
Unsold Slaves Have Returned As Warriors

Unsold slaves became warriors. Thanks to this, I'm being misunderstood as a legendary teacher. It's nice to be a professor at the best academy on the continent, but What are you guys doing here? N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
26 Chs

Chapter 18 -  To Caseus Academy

Chapter 18 - To Caseus Academy

"A chair professorship is a great opportunity!"

Returning to the mansion, I told Winston and Liella the story of the Count's family. Winston was delighted with his work, and Liella opened her eyes wide.

"If you are recognized by the goddess at the academy, the family head's name tag will finally change."

Winston read the confectionery as if he liked it, and pointed out the point.

"As good as the opportunity is, the risk is significant. The Phidias may perish like this. If things go wrong, I will contact you in advance, so take the gold coins from home and escape."

"There is no such thing as that."

Liella interjected in a determined voice.

"My father and I will keep this mansion until the head of the family returns."

She put her hand on her chest and looked her detachedly into my eyes.

"... Will you come back?"

"Liella, don't burden the family head. Lord, this old man is of the same opinion. You can find me whenever you are on vacation. Don't worry about tidying up the garden."

I nodded lightly.

"Okay. I'll be leaving in five days, so arrange a mercenary escort from the guild. B-rank or higher adventurers, a party of four."

"It's a one-way, ten-day itinerary. All right. Do you have any additional requests for the mercenaries?"

Winston was also quick-witted. From what happened during the day, I didn't miss a single stream of my thoughts.

"Let's catch the slave trader in the county of courtesy."

Information is neither good nor bad. Wherever the source is, it is only taken if it is profitable.

Slave traders who commit crimes are subjugated whenever they are seen.

I can't stay still when I think of the damage I've suffered because of them.

After leaving the mansion, Winston and Liella still have to protect this place, so it's more comfortable to remove the risk factors.

"Content as usual."

"It's a question and answer dance."

"Well sir."



Dengliwood Empire

1. Overview

A superpower that exists in the eastern part of the continent


6. Region

〉 Capital

〉 Eastern Wall

〉 Northern Duchy


∇ Others

· Elend


· Earldom of Caldwell

A small town in the southeast, where oranges are a specialty.

All. Human trafficking by slave traders

It's happening and the quest is [Related]



I found an entry on the wiki and immediately knew what it was about.

Currently my wiki level is 3. This wiki has almost the same interface as the one I used before Bing, but the content is quite different.

This is because the information is updated in real time based on the time zone I am in.

Updated items appear in a new list on the right.

The wiki level seems to rise according to my experience and knowledge. Even now, many items can be read, except for the great secrets of the world.

"Winston, are these?"

"Yes. All B-class, they are the most talented people in this county."

"How are you?"

The next day, four adventurers were waiting in front of me. The well-rounded party leader saluted me with a broad attitude.

"Did you hear the contents of the request?"

"Yes, Baron. One wanted bounty. A 10-day escort is one thing."

"Your favoriteOrganize the story first and go."

"If you say so?"


The party leader raised an eyebrow. There are times when a request from an aristocrat cannot be protested even if it is completed due to the difference in status and additional expenses are not received.

In that respect, it would have been a welcome story for him.

"I know that if you combine the two and achieve it, you will receive the order with 30 gold coins."

"Yep. Are you too expensive? I don't know if it's your first time using B-class, but originally this much..."

"Do not treat it as a separate matter. I will reward you with ten gold coins for a successful subjugation of the bounty, and twenty-five gold coins for a successful escort mission."

"Five more gold? Huh, why would you say no! You have a big barrel!"

In an instant, the atmosphere among the adventurers became friendly. I packed my armor and moved on.

"Let's go."

A total of six, including me, Winston, and the adventurers, found a building deep in the city's slums.

At the signal, we quickly raided the inside.

Inside the damp, dark building, there were many people trapped inside the barn, and many 〈 thieves 〉 or 〈 slave traders 〉 who were managing them.

"It's a raid!"

"Is it the guard?"

"Adventurers, mercenaries!"

"Kill him!"

The thieves pulled out their blood-soaked swords.

But there was plenty of room on this side.

"Wow, they are really crowded here?! How did you know that the guards couldn't find it yet?"

"Two gold coins for one neck. What a windfall!"

Inside the narrow building, more than ten figures are entangled and clash swords and magic. In an instant, blood spurts and death fills all sides.

The level of enemies was incomparable to B-class adventurers. Adventurers boldly cut and burned the enemies.

- Thump, thump.


On the way, a guy appeared who couldn't even see his name tag because he was so big.

The guy, whose job was 〈 Butcher 〉, spewed seaweed through his yellow teeth and swung a huge meat cleaver that would rip off chunks of flesh just by brushing against it.

"Butcher, it's a high-level job for thieves."

"It won't be easy."

The adventurers tensed up and fixed their hammers and maces.

Jobs related to combat change their titles to higher ranks as they become stronger.

It goes without saying that a swordsman is stronger than a swordsman, and a swordsman is stronger than a swordsman.

― Cooung!

The floor collapsed as the butcher hit the meat cleaver. After barely defending against the next blow, the adventurer frowned as if his arm was numb.

Won, is it an impromptu party made only for the reward?

Individual skills are not bad, but they are not connected.

"It's annoying."

I raised my sword and stepped in front of the butcher.


The adventurers panicked and ignoring the sound of dissuading me, I took a stance.

The butcher wields a wide meat cleaver from the bottom. A loud wind blows against the eardrums.

Wield a sword as the body remembers.

- Chaeyoung!

Run the blade of the meat cleaver down the side of the bastard sword. As the angle twisted, the body of the butcher who missed the direction of the force also shook.

Don't miss the gap. Received the rotational force and turned the sword one full turn behind the back. Counterclockwise to the back of the head. Releases the centrifugal force and immediately strikes and cuts.

A series of movements takes 0.4 seconds.

It tore through the butcher's neck and collarbone, slicing diagonally through it.


In the next moment, the heavy chunk of meat collapsed to the floor, raising a lot of dust.

"Oh, oh..."

"Swordsman... ? What technique did you use?"

<Br> I answered while wiping the blood from my sword.

"It's an ordinary basic skill."

"Huh... Baron, is it true that you need our escort?"

I glanced at Winston, and he handed over the bag of ten gold coins he had promised adventurers.

"Of course it is necessary. Please take good care of me for ten days."

The adventurers who saw the gold coins immediately burst into laughter. They put the gold coins in their back pockets and set the captives free.

As expected, it was a good response. The 10 gold you paid now is a kind of down payment.

It's a long-term request that takes ten days. If you only check their skills with the first request, you will build a relationship of trust.

What's important to me is the second escort mission. They are also motivated at that time.

If you really need escorts for them, of course you need them.

You can't predict what will happen in the beginning.

For example, in multiple raids, you can't escape alone, so you need a decoy.

If you can create a certainty that will buy you enough time then 5 gold is well worth the insurance money.

The adventurers who finished organizing the situation came to report to me.

"Let's go to the guild to collect the bounty, Baron."

"I will."

"Isn't the rumor that the mysterious adventurer who always solves dangerous requests in the guild is the Baron? After all, you are the master of those warriors. Oh, but you won't return the gold coins?"

The adventurer laughed generously. It reminded me a little of the past.

"Then why did you bother with this request? Aren't you busy leaving?"

I sneered at the bodies of the slave traders lying on the ground.

"I've also been curious about that before. Slave traders who commit crimes appear again and again from somewhere even after killing them."

Do the wicked choose this profession, or do they become evil by choosing this profession?

Still, the front yard was neatly cleaned, so there was nothing to worry about.


"Don't worry about the mansion, just leave it to me."

Winston, dressed in a suit, greeted me politely. Liella next to him desperately bit her lip, but she was almost crying.

"Please take good care of yourself, Head of Household."

"I'm going."

I turned my back on the two and climbed into the carriage. The scenery outside the window began to move.

I follow a single road and cross my territory. When I entered the county, many people, including Count Caldwell, formed a procession to see me off.

"Baron! No, Pedia chair professor!! I will cheer you on!"

The Count smiled broadly and waved his hand at me.

Seeing the villagers and adventurers I rescued from the slave traders who were about to get into a bad mood also bowed to me, I felt like I could finish it in a good mood.

No, this is just the beginning.

My challenges as a professor have only just begun. Nothing has been achieved yet

"Well, anyway."

It will take ten days to move, so let's take a nap for the first time in a while.


Ten days went by, neither long nor short.

Homeless three times, inn five times. I once slept in a strange abandoned house, apparently possessed by a ghost.

I couldn't get used to the hard seats in the wagon even after ten days. We exchanged words in the middle city and I almost got a blister on his butt because this kid is so tomboyish.

After crossing the imperial territories, stepping on the outskirts of the law, and passing through the mountains for a long time, a neutral zone that did not belong to any country appeared.

In other words, it is the territory of the Keisus Academy from here.

It is a sacred and inviolable land where all acts of force are prohibited in the human world.

"Baron, I finally see you!"

As I was entrusting myself to the rattling wagon, the adventurers suddenly called for joy. I also opened the window and faced the majestic appearance of the large castle while being greeted by the fresh air.

"That's the Hero Academy!"

"You do all the rare sightings in your life."

It was a landscape like a canvas. Sheer cliff. Mountains, waterfalls and intense sun. Fresh greenery, unmelted snow and vast lakes.

An antique fortress stood tall on a strange terrain where all seasons and regions of the continent coexisted.

It was still two days before the entrance exam, but the front of the academy was crowded with numerous carriages. Applicants for the exam had flocked in advance from all over the human world.

"The roads are clean."

Thanks to accumulated know-how, the system was well built. There was also a parking lot for carriages.

At the entrance to the property from the road, a guard tore off a long yellow string and handed it to the coachman.

"What is this?"

"It's a parking ticket."

"Yes? I'm going to turn right away..."

"The basic fee is 2 silver per 30 minutes."

The coachman grumbled and took the parking ticket. He was subtly taking profit.

"Baron, no. Are you a professor now? Thank you for using it!"

"I'll see you again when the year comes!"

I got off at the parking lot and separated from the adventurers. Their escort mission is over. He gave me two more gold coins with a diligent tip, so I jumped around and bent my back.

For adventurers, trivial pleasures can be a source of vitality. I know that feeling.

I turned and looked at the academy. Beyond the high walls, several steeples stand tall in the distance. It seems to stand tall even in the fire of war.

"Shall we go?"

I straightened my clothes and walked confidently toward the front door.