
5. Ghost In The Dark

The next day was a breeze. I hadn't spoken to Charlie yet. I may or may not be avoiding him, especially after talking to Steven last night.

I think Samantha knows about last night.

She's been acting weird, like I need supervision. She even showed me the counsellor's office, like I need help.

I came to a conclusion that talking about my dad to anyone made me sound crazy, annoying and selfish to everyone around me, so I stopped seeing my therapist and mentioning him to my family... if I can even call them that.



MEANWHILE, the boys are in Charlie and Jackson's room hanging out.

"Have you spoken to your girlfriend yet?" Roland teases Charlie

"She's not my girlfriend... yet!" Charlie responds with a smug on his face ,making everyone laugh except Jackson

"I have no idea what's so exciting about her really." Jonathan says clearly not interested

"Oh please you're just jealous and upset that she's the new kid who had better grades than you." Colton says

"She doesn't better grades than me. We practically have the same score." Jonathan argues

"I don't see how arguing about being a nerd makes you look any less pathetic. And this is coming from an Asian guy with strict parents." Roland says

The whole group laughs at his comment.

"How does Rachel even get information like that. " Charlie says

"I keep telling you, that girl is a mage and not one of us." Colton says

"For the last time she's not a mage." Jonathan yells, getting up to get water from the mini fridge.

"Yeah, yell it out, so the whole school knows." Roland says rolling his eyes.

"You guys have got to stop calling her that. If she was, I don't think this would be the school she would be in. Besides we're family friends so I know." Jonathan defends her

"You sure that's the only way you know she's not one of us." Colton says with a smug on his face

"Bro your mind is always so dirty. Get the hell out of here man." Jonathan smacking Colton's head, while the other two laugh at their banter.

"And anyway we're all family friends." Charlie comments

"That's true." Roland says out of nowhere

"What's true?" Charlie asks

"How did your girlfriend get into this school if she's not like you guys." he asks Charlie, who had no answer to the question.

No one in the room had an answer, so the room became quiet as they thought about it.

"Well I guess not everyone in the school is like us. Some of them have parents who know about us and all that shit you know. Just like you" Charlie replies

"True. I only know you guys, because my parents are part of the council." Roland says

"Should we ask her?" Colton asks. They all turn to Jonathan for a command.

"Absolutely not." he says

"You're right. Even if you guys asked her, she might think you're nuts." Roland says "But shouldn't you be able to tell though. You know who's who and who's not?" he continues he questions

This time they all turn to Charlie, waiting for an answer.

"What are you all looking at me for?" he whines

"Dude is she...you know...your mate?" Colton asks

Charlie pauses for a second thinking about it. "You know what, now that I think about it. My wolf... never felt anything." he looks at them "I guess I haven't found her yet. But! I like Amira. She's cool, so I don't know." he says

"You know we can't be with humans." Colton says

"I don't think she's human." Jonathan says to everyone's surprise

"And how do you know that?" Roland asks

"Her scent is different, but almost familiar. I got this vibe when we bumped into each other in the cafeteria. I just can't rap my head around it. She's also really fast." he explains

"She's not that fast." Colton says in a 'as a matter of fact' way

"You got a vibe?" Charlie asked curiously, staring at him sternly.

"Yah. That doesn't matter." Jonathan stared at him confused

"Her being fast could just mean that, that wasn't her first time running." Roland says to lighting the air

"Okay so what about her scent. It's not the 'this person uses the same perfume' scent I'm talking about. I'm talking about her natural scent. We all have it." Jonathan says, trying to change the focus.

"Dude...don't go around smelling people man. That's just wrong man...that's just...that's wrong. Don't do that." Colton says shaking his head in disappointment, making the other boys laugh.

"Shut up man, that's not what I meant." Jonathan says

"We can investigate later. Let's go for a run." Colton says.



I'm going through the forest in the middle of night. It's a very bright full moon tonight. So beautiful. I'm chasing after the moon in my white dress, my hair down. The wind flowing through it. I feel at ease, but stronger and faster. It's such an amazing feeling.

I get to the waterfall and watch at it flows and the moon glows over it. I kneel over, close my eyes and feel my surroundings around me. When I open my eyes I see a wolf beside me through the reflection of the river. Obviously I should scream and run, but instead I feel safe. I get this familiar feeling.

I turn to face it. A bit nervous. Why isn't it trying to eat me. I'm still in my knees, now facing it. It stares at me for a long time, like it's trying to communicate.

Then it moves closer to me startling me, and bows it's head. Rubbing me slightly. I put my hand on its head and rub it. It shivers at my contact.

It feels so soft.

I giggle and it huffs at me. It nudges at me and I know it wants me to climb on it. So I do, because ... I trust HIM.

"Take me far away from here." I whisper in his left ear. And he does. He takes far away....

Then I wake up. I don't sit up. I just lay still sad with my eyes closed.

"Dad." I whisper to myself, as a tear falls from my eyes.

"Hey you doing alright." Sam says to me.

"I didn't know you were awake." I turn to face her.

"I couldn't really sleep. You kept turning and making little noises and I'm a light sleeper."

"Oh sorry. I just keep having the weirdest dreams. It intensified when I got here."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Samantha says as she sits up, letting her legs dangle.

"No you'll think I'm crazier than I already am." I say as I adjust myself to lie on my back and place my left hand under my head.

"Try me." she says as I get a sense of Deja vu

I don't sit up or turn to her. I stay the way I am, but tell her about the dream. She doesn't ask any questions, which I like. We stay that way the whole night. The only detail I don't tell her, is that the wolf is my dad.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm sorry I took too long to update. I had trouble with this chapter. Also if you guys have any ideas for the boys' room, put it down in the comment section. I put these pictures last minute, because I really wanted a vision of how I want their room to look like, but I couldn't really put it down with a picture. Anyway if you have better ideas send it to me in my personal DM. I don't mind.

Don't forget to vote and comment. Love you guys.