
Just friends to best friend

A girl named Ruru got transferred from AES school to LBS school in grade 6. She was very shy , silence , introvert and little dumb girl. She was very scared to talk to people especially new people and stranger. She was average at her study. She only had some few friends. Gradually time passed and reached grade 9 . Then she got involved with some extrovert friend then she started talking , smiling , laughing and got new friends. She also became friend with some guy friend. A guy named yubi , nam,isu and other became friend with her. They all were just friends.they used tease each other gossip with each other n so on . likewise they passed grade 9 .they were finally at their last year of schooling. Here they had to chose between two subject. Math n social. So they all friend group chose the social

Cause they weren't good at math. Even ruru chose social.

Math n social classes were taken separately . They move to other class to take social class. Social was an easy subject so teacher used to take only once or twice class in the week .other days used to leisure or self study class..in that time social class students used to noisy , hangout in the canteen . somehow they all became close. Ruru also got