to follow suit. "I'll go to my room too," he announced, walking away.

Kai, unsure of what to do, turned to Shun. "What about you, Shun? Any plans?"

Shun's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Fufufufu, I think I'll go buy some limited-edition pictures of Hajime-chan," he replied, referring to Hajime's merchandise.

Kai sighed, knowing how mischievous Shun could be. "Just don't cause any trouble out there," he cautioned.

Shun smirked, placing a hand on Kai's shoulder. "Who do you think I am?" he teased, hinting at his mischievous nature.

Kai rolled his eyes, calling Shun by his infamous nickname. "The White Demon Lord," he muttered, acknowledging Shun's mischievous tendencies.

Shun nodded, reveling in the title. "Correct. I will use my power," he declared dramatically. "So, don't worry."

Kai sighed again, a mix of exasperation and amusement. "That's what's worrying me," he muttered under his breath.

Meanwhile, in the middle group, Arata, Aoi, You, and Yoru laughed at the dynamic between Haru and Shun, teaming up to tease Kai. Eventually, they decided to leave as well.

Iku, Rui, and Koi couldn't help but be curious about the contents of the letter. Koi, unable to contain his excitement, called out, "Kakerun, Kakerun..."

Arata, wanting to know too, tried to intervene. "Kakeru, who sent the letter?" he asked.

Koi, feeling territorial, scolded him. "Oi, Arata, don't interfere," he said with a hint of annoyance.

Arata raised an eyebrow, confused by Koi's reaction. "Huh? Did I say something wrong?" he wondered.

Iku and Rui stepped in, trying to diffuse the tension. "Come on, let's not fight over something trivial," Iku suggested.

Rui added with a smile, "Yeah, let's not spoil the mood."

You chimed in playfully, noticing their synchronized actions. "Here comes the Iku and Rui synchronization," You teased.

Rui crossed his arms and spoke up, his tone slightly exasperated. "Could you please stop teasing us?" he requested.

You laughed, finding the situation entertaining. "I won't because it's too much fun! Hahaha!"

Amidst the chaos and laughter, Kakeru giggled. However, as he opened the letter, his facial expression changed, catching the attention of Aoi and Yoru.

Aoi, concerned, asked, "Kakeru, is everything okay?"

Kakeru quickly composed himself and reassured them, "Nothing to worry about." But deep down, his mind was racing with thoughts.

Standing up, Kakeru declared his intention. "I'm going to write a reply," he said, clutching the letter in his hand.

You playfully remarked, "Lucky you, getting a fan letter."

Kakeru chuckled, brushing it off modestly. "Hahaha, really? I think it's normal. You guys receive more letters than me."

Koi chimed in, recognizing the joy of receiving a letter. "But still, receiving a letter is something nice," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

As the guys continued chatting, Kakeru excused himself and hurried to his own room. He grabbed his phone and dialed the number for Six Gravity.

Tsukishiro picked up the call. "Hel..."

Kakeru interrupted, his voice urgent. "Tsukishiro-san, I need to meet you right now."

Concern laced Tsukishiro's voice as he asked, "What's wrong, Kakeru?"

Kakeru's tone was serious as he replied, "I need to show you something very important."

Thinking quickly, Tsukishiro suggested an alternative. "Hmm, that's hard. I'm not at the office right now, but Kurotsuki is there. Do you want to meet him? I'll join you later."

Relieved, Kakeru agreed. "Yes, no problem."

Tsukishiro assured him, "I'll inform Kurotsuki. When you arrive, please go to meeting room no. 2."

Kakeru thanked him and ended the call. He swiftly packed his belongings, including the letter, into his bag and left the dormitory. Hailing a taxi, he headed to the company's location. Arriving at the office, he hurriedly made his way to the designated meeting room, where he would meet with Kurotsuki.

Upon entering the room, Kakeru greeted Kurotsuki, his expression reflecting the turmoil within. "Hello, Kurotsuki-san," he greeted, his voice laden with worry.

Kurotsuki, sensing the gravity of the situation, returned the greeting cautiously. "Hello, Kakeru. I hope everything is fine," he expressed with genuine concern.

Kakeru's request was straightforward. "Can we wait for Tsukishiro-san?" he asked with a sense of urgency in his voice.

Kurotsuki nodded, understanding the urgency. "Of course. Would you like some coffee, tea, or water while we wait?" he offered, trying to provide a sense of comfort.

Kakeru lost in his thoughts, responded distractedly, "Water, please."

Kurotsuki poured a glass of water for Kakeru, sensing the young idol's restlessness. As he handed the glass over, he couldn't help but observe Kakeru's troubled expression. There was clearly something weighing heavily on his mind.

While they waited for Tsukishiro to join them, Kurotsuki decided to break the silence. "Kakeru, if there's something bothering you, please know that you can confide in me," he said in a gentle tone, offering his support.

Kakeru took a sip of water, grateful for Kurotsuki's kind gesture. He placed the glass on the table and sighed deeply. "Thank you, Kurotsuki-san. It's just... I received a letter earlier, and its contents have left me quite unsettled," he confessed, his voice tinged with unease.

Kurotsuki leaned forward, his eyes filled with concern. "What did the letter say, Kakeru? Is it something serious?" he inquired, wanting to understand the gravity of the situation.

Kakeru retrieved the letter from his bag and handed it to Kurotsuki. "I think it's best if you read it for yourself. It's from a fan, but the message inside... it's rather perplexing," he explained, his brows furrowing with worry.

Taking the letter, Kurotsuki unfolded it carefully and began to read. As he absorbed the words on the page, his expression gradually transformed from curiosity to deep concern. The contents seemed to strike a chord within him.

After finishing the letter, Kurotsuki's gaze shifted back to Kakeru. He placed a hand on the younger idol's shoulder, offering reassurance. "Kakeru, I understand why you're troubled. This is indeed something we should take seriously," he stated firmly.

Kakeru nodded, grateful to have someone who acknowledged the significance of the situation. "I knew I could rely on you and Tsukishiro-san. The letter suggests that something might happen during our upcoming concert tour. I can't shake off this feeling of unease," he admitted, his voice laced with worry.

Just as Kakeru finished speaking, the door swung open, and Tsukishiro entered the room. He glanced between Kakeru and Kurotsuki, immediately sensing the tension in the air. "I'm sorry for keeping you both waiting. Kakeru, what's this urgent matter you needed to discuss?" he inquired, his eyes moving from Kurotsuki to Kakeru.

Kakeru took a deep breath and decided to address both of them. "Tsukishiro-san, you gave Hajime-san a letter from one of my fans and Kurotsuki-san read the letter. It hints at something concerning happening during our concert tour," he explained, handing the letter to Tsukishiro.

Tsukishiro skimmed through the letter, his expression growing increasingly serious with each passing moment. He carefully folded it and placed it on the table. "Kakeru, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We need to investigate this thoroughly to ensure everyone's safety," he stated with determination.

Kurotsuki nodded in agreement. "I'll gather our team and begin looking into this immediately. We won't take any chances," he affirmed, his voice resolute.

Feeling a glimmer of relief wash over him, Kakeru knew he had made the right decision by reaching out to them. "Thank you, Tsukishiro-san, Kurotsuki-san. I trust in your expertise to handle this situation," he expressed, a sense of gratitude in his voice.

As they prepared to delve into the investigation, the weight of anticipation settled in the room. The journey to uncover the truth behind the mysterious letter had just begun, and the members of Six Gravity knew they would need to stay vigilant and united to ensure their safety and the safety of their fans.

Over the next few days, Kakeru, Tsukishiro, and Kurotsuki worked closely with the security team to investigate the mysterious letter and the potential threats to the upcoming concert tour. They decided to keep the details of the investigation strictly confidential, even from the other members of Six Gravity and Procellarum. It was a necessary precaution to prevent panic and ensure the smooth flow of preparations.

Meanwhile, Kakeru's anxiety began to take its toll. The threatening phone calls he received for two weeks intensified, and he started receiving anonymous threatening text messages as well. Each message was carefully crafted to instill fear and doubt in Kakeru's mind.

Despite his increasing unease, Kakeru remained determined to protect his group members from unnecessary worry. He put on a brave face during practice sessions, trying his best to maintain a sense of normalcy. However, his friends and bandmates couldn't help but notice his change in behavior.

During one of their practice sessions, Koi approached Kakeru with a concerned expression on his face. "Hey, Kakeru, is everything alright? You've been on edge lately," he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Kakeru flashed a reassuring smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Don't worry, Koi. I'm just a bit stressed with the upcoming tour. There's a lot to prepare for," he replied, trying to dismiss his friend's concerns.

Koi wasn't convinced. He knew there was something more to Kakeru's anxiety. "Kakeru, we've been through a lot together. You can trust us. If something's bothering you, you don't have to face it alone," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy.

Kakeru's resolve wavered for a moment as he met Koi's caring gaze. He knew his friends had always been there for him, supporting him through thick and thin. However, the weight of the threats and the fear of endangering his group members made him hesitate to confide in them fully.

"I appreciate your concern, Koi," Kakeru replied, his voice laced with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. "But this is something I need to handle on my own, at least for now. I promise I'll let you all know if anything significant happens."

Koi sighed, understanding the difficulty of the situation. "Alright, Kakeru. Just remember that we're here for you whenever you're ready to talk," he said, offering his support.

As the days passed, Kakeru's anxiety continued to grow. The threatening messages became more frequent, leaving him on edge at all times. Sleep became a luxury as his mind raced with thoughts of what might happen during the tour. He couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching his every move.

One evening, after another exhausting day of practice, Kakeru returned to his dorm room. He sat on his bed, staring at his phone, which had just received another threatening message. Fear gripped his heart, but determination also burned within him. He knew he had to gather concrete evidence to expose the person behind these threats.

Kakeru took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly. "I can't let fear control me," he muttered to himself, mustering his strength. "I have to face this head-on."

With renewed determination, Kakeru reached out to Tsukishiro and Kurotsuki, informing them of the recent threats and his decision to confront the situation directly. They agreed to coordinate with the police and enhance security measures for the tour.

In the following days, Kakeru worked closely with the investigation team, providing them with all the information he had about the threats.

They analyzed the messages, traced the numbers, and gathered any available evidence to identify the person responsible. Kakeru cooperated fully, sharing his experiences and any relevant details that could aid in the investigation. The security team, led by Tsukishiro and Kurotsuki, worked tirelessly alongside the police to ensure the safety of Six Gravity and Procellarum during their upcoming concert tour.

Meanwhile, the rest of Six Gravity and Procellarum couldn't help but notice Kakeru's increased involvement with the security team and his deep preoccupation with the ongoing situation. Concern for their friend's well-being grew stronger, as they sensed that something more serious was happening behind the scenes.

One evening, after a long day of practice, the members of both groups gathered in the living room, ready to unwind and relax. Kakeru, however, felt that it was finally time to share the truth with his friends. He knew he couldn't keep them in the dark any longer, especially when their safety might be at risk.

"Everyone, there's something important I need to tell you," Kakeru spoke up, his voice filled with determination, yet tinged with anxiety.

His bandmates turned their attention to him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. They could sense the gravity of the moment and the seriousness in Kakeru's tone.

Kakeru took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to reveal. He began recounting the series of events that had unfolded over the past few weeks—the threatening letter, the unnerving phone calls, and the anonymous messages that had been plaguing him. He explained that he had been working closely with Tsukishiro, Kurotsuki, and the authorities to investigate and ensure their safety throughout the tour.

As Kakeru shared the details, the atmosphere in the room grew increasingly tense. Shock and worry etched themselves onto the faces of his bandmates. They couldn't believe that Kakeru had been shouldering this burden alone, protecting them from the fear and uncertainty that had enveloped his life.

Haru was the first to break the silence, his voice filled with concern. "Kakeru, why didn't you tell us about this? We're your friends, and we would've supported you through this difficult time," he said, his tone gentle yet reproachful.

Kakeru's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he responded, his voice wavering. "I... I didn't want to worry any of you. I thought I could handle it on my own. But now I realize that I shouldn't have kept it a secret. I'm sorry."

Aoi stepped forward, his voice filled with empathy. "Kakeru, we understand why you made that choice. But remember, we're a team, and we face challenges together. You don't have to carry this burden alone anymore," he said, his words resonating deeply with the rest of the members.

One by one, the other members expressed their unwavering support and reassurance to Kakeru. They assured him that they would stand by his side, offering their strength and solidarity in the face of adversity.

Feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders, Kakeru couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the warmth and care his friends showed him. Tears welled up in his eyes as he smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, everyone," Kakeru said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "I'm truly fortunate to have all of you as my friends. Let's face this challenge together and protect not only ourselves but also the bond we share with our fans."

The members of Six Gravity and Procellarum nodded in agreement, their determination renewed. They knew that by staying united and supporting one another, they could overcome any obstacles that lay ahead.

With newfound strength and a deep sense of unity, they continued their preparations for the concert tour, now fortified by their shared resolve. They trusted in the security measures implemented and the ongoing investigation to ensure their safety.

As the tour approached, the members focused wholeheartedly on perfecting their performances and leaned on each other for support. Kakeru's friends made sure to check in on him regularly, offering encouragement and reminding him that they were there for him every step of the way.

The first stage of the tour concert sparked a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation among the group. They stood side by side, ready to step onto the stage, knowing that they had each other's backs and that the bond they shared was unbreakable.

Arata: Hey, remember what you said earlier? Maybe the threat was just a joke and nothing will happen until now, right?

Hajime: Yeah, you have a point. If it's just a joke, that would be great. But let's stay alert until the concert finishes. We only have two days left.

Haru: I agree with Hajime. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Kai: Yeah, I think we should take it seriously until the end.

Kakeru (talking to himself, unaware that others can hear): I'm used to... (he grabs his tied hand)

Yoru: Wait, Kakeru, used to what?

Rui: Yeah, what are you talking about?

Iku: Kakeru, can you explain?

Koi: Kakeru, what's going on?

Kakeru (surprised): Huh? Did I say something?

Hajime: You mentioned that you used to something. Care to explain?

Haru: Yeah, we're all curious now.

Kakeru (pauses and then speaks): Please don't be angry, everyone.

Aoi: It depends on your explanation.

Kakeru (feeling nervous as he knows Aoi's anger): Well, after we debuted, I started receiving threat messages and phone calls, but nothing actually happened. I didn't tell anyone, including the company. But since the threats involve all of you, I talked to Tsukishiro-san and Kurotsuki-san. I'm really sorry for not sharing this earlier. (bows with puppy eyes)

Hajime (angry but laughing at Kakeru's puppy eyes): You little troublemaker. Fine, we forgive you this time, but if you do something like this again, be ready to face the consequences.

Kakeru (vows): I promise, from now on, I'll inform everyone if I receive any threats.

Hajime (turns to both groups): Did any of you receive any threatening messages, letters, or phone calls?

All of them: No, we didn't receive any threats.

Shun (moving next to Hajime): Hey, Kai, why don't you call Shun "White Demon King," and Haru, you can call Hajime "Black Demon King."

Kai (cheerfully): Shun-sama, the White Demon King!

Haru (joining in): And Hajime-sama, the Black Demon King!

Haru and Kai (giggling): Why not use your powers?

Shun (smiling and facing Hajime): Oh, you're right. I should use it.

Hajime (joining the act): Shun, let's join our powers together.

Shun (surprised by Hajime's participation): Whoa, Hajime, you rarely join in.

(The members start laughing at this small comedy act from the four big guys in the group)

And on the third day, the concert was fantastic, and the members took their final bow as the concert came to an end. They were relieved that nothing had happened.

Koi: Just one day left! Let's keep up the spirit, Kakeru.

Kakeru agreed, and as they made their way backstage to the dressing room, Kakeru accidentally bumped into a staff member who fell down. Concerned, Kakeru helped the staff member up, and in that moment, the staff member leaned towards him and whispered, "If you want the threats to stop, come here alone after everyone leaves."

Before Kakeru could react, the mysterious staff member swiftly moved away, disappearing into the crowd. Kakeru's mind was filled with confusion and curiosity as he turned to look at where the staff member had been.

After reaching the dressing room, the members changed into comfortable clothes and began chatting about the concert. They wondered if they should plan a surprise for the fans on the last day. Feeling the need to use the restroom, Kakeru excused himself and made his way there, his thoughts still lingering on the mysterious staff member's words.

Inside the dressing room, Koi turned to Arata and Rui, concerned about Kakeru's absence.

Koi: Kakerun is late, right?

Rui: Yes, Kakeru is late.

Arata: Indeed, he is late.

Growing increasingly worried, Koi made a decision.

Koi: Guys, I will go check on him.

The other members agreed, and Koi hurriedly went towards the bathroom. However, when he arrived, Kakeru was nowhere to be found. A chill ran down Koi's spine, and he began searching nearby rooms, hoping to locate Kakeru. Panic rising within him, Koi rushed back to the dressing room with a pale face.

Koi (anxiously): Kakeru is not there! He's gone! Maybe the threat was real after all. We need to find him!

All the members were shocked by Koi's revelation, and a tense silence filled the room. Koi, gasping for breath, leaned against the wall for support, his eyes wide with worry. He finally managed to speak up amidst the heavy atmosphere, "Kakeru is missing! I couldn't find him in the bathroom or the nearby rooms."

Yoru, Aoi and Iku, who was known for their calm and composed nature, couldn't hide their astonishment. Yoru His usually stoic expression transformed into one of disbelief as he exclaimed, "So the threats were real?!"

Hajime, with his level-headedness, took charge of the situation. He quickly organized the members into search teams, assigning specific areas of the venue for each group to scour.

Hajime, Shun, Haru, and Kai formed one team, searching the backstage area and the corridors leading to the dressing rooms. Their keen eyes scanned every nook and cranny, hoping to catch a glimpse of Kakeru or any clue that could lead them to him.

Arata, Aoi, Yoru and You joined forces and combed through the audience seating area. They spoke to security personnel and ushers, asking if anyone had seen Kakeru or noticed any suspicious activity during the concert. They painstakingly worked their way row by row, searching for any signs of their missing friend.

Meanwhile, Rui and Yoru scoured the backstage, storage rooms, checking every storage closet and equipment area. They carefully inspected each corner, hoping to find any trace of Kakeru's presence or evidence that could shed light on his whereabouts.

As for Koi, his worry for Kakeru consumed him, and he decided to search the nearby streets and alleys outside the venue. He hoped that perhaps Kakeru had stepped out for some fresh air or had been lured away by the mysterious staff member. Koi questioned passersby, showing them a picture of Kakeru, desperately seeking any information that could lead him to his friend.

While the members tirelessly searched for Kakeru, they remained oblivious to the unfolding events on the stage. Kakeru, driven by a mix of determination and curiosity, made his way towards the empty stage where he was supposed to meet the mystery person. As he approached, he saw a familiar shadow emerging from the darkness. It was Kakeru's senior, Yuri, whom he had always admired and looked up to. Yuri greeted Kakeru with a disarming smile, and Kakeru reciprocated the greeting, unaware that he could only see Yuri and no one else. He scanned the surroundings, searching for any other person.

Yuri, amused by Kakeru's confusion, chuckled softly before speaking, "Kakeru, you came here for the answer, right?"

Kakeru's expression twisted into one of puzzlement as he asked, "Answer?"

Yuri's smile widened, and he replied with a hint of mischief in his voice, "Don't play dumb, Kaker. The threats, phone calls, messages..."

Kakeru's eyes widened in shock, and his voice trembled as he asked, "How did you know about all that?"

Yuri:"You came here to find out who's behind it all, didn't you?"

Kakeru:... yes"

Yuri's smile turned into a mischievous grin, and he revealed the truth, "All of them were from me, Kaker. It's my present for you."

Kakeru stood frozen in disbelief, unable to comprehend the gravity of Yuri's words. He mustered the courage to ask, hoping against hope that it was all just a sick joke, "Yuri, are you joking? Please tell me you're joking."

Yuri couldn't contain his laughter any longer and erupted into hysterical laughter, echoing through the empty auditorium. The sound reverberated off the walls, intensifying Kakeru's shock and confusion. However, as Kakeru's tone turned serious, he confronted Yuri with a burning question, "So, all the threats from the first day until now were all your doing, Yuri?"

Yuri's smile remained, but he answered calmly

"Yes, Kakeru. It was all me."

Kakeru's anger surged, his voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and frustration as he shouted, "So, you were happy to make our lives hell all these years?!"

Yuri's admission took Kakeru by surprise as he confessed, "To be honest, I don't know."

Kakeru's anger deepened, and he couldn't comprehend Yuri's response. He angrily retorted, "What do you mean you don't know? How can you not know?!"

Yuri's smile faded slightly as he explained, "Let me tell you, Kakeru. I am a jealous person."

Kakeru's brows furrowed, confusion evident on his face. He argued, "Everyone feels jealous at some point. It's a normal human emotion."

Yuri shook his head and replied with a hint of bitterness, "No, Kakeru. I'm not talking about ordinary jealousy. I'm jealous of your very existence."

Kakeru was taken aback, unable to grasp Yuri's reasoning. He questioned, his voice laced with genuine curiosity, "Jealous of me? But Yuri, you're more successful and talented than me and our group. Why would you feel jealous?"

Yuri's eyes clouded with mixed emotions as he continued, "That's exactly why, Kakeru. You were born with a silver spoon. Success comes easily to you. Many of my fans became your fans, and both Prollecularm and Six Gravity fans started comparing me to you."

Kakeru couldn't fathom why Yuri, who possessed immense talent and had achieved remarkable success, would feel jealous of him. Yuri's reasoning seemed foolish and petty in Kakeru's eyes, fueling his anger.

Kakeru's voice grew stern as he exclaimed, "Are you out of your mind, treating my group members and friends this way for such a stupid reason?!"

While Kakeru engaged in a heated argument with Yuri, the other members continued their frantic search throughout the venue. Koi, meet with Iku, and Rui, and they heard the commotion emanating from the stage. Their hearts raced with concern as they hurriedly made their way towards the source of the noise. As they approached, their eyes widened in horror at the scene that unfolded before them. They witnessed Yuri attempting to stab Kakeru with a knife, his desperation evident on his face. However, Kakeru's agility allowed him to catch the knife with his injured hand, preventing a fatal blow. Iku immediately called for the nearest staff member, who promptly rushed forward to restrain Yuri, preventing any further harm.

Reacting swiftly, Koi, Iku, and Rui rushed to Kakeru's side, accompanied by the medical staff. They carefully examined and treated Kakeru's injured hand, ensuring that he received the necessary care. Once Kakeru's hand was bandaged, Iku and Rui gently guided him, with Koi closely following, towards the dressing room where the other members had gathered.

As they entered the room, they found Kakeru sitting on a chair, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. His face was a mix of disbelief, pain, and anger. Overwhelmed by the weight of the situation, Kakeru's emotions erupted within him. In a moment of frustration, he slammed his uninjured hand on the table, causing a sharp pang of pain to shoot through his body. He couldn't contain his emotions any longer and shouted, "Yuri, you mother f*cker, you were behind all of this!"

His outburst startled the members, who were accustomed to Kakeru's optimistic and positive demeanor. They exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of shock and concern.

Aoi, known for his playful nature, couldn't resist approaching Kakeru. With a hint of mischief in his eyes, he playfully grabbed Kakeru's ears and said with a scary smile, "Kakeru, did you forget about your promise earlier?"

Kakeru stammered, still processing the events that had unfolded, "Oh... umm, no, but..."

Haru, known for his intimidating aura, joined Aoi with a serious expression. He added, his voice laced with authority, "No 'buts,' Kakeru. You should receive punishment? Right, everyone?"

In unison, the members agreed, their voices filled with a mix of teasing and concern, "Kakeru, we will pray for you. please be save"

Kakeru, realizing their intentions, tried to elicit forgiveness with his innocent puppy eyes. However, Aoi, Haru, and the rest struggled to contain their laughter. As Kakeru trying so hard, they eventually bursting into fits of laughter themselves.

Observing their camaraderie, Kakeru couldn't help but join in, albeit with a touch of bitterness. He slapped himself lightly on the cheek, unintentionally causing pain to his injured hand, and exclaimed, "Ouch?"

Yoru scolded Kakeru with a mix of exasperation and concern, "Kakeru, you're being foolish. Why are you using force with injured hands?"

Kakeru shrugged, a hint of confusion in his voice, as he replied, "No idea."

The response elicited more laughter from the members, providing a momentary relief amidst the tension that had filled the room. However, Kakeru's amusement quickly faded as he came to a realization, expressing his regretful thoughts, "For real, I should have listened to Yuri's manager when he warned me to be careful of Yuri. I ignored him and didn't take it seriously."

The room fell silent, the weight of the situation settling on their shoulders once again. The members exchanged solemn glances, their hearts burdened by the consequences of their actions and their trust in the wrong person.

The room fell into a heavy silence, tension thickening the air, as Iku glanced at Rui and nodded, silently conveying their shared concern. Unable to bear the weight of the silence any longer, Rui mustered the courage to break it, directing his question to Kakeru. "Kakeru, what did you tell Yuri before we left?" Curiosity getting the better of him, Koi chimed in, his voice filled with intrigue. "Yeah, what was it that you said to him?"

Kakeru nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, dismissing the significance of his words. "Nothing important," he replied casually. However, when Kakeru's eyes met Iku's worried gaze, he couldn't help but inquire further. "Did it affect him that much, Ikun?" Iku let out a heavy sigh, his concern evident, as he was the only one who had caught a glimpse of Yuri's troubled face. Summoning his courage, Iku responded with a tinge of sadness in his voice. "Yes, it seems like you destroyed his last hope."

A pensive expression crossed Kakeru's face, and he mumbled to himself, lost in thought. Koi attempted to interject, but Kakeru swiftly cut him off, his tone serious and cryptic. "There will be a present waiting for him." Perplexed glances were exchanged among the other members, their brows furrowing in confusion. Why would a mere present have such a profound impact on Yuri's demeanor? Kakeru's smirk widened, savoring the bewilderment on their faces, as he reassured them, "You will soon find out the nature of this present." A cold smile crept onto his lips, sending a shiver down the spines of his fellow members. "I don't know if it's dangerous or not for him."

The chill in the room lingered, but Kakeru could no longer contain his amusement. Cold laughter escaped his lips as he gazed at their dumbfounded expressions. His voice, laced with a mix of satisfaction and relief, held a casual tone as he commented, "At least he deserves this. He is an asshole who enjoys bullying..." Kakeru's voice softened, carrying a sense of personal liberation. "It's payback for the fear that I endured all those years because of this jerk."

A sudden shift in Kakeru's demeanor sent a jolt through the room, his voice turning cold and demanding. "Don't you all agree?" Arata, unable to contain his astonishment, blurted out, "Wait, Kakeru, are you serious?" Kakeru's response left all the members dumbfounded. "Absolutely," he affirmed, the weight of his revelation hanging in the air, rendering them speechless. But before long, Kakeru's laughter filled the room, resonating with a contagious joy. "I can end the act now," he declared.

Confusion painted across Koi's face as he uttered, "Huh?" Kakeru calmly settled into a chair, his tone still brimming with happiness. "The truth, hahahaha! Your expressions are priceless, hahahaha!" After taking a moment to compose himself, he continued, "I told Yuri he lost, that he lost the most precious thing to him. When he realized his mistake, his face turned pale." The members stared in disbelief, their minds struggling to comprehend what they had just heard. "What?!" echoed throughout the room, a collective expression of shock.

Aoi, seeking clarification amidst the confusion, asked with a hint of uncertainty, "So it was all just an act?" Kakerunodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Yes, it was all just an act." Relief washed over the group as they let out sighs, grateful that the darkness they had believed resided within Kakeru was merely a facade. Kakeru responded, his voice tinged with honesty, "I can be mischievous, but I don't want to be truly evil."

Hajime chimed in, breaking the tension with a smile. "I think Kakeru can be the happy virus." Shun's hand shot up in agreement, his face brimming with excitement. "Yes, only the happy virus! Oh, that's right!" Kai, curious about Shun's sudden enthusiasm, directed his question to him. "What's gotten into you, Shun?" With unwavering conviction, Shun proclaimed, "I, the White Demon King, hereby approve Kakeru as the Happy Little Demon in my kingdom." Haru joined in, declaring with a grin, "The White Demon King is back!" The unanimous agreement of the members echoed throughout the room, solidifying Hajime and Shun's statements. Laughter filled the air as they began to play and chat, the weight of the act lifted.

Kakeru interjected with a playful tone, "Oh! It's also payback for all the teasing you did earlier, guys." Unable to contain themselves any longer, Aoi, Haru, and Yoru joined forces, their voices harmonizing in unison, "KA-KE-RU-KUN!" Kakeru sensed the danger and quickly sought refuge behind Shun and Hajime, but to his surprise, they played along with Aoi, Haru, and Yoru. The trio caught him, and in a moment of pure joy, they began to tickle him. The room filled with laughter, an atmosphere of happiness and camaraderie prevailing.

As the room filled with laughter and joy, the members of their close-knit group couldn't help but join in the lightheartedness. Kakeru's initial prank had caused a surge of emotions, but now, they realized it was all in good fun. The tension that had enveloped them dissipated, replaced by an atmosphere of camaraderie and playfulness.

Kakeru, though caught off guard by the tickling assault from Aoi, Haru, and Yoru, couldn't help but join in the laughter. He tried to wriggle free from their grasp, but they held him tightly, their tickling fingers relentless. Shun and Hajime, still amused by the whole situation, encouraged the tickle-fest with laughter of their own.

The sound of their shared laughter filled the room, forming a bond between them that grew stronger with each passing moment. It was a reminder of the genuine connection they shared, the understanding and support they offered one another in both times of seriousness and moments of pure joy.

Finally, Kakeru managed to break free from the tickling clutches of his friends. Gasping for breath, he playfully scolded them, "Alright, alright! That's enough, you guys. I surrender!" Aoi, Haru, and Yoru couldn't help but giggle, their faces adorned with mischievous grins.

The group settled down, the laughter subsiding but leaving behind a sense of warmth and unity. Kakeru, still catching his breath, turned to Iku, who had been quietly observing the whole scene. He approached Iku with a sincere expression and extended his hand. "I'm sorry if I worried you, Ikun. It was just a prank, but I should have considered the impact it might have had."

Iku accepted Kakeru's hand and smiled, a mix of relief and forgiveness in his eyes. "It's alright, Kakeru. We know you didn't mean any harm. We're just glad everything turned out to be a joke. But let's be more mindful of each other's feelings in the future."

The other members nodded in agreement, their earlier shock and confusion now transformed into understanding and acceptance. They had come to realize that beneath their playful dynamics, there was a deep bond built on trust and compassion.

The room was filled with infectious energy as laughter and joy reverberated through the air. Friends and comrades gathered together, sharing stories and relishing in the lighthearted atmosphere. But amidst the mirthful ambiance, the door swung open, breaking the harmony. Tsukishiro and Kurotsuki stepped inside, and as they crossed the threshold, an undeniable shift in the room's aura occurred. Kakeru, attuned to the subtle cues, felt a sense of foreboding. Something troubled lay ahead.

Tsukishiro, his features adorned with a calm smile, directed his gaze toward Kakeru and posed a question infused with curiosity, "Kakeru-kun, care to explain?" Kakeru, feigning ignorance, responded innocently, "Explain what?"

Kurotsuki chimed in, his voice laced with intrigue, "We heard that you helped in capturing the culprit." Kakeru played the role of the clueless one and inquired, "What do you mean?" The gravity of the situation was not lost on Tsukishiro, who persisted, addressing Kakeru directly with a firm tone, "Kakeru..."

Kakeru locked eyes with his interlocutors, realizing that evading the truth was no longer an option. Reluctantly, he conceded, his voice tinged with resignation, "Fine, I will tell you everything." However, before delving into the details, he laid down a condition, establishing the boundaries for the forthcoming conversation. "But on one condition..."

Kurotsuki, unable to contain his curiosity, interjected, "What is it?" Kakeru responded, a tinge of vulnerability in his voice, "Don't scold me." Tsukishiro cast a brief glance at Kurotsuki, tacitly agreeing to honor Kakeru's request. The unspoken understanding hung in the air, marking their compliance. With the condition set, Kakeru commenced his narrative, and the members around them leaned in, their attention captured by the unfolding tale.

As Kurotsuki and Tsukishiro listened, the truth of their exclusion from the events began to dawn on them. A flicker of anger ignited within their hearts, and scolding words started to escape their lips, directed at Kakeru and the others who were involved.

Seizing the moment, Kakeru interjected, challenging the necessity of their scolding. "No one is injured, so do we really need to be scolded?" His voice, tinged with defiance, questioned the justification for their admonishment. Tsukishiro, growing increasingly irritated by Kakeru's audacity, pointed at Kakeru's injured hand, seeking to shift the focus to the tangible consequences. "What about this?" he demanded. The attention of the room shifted to Kakeru's wounded hand, a stark reminder of the recent ordeal. Yet, Kakeru's retort aimed to emphasize the absence of any severe harm.

Undeterred by Kakeru's argument, Tsukishiro and Kurotsuki continued their scolding, determined to make their dissatisfaction known. Their words cascaded, a torrent of disappointment and reprimand. But Kakeru, reaching his limit, found himself propelled by a sudden surge of resilience. Unleashing a technique honed through experience, his eyes transformed into pools of innocence and vulnerability, casting a spell that disarmed even the sternest of critics. Kurotsuki and Tsukishiro, momentarily paralyzed by the overwhelming cuteness emanating from Kakeru's gaze, struggled to maintain their composure.

The other members, witnessing this unexpected turn of events, could no longer contain their amusement. Laughter erupted, permeating the room as their mirth filled every corner. Hajime, amidst the collective hilarity, chimed in, "This little troublemaker always knows how to save himself." Haru added with a chuckle, "Indeed, his puppy eyes always come to the rescue."

Kai, intrigued yet bemused, voiced the question that lingered in his mind, "How does it work every time?" Shun, a smile playing on his lips, provided a simple yet satisfying explanation, "The answer is simple. One, because he is one of my subordinates. Two, he has learned from the best demon. And three, he has mastered the adorable technique." The room erupted into laughter once more, engulfed by the camaraderie and the shared amusement.

After a while, Tsukishiro broke the jovial atmosphere, reminding everyone of the task at hand. He mentioned the need for measurements, and Kurotsuki added, "Kakeru, we will inform your father's company." Sensing the impending chaos that would follow such disclosure, Kakeru hastily intervened, his voice filled with urgency, "No, no, no, not my father. It's alright to inform my mother, but my father is a different story." Tsukishiro, puzzled by Kakeru's apprehension, inquired further, "Why?"

Kakeru let out a sigh, a disbelieving expression etched across his face, as he struggled to find the right words. "How should I say it... let me give you an example. Once, on Christmas Day, he blew up my room as a 'present' because I refused to join him at his company gathering. And, oh, there was also that time when he transformed my apartment into a castle before I moved to the dormitory." Kurotsuki, Tsukishiro, and the members stood in stunned silence, their astonishment palpable.

Addressing Kakeru, you couldn't help but interject, acknowledging the eccentricity of his father, "Kakeru, your father is truly something else." Kakeru nodded in agreement, affirming the uniqueness of his father's character. "That's right. Oh, I also forgot to mention that he once arrived at my junior high school entrance ceremony in a helicopter. So, you can understand why I am hesitant to let him in on what happened to me." Kurotsuki and Tsukishiro nodded in unison, acknowledging the potential havoc that could be wrought if Kakeru's father caught wind of the situation.

Tsukishiro took charge, sensing the need for resolution. "I agree. So, everyone, please make your way to the car and return to the hotel. Rest well for tomorrow, as it is the last day of our adventure together." The room gradually emptied, laughter still lingering in the air, as the members embarked on their journey back, leaving behind a trail of shared memories and inside jokes.

As the team made their way to the car, a blend of weariness and excitement permeated the air. The journey back to the hotel was marked by a serene silence, occasionally interrupted by bursts of laughter as they recollected amusing moments from their adventure. The day's fatigue slowly settled upon them, the weight of their achievements mingling with a touch of sadness as their journey neared its end.

Upon reaching the hotel, they dispersed to their respective rooms, their footsteps echoing through the corridors. Kakeru, enveloped in nostalgia, allowed himself a moment of introspection. He stood by the window, gazing at the city lights that sprawled before him, a tapestry woven with dreams and memories.

As night deepened, Kakeru's mind became a whirlwind of emotions. He felt grateful for the experiences he had shared with his friends, the obstacles they had overcome, and the laughter they had shared. Yet, alongside gratitude, a hint of melancholy crept in, aware that their adventure would soon conclude.

The following morning arrived with a mix of anticipation and a tinge of wistfulness. It was the final day of their adventure, carrying the weight of both celebration and parting. The team gathered for a hearty breakfast, cherishing the last moments of togetherness before the day's events unfolded.

In the hours leading up to the concert, the members engaged in a flurry of preparations. The dressing room buzzed with activity as hairstylists and makeup artists worked their magic, ensuring each member looked their best for the grand finale. Costumes were meticulously adjusted, microphones were tested, and last-minute vocal warm-ups resonated through the air.

Feeling a blend of excitement and nervous energy, Kakeru sought solace in the presence of his friends. They formed a circle, sharing words of encouragement and support, their bond stronger than ever. They reminded each other of the journey they had embarked on together, the obstacles they had conquered, and the unwavering belief in one another's abilities.

As the concert time approached, the backstage area bustled with controlled frenzy. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the crew meticulously coordinated the lighting, sound, and stage effects, ensuring a flawless performance. The members stood in a tight-knit circle, taking deep breaths to steady their nerves, their eyes filled with determination.

The moment arrived, and the stage lights illuminated the majestic hall. The crowd erupted in thunderous applause as the members stepped onto the stage, their hearts pounding in unison. The opening notes reverberated through the venue, sending an electrifying thrill through the air.

With every beat, every lyric, the members poured their souls into the performance. Their voices harmonized effortlessly, their dance moves executed flawlessly. The audience's energy mirrored their own, creating an electric connection that transcended the boundaries between performer and audience.

Kakeru's voice, infused with passion and vulnerability, soared through the air, captivating hearts. The audience responded fervently, their cheers and applause blending into a symphony of appreciation. It was a moment that defied words—a culmination of months of hard work, dedication, and unyielding belief in their shared dream.

As the final note of their mesmerizing performance reverberated through the venue, the room quivered with the collective energy of the performers and their adoring fans. The last resonating chord slowly dissipated, leaving behind an ensuing silence heavy with emotion. Then, like a bursting dam, an explosion of cheers, applause, and standing ovations filled the space, echoing through every corner, a resounding testament to the impact the performance had made.

Backstage, the members stood in awe, their hearts pounding with adrenaline and elation. They took a moment to catch their breath, their faces beaming with sheer joy and satisfaction. Embracing one another tightly, they exchanged knowing smiles, their eyes gleaming with a sense of accomplishment.

The backstage area was a hive of activity, bustling with crew members congratulating the performers on their stellar performance. Amidst the whirlwind of praise and admiration, their manager, Tsukishiro, appeared with a beaming smile. "Incredible! You all were absolutely phenomenal out there. I couldn't be prouder of what we've achieved together."

The members' exhaustion was momentarily forgotten as they basked in the glow of their success. After bidding their farewells to the backstage staff, they made their way to the waiting car that would transport them back to the dorm. The vehicle's doors closed with a satisfying thud, enclosing them in a bubble of contentment.

As they embarked on the drive back to the dorm, their excitement and euphoria filled the air. The car was filled with laughter and animated conversations, each member reliving their favorite moments from the concert. Their voices intertwined harmoniously, a symphony of shared memories and triumph.

Upon their arrival at the dorm, they were greeted by a group of dedicated fans who had gathered to celebrate their success. The sound of cheers and applause followed them as they stepped out of the car, creating a wave of energy that washed over them. The fans held up handmade banners, bearing heartfelt messages of congratulations and support.

With tears of gratitude welling in their eyes, the members approached their devoted fans, embracing them tightly. Words of appreciation and thanks flowed freely, as they expressed their deep gratitude for the unwavering love and support they had received. It was a moment of connection and shared joy, a testament to the profound impact their music had on their dedicated followers.

The celebration continued inside the dorm, where their fellow dormmates had prepared a surprise party to commemorate their success. The common area had been transformed into a vibrant space, adorned with colorful decorations, balloons, and a banner that read, "Congratulations on an unforgettable performance!"

The room echoed with laughter and merriment as the members mingled with their friends and supporters. The air was infused with the aroma of delicious food and the sweet melodies of celebratory music. A sense of unity and camaraderie permeated the atmosphere, as everyone reveled in the collective achievement.

Toasts were raised, speeches were given, and heartfelt words of appreciation were shared. The room resounded with laughter and cheers, each member surrounded by loved ones who had been there through every step of their journey. They celebrated not only the success of the concert but also the unwavering bond they had formed, a bond that would continue to guide and inspire them in the years to come.

Amidst the festivities, Kakeru took a moment to address the room, his voice filled with emotion. "Today, I stand here not only as performers but as a family. I have faced challenges together with you, triumphed together, and we grow together. This success is a testament to our unwavering dedication, but it is also a reflection of the love and support I have received from each and every one of you. Thank you for being a part of my life."

As the night wore on, the celebration continued, laughter and joy filling the dorm until the early hours of the morning. They danced, they sang, and they reveled in the memories they had created together. The room resonated with a sense of fulfillment, knowing that they had shared something extraordinary—a moment that would forever be etched in their hearts.

And so, as the night drew to a close, the members retired to their rooms, their faces still adorned with smiles that seemed to have been imprinted on their souls. The echoes of celebration slowly faded, leaving behind a sense of gratitude and contentment.

The End