8 Ch.8 Body completion and final merge

I turn back to the creation screen and hit the stats and skills tab where I left off and a character attribute screen pops up.


Racial Trait:Growth(humans as species are short lived and have increased growth due to short lifespans)


The system gave me 1000 attribute points(AP) to allocate to my attributes they all started at a base of 5

Strength(Str):205(effects the body's physical power directly every 5(Str) is equal to being able to lift 50 pounds

Endurance(End)305(effects the body's physical toughness every 2(end) can withstand 1(Str), so if you have double the (End) stat of your enemies (Str) the cant Physically harm you.

Please take note this doesn't apply to magical or non-physical attacks.

Dexterity(Dex)155(effects your body's ability to move and react, the higher this stat the faster you become and are able to react)

Intelligence(Int)255(effects users IQ directly each point in (Int) is a point in IQ, This can effect aspects which include speed of learning new things and magic related actions.

Fortitude(For)105( effects your state of mind

and strengthens it, helps in various roles such as magical meditation or going into a state of extreme focus to activating a power magic attack, so your mind doesnt break from the stress of such activities.

Luck(Lck)25( stat that effect various things in the world around you can only be raised by special circumstances)


Skill points(SP): 50

this is where I pause to take a look through the neverending list and I just to ask one more question

Me: Question..

???: yes?

Me: my system skills and or other skills what do they run on resources wise, like is it mana or spirit power, qi, Ki, I'm just curious and if so how are they activated.

???: okay first thing is the resources uses depends on the world, good news is its universal mean if you end up reaching higher planets even if it's a different source it will transform into the equivalent and your system will do everything. Second your reality skills can be used whenever and however except the third one, that being said what you can effect in the beginning is very little and you have to power them up by constant use so I recommend keeping your first skill active at all times. Third any skills you decide on in the monitor are treated as innate skills that will recognized by the system after you integrate it with your new body so they can be used like the reality skills however some skills will have their own drawbacks so be careful what you choose. And finally any skills you come across or learn on the new planet will operate according to that planets logic. Can't help you there not in charge.

Me: Kay Thanks



after looking though magic section

I've come across space and time magic they cost 10sp each so I cop those, i then look through the passive skills section and find sword mastery and was about to get that just before I saw weapons mastery for 10sp versus sword for 5sp so get that I then find what I believe to be the best choice for the remaining 20sp and it is the Sage's Wisdom passive skill and I immediately disregard everything else and get that. With that finished I take one final look at the end screen

Name:Anthony Johnson(Tony)













Time magic:basic(spell 1:able to slow down time in a small area(5m) spell 2: able to stop the time of a object briefly(5secs)

Space Magic:basic(spell 1: has a extra dimensional space to store objects. Spell 2: able to transport oneself a short distance away(50m)


Weapon Mastery: able to pickup learn all things that are considered weaponry by daily use and training at a unbelievable rate.

Sage's Wisdom: increases the learning ability and understanding of user to a Godly level perks of this passive include Perfect memory, if information of spells,recipes, martial skills, and any material that can be learn they will be mastered at an alarming rate.

after checking it once more to be sure I turn and say

Me: okay I'm finished

???: Good just in time too... it's been enough time for your soul to resonate with its previous lifes so you might get some extra surprises from the merge. So just hit the Finish button when you are ready to fuse your soul with your new Body.

I then proceed to press the aforementioned button and suddenly there is a flash of light and I start to experience in a very fast paced method my previous lives.

There was one as a officer in the Chinese military back in feudal period.

There was one as a genius traditional medicine doctor who live in solitude and treated anybody that came to him to be healed his remedies could cure most anything which is why he lived secluded otherwise he would be bothered to death.

There was another of boy who loved nothing but tactics games and love out maneuvering his enemies if it required tactical or strategic thinking he would lose nobody could beat him in chess not even till he died at the age of 85

And finally there was one of a girl who was one with nature, she lived in the mountains with her mom and dad who was a famous blacksmith that disappeared after finishing his greatest masterpiece nobody was able to find him the girl this spent most of her life searching the mountains and nearby forest regions for signs of him and learn to survive as one with nature. She was able to befriend the animals by learning to communicate with them in Hope's they help her locate her dad in the end she established a link with the actual plants and as her life was coming to an end she fused herself into the biggest tree on the forest at the age of 98 to this day the tree Carrie's her visage.

As I experience my past lives and tge last image of the women fusing into a tree fades I find myself standing in my new body. I raise my hands to look at them and clench my fists

I can literally hear and feel them crackling with power.

I look up and ask

Me: ok so what's your name?


Me:seriously why couldn't I understand it then I know the word

Earth: yes the word has no power but the Name does I am the essence and reality of the planet you were not strong enough to understand that reality

Me: So I am now?

Earth: yes look at your System to see.


Name:Tony Johnson

Race:Human->High Human(effected by Sage's Wisdom)

Racial Trait: Growth->Growth EX(learn all things at a alarming rate) effected by Sage's Wisdom



Titles: World traveler(title given to those with the capability of traversing worlds)

Grants: universal language skill( can read, speak, and understand all languages in the universe) Increased skill LV in Space and Time Magics.

Rule Maker(title given to those who set a precedent)

Grants: A increase in the understanding of reality and it becomes easier to LV your Reality and Innate skills.

Reality Point:250000








[all stats have been updated due to merging with previous lives as well as the combination of Sage's Wisdom breaking down and understanding all important memories and experiences and converting in to actual experience for host to master]

[Reality Skills]

Reality Eyes:1->2

Existence Change:1->2

Delete Existence:Max

[Innate Skills]

Time magic: Advance

time stop area(100m)

slow Time area(250m)

speed up time area(250m)

Reverse time self(1hr)

Space magic: Advance

Storage magic(system integrated time magic and with it now being a innate skill with no cost the space within is infinite and time stops for the objects inside)

Greater teleportation(as long as you have a destination in mind you can go there) limited to 3 people per jump and to the planet you are currently on.

New!!! Pill Creation( gained from assimilating genius doctors experience) Knowledgeable on all medicinal and herbal recipes

New!!! Command Shout(gained by fusing Chinese officers and Strategic old mans experiences then assimilating)

New!!! Tracking(gained from assimilating Nature girls Experiences of trekking and searching through the forest)


Weapon Mastery:

Sword: Novice-> mastered



Blunt weaponry:Novice



[All increases due to experience assimilated from Your previous life as a Chinese officer]

Sage's Wisdom:Mastered

There is nothing in the realm of mortals that can confound you using this ability alongside your Reality Eyes skill makes it impossible to be fooled.

New!!! Beast Affinity( Less likely to be attack by most animals and animals are not afraid of your approach)[assimilated from Nature Girl]

New!!! Medicinal Knowledge(gains a life time of medicinal Knowledge from identifying plants by look, smell, taste and touch, also grants the Skill Pill Creation and other knowledge on traditional healing) [this passive has been assimilated by Sages Wisdom and works in conjunction with both Sages Wisdom and Reality to directly identify any ingredients and medical health problems]

New!!! Tactical thinking( ability to think several steps ahead) [assimilated from the Old man mastermind]

New!!! Empowered Soul( the Result of assimilating multiple previous lives) Grants the ability to exert pressure over people with weaker souls (Can Control output)

!!!New Battle Aura( The result of assimilating the Chinese Officer's Experience of many life and death battles) When activated bloodlust and killing intent could be felt emanating from the core of your being(Can control output)

!!!New Nature's Aura( The result of assimilating the Nature girls experience of becoming one with nature) Anything attuned to nature is likely to be more friendly (can control output)

[Reality Shop]

(awaiting world transfer)

[Tasks Board]

(awaiting world transfer)

[System Navigation]

( awaiting world transfer)

System customization(set to personal preference after scanning soul)

Voice female

Age: Young adult

personality: cheerful, helpful, but not too talkative, keeps user updated on a need to know based, conversates with user when bored and has knowledge on all users likes and dislikes to be able to keep a good back and forth. Capable of showing a bit of sassyness when appropriate.

I just stare with my mouth open.

System: if you keep your mouth open like that you are liable to catch some flies.

Me: we are in space so I don't think its possible also your name is now Karen.

Karen: yes user.

Earth: now that that is finished I'm giving you a choice of three higher worlds to choose from come look.

Chapitre suivant