
Unsold Slaves Have Returned As Warriors

Unsold slaves became warriors. Thanks to this, I'm being misunderstood as a legendary teacher. It's nice to be a professor at the best academy on the continent, but What are you guys doing here? N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 23 -  What the Master Left for Black

Chapter 23 - What the Master Left for Black

The big event called the freshman exam ended with the final interview, and the announcement of the successful candidates was made.

"Next! Applicant #3,224 〈 Mage Alan 〉, Water Coffin!"

Passed students proudly spread their chests and walked in front of the chair professor whenever their name and dormitory name was called.

The organization of four dormitories of 20 people was finally completed.

The 20 people gathered in front of me couldn't hide their excitement, but they also seemed relatively unconfident.

I understand. Compared to the other dormitory students who had a lot of nobles and were well-dressed, this one looked like a loser.

I could hear freshmen from other dorms laughing towards me.

We can't leave our kids laughing.

"All attention."

[Powerful Eloquence Lv.7 is activated.]

[Persuasion Lv.8 is activated.]

"He's the chair professor at Wicker Pedia, the professor in charge of the Coffin of the Earth."

My voice dominates the space. I listen not only to the students in my dorm, but also to other students and chair professors.

"I promise you one thing here. If you believe in me and follow the curriculum, I will make sure that all 20 jockeys pass the 'Opticulum', the highest level upon graduation."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Gibberish. It is a coffin on the ground, nowhere else."

"Why are you so confident?"

As I began to speak, the will of my students lit up in their eyes. Even the other dormitory students were concentrating on my voice.

"There is a reason why I chose you. I don't know if you know it, but I'm a legendary teacher who made the warriors who saved the continent into heroes."

The students who heard that he was the teacher of the warriors were agitated.

Of course, it is a lie, but now even the president will affirm it, so there is no way for anyone to confirm the truth.

The second is the know-how that I realized while working as a merchant for a long time. You have to be shameless until you lose your hand.

"Ha, bluffing. If so, what would a slave trader without 5 clerical ranks do?"

The halflings of the Water Coffin despised me. I raised my chin.

"Professor Alencia, don't you know why I don't wear the Chair Professor on my name tag?"


"Because I don't want to be treated the same as you. My education will be different from the textbooks developed after being confined to the academy for the rest of my life. A lot of that too."

"... What now? Hey, hey!"

The halflings got angry belatedly, as if it took some time to understand what I was saying.

"All the coffins of the earth, come with me."

I ignored the snarling halflings and wolf beastmen and walked into the dormitory. Twenty freshmen are together.


It was like baby ducks following me in a row.

I haven't bought the shape yet.

I don't intend to teach you the ceremony, but I'll have Sersi take off her clothes.


"Welcome to the earth coffin. They will be together for the next three years, so let's get acquainted with each other."

Twenty general freshmen were gathered in the dormitory classroom. I just wanted to do an orientation.

"From now on, you guys will be doing this for three years.I will continue my studies in the dormitory. As I said before, all riders this time will surely pass the Opticulum."

Students were nervous. It seems that he didn't mean what I said earlier, but rather regarded it as a provocation against other dormitories.

This is sincerity You guys have to be serious too.

"You know how opticulum graduates are treated in society."

"Of course..."

"It is a great honor."

"In any country, you can sit in an important position right away."

"It is a definite proof of skill."

Students' expectations rose. I spoke.

"Some people may think that they came to the earthly coffin because they fell out due to lack of talent. You are free to think, but I chose twenty of you, not anyone else. It was because they were more likely than anyone else."

A student raised his hand.


"Here, Professor. Are you serious? Can I pass the Opticulum?"

"Marc, your current job is a prosecutor. The main weapon is a longsword. I've been a mercenary for 4 years, and I failed the knights exam for 2 years in a row."


"The class you chose is wrong. You will go as cavalrymen with spears and shields."

"Hey, horsemen? But words are expensive..."

"This is the Caseus Academy. I'll give you a hundred fills if you want any great horse."

At my words, Marc caught his breath. I slowly looked back at the other students as well.

"It's the same with everyone here. I will raise your talents. Make use of all your resources since you came to the best academy. Greedily suck up knowledge and know-how. As a professor, think of me as a tool and actively use it. Do you understand?"

The answer came back in a louder voice than before. It was a posture I liked.

"If you have any questions, ask Associate Professor Sersi Panilla right here."

"Now, please take good care of me Hyo..."

Sersi bowed her head toward the students.

One person raised a hand. The previous martial arts were concept bugs.


"Shifu! I have a question!"

"Um, something."

"Where does the rice taste good?!"

I crossed my arms and glared at the martial artist. The students sensed the disturbing atmosphere and bit their lips.

I opened my mouth.

"That's a very good question. Rice is an important issue. Just use me in this way."

A light smile appeared on the faces of the hardened students.

"To inform you of our know-how, there is no provision anywhere that prohibits students and professors from entering each dormitory."

"What do you mean?!"

"According to what I tested, the water coffin rice was the most delicious. Let's all go raiding together in the evening."


"Wow, the wind feels so good!"

Tia ran her hair through her hair as she watched the flowing hair clouds. The mountains and trees under my feet, which looked like miniatures, passed by in an instant.

"Hey, it's fast. It's too fast!"

Unlike Tia, who was leisurely looking out of her deck, Yuri was terrified and shivering as she hugged the pillar inside her flying boat.

She said it scared her. Their speed was approaching 300 km/h.

"The sooner the better! Are you arriving that fast? I never thought there would be such an ancient artifact in that dragon nest. Isn't that something that was used before magic developed?"

Tia asked Ayesha. The flying boat they were riding was made of wood and iron with anti-corruption magic, and was a little larger than a six-seater carriage.

Long wings are stretched on both sides, and the sail receives lift. Several propellers attached to it were spinning at super high speed.

And that power was coming from manpower, not the mana they were accustomed to.

"Do not talk to me! Because I'm going to die!"

Ayesha sat down on what looked like the saddle of her bike and pedaled like crazy. I couldn't see how high the rpm of her legs was. Sweat rained down from her, forming puddles on the floor.

"Is it that hard to be a swordsman?"

"Even the same swordsman has a class! No, originally I was the strongest! Do you want to match his pace too?!"

The device had two saddles. On the saddle in front of Aisha, Luca was stepping on the same pedals with an expressionless expression as if she were exercising in the morning.

2 seater bicycle pedal. That was the power source of this flying boat.

"If it had been moved by magic, I would have helped."

"Ah! Hey Yuri! Come and recover your strength!"

"Hee hee! Hee hee... Deck."

Yuri, who had never known that she had a fear of heights, passed out after biting into her gear.

"No, do I have to keep going like this ignorant?! Can't you use teleportation magic?!"

"I can only go to places I have been to before. Unni, do you want to go to the Imperial Territory?"

"Keep on stepping!!"

Tia was amused and cycled mana several times out of habit.

'Because even magic isn't omnipotent.'

In the end, you have no choice but to work hard and win what you want to get.

'Still, magic is fun.'

Being able to enjoy magic is also thanks to the fact that the black mana he was injected with as a child has been purified into pure mana. I used the trick given to me by Grandpa, the owner of the Mage Tower.

However, the clear mana that first dwelled in her body belonged to Wicker.

The Dark Elves had been defeated by the High Elves for hundreds of years. The high elves poisoned the dark elves with black mana to prove their superiority.

Newly born Dark Elves are no exception. Forced to learn only black magic, not elemental magic.

Thanks to that long work, the stigma that Dark Elves are an evil race naturally spread to other races.

If Tia had grown as it was, she would have been no different from the other Dark Elves.

- Magic, magic.

When Tia said she wanted to learn her magic, Wicker bought her an introductory book, but when Tia couldn't read her book well, she thought for a while.

Then one day she sat in her chair and put her right arm on her table and said to Tia:

- Black, come and sit here. I'll show you shit from now on.

Wicker lightly held her hand with Tia, who was sitting in her seat, poured her own mana into her, and taught her the basics of magic.

At the time, he was also unfamiliar with magic. She had been self-studying for Tia.

At this time, Tia had already kept it a secret from Wicker, and she started working with the two of them as adventurers. <Br> Therefore, Wicker's teachings were not helpful in themselves, but the mana he left behind continued to spin inside Tia's body.

'It was warm. Like the sunlight through the cracks in the trees that I unknowingly reached during my adventure.'

Even now, when I close my eyes, it feels like the orange mana he left behind spreads throughout my body.

It's a very small amount of mana that can't even be found now, but I don't want to let go forever.

No, maybe I couldn't escape from the first time I was embraced by him.

'Master... How are you?'

Letting her imagination run wild through the traces of him flowing through her heart, Tia enjoyed the flowing sky.

"My thighs are bursting!!!"

It was the sky where Aisha's screams resonated.