
The Beginning

On one small planet lived these people that the whole universe is seen as weak and dumb, but what two young men will prove them wrong.

This planet is made of mostly water, we two brothers live in this town where no one is willing to adventure out. My name I Jacob Zero and this is the story of my life-changing forever.

One night my brother (Bradley) and I were on this roof talking and watching the stars. It was a clear night and cool for it being summer. We watched the sky to see something cool, but we saw nothing, it was just a regular night. Bradley found a bunch of pebbles up here by us and decided to throw them off the roof.

He threw a couple of them and they hit the ground and then when he threw the last one we didn't hear it hit the ground. Instead, it hit something else, we heard what was like a metallic ping, and then it hit the ground. I was confused about what I just heard, you could see it on my face. Then a huge craft appeared from a sci-fi movie.

It was white and huge with a logo on the side that didn't look good or good for us. My eyes grew large as I turned to see Bradley was scared of what he had done. We heard a strange noise behind Bradley, it was a huge monster and it was charging at us.

I without thinking, moved my little brother out of the way as I kicked the monster in the face. With fear in my eyes, I saw the creature getting up. At that moment I thought I was going to die, but the ship behind me opened and two people in suits rushed the monster. I turned in time to see a third person in a suit come up to me. From their building, I thought it was a man and I was right, they pressed a button on his wrists.

"Young man, thank you for stopping that criminal tonight, but here is where I make you mad. I must take the other human for he defaced our ship. " The man said as I stood straight up when I heard that, "If you take him you have to go through me. " I said not letting him pass without a fight, I assumed he was not from our planet and doesn't want to start a conflict. The guy took off his helmet and I was right.

His face was bird-like and he was colorful, the guy's face reminded me of a hawk. He was surprised I didn't freak out, more curious about him as I studied his features. "He's we can bring you to, the young human needs a witness." The guy said to me as we walked over to the ship, all I had to my name as Bradley went into the ship was my mp3 player and my headphones around my neck. Bradley was scared, but I assured him he would be fine. Till that was when he was put into a cell for travel. The ship launched off the planet and headed to the stars right when I was walking away from my brother.

I was shown to my room for the journey and when I went into the room one of the aliens was in there. She was cat-like and had dark shiny fur like my own cat from home. She was fixing my car or something so she posed in an awkward for a moment. She stood up and looked at me who was still staring at her features as I did with the bird guy. She smiled at me and asked, "what is with the starring human?" She said in a condescending tone of which I didn't like, "Sorry miss, you reminded me of my pet cat." I said back to her not trying to start something with her.

"Just like a human to own another life, how shameful." She whispered under her breath, this pissed me off a bit so I spoke up. "My cat was more than a pet to me, she was my family and well taken care of." The woman smiled again and she walked out of the room saying, "Yeah, yeah human you say that but was it true?" All that conversation did was make me more made as the day went on.

After a bit, I sat near the window and turned on my mp3 player, and started listening to some music. The rest of the trip was long, but better with the music comforting me as was traveled crossed the stars. I was so focused on the stars and music that I didn't see the bird guy come up from behind me. He touched my shoulder and I jumped almost out of my seat.

I took off my headphones I looked at him, "Yes? You scared me a bit. " The guy smiled and then said to me as he pointed to the window. "We are about to land on Base planet where I am from, So if you can come with me so we can land that would be great, " I got up out of the chair and walked with him to the bridge of the ship. I looked out the windows and saw the base planet and all its entirety. It was just as big as a moon and had huge rings around it with ships coming and going like a freeway. You could see the spots on the rings that looked like greenhouses and living quarters all over.

As I got to the seat and buckled in we started to land right away. The landing procedure was much smoother than the movies perceived it to be. Much like parking a car or a huge truck a bit of the same feeling. As we started to come off the ship Bradley was taken ahead to the courtroom with the monster guy. Bird guy had me follow him through the base, from what I saw the universe was huge, and many human theories about what the aliens looked like were true for the most part.

We passed official-looking people they were glaring at me like I did something wrong, but I saw what they saw. A young, dumb human kid is being escorted by a top person from a high-class species officer. "Here you go young man, this is the building your brother will be at for his trial." Bird guy said to me pulling my attention away from the rest of the officers around me. I stopped in my tracks as I asked the bird guy.

"What will become of my brother after this trial?" The guy looked over at me and he didn't smile, "Who knows might be imprisoned for a couple of days or years. It all depends on how our judge's judgment. " Bird guy said as we entered into the courtroom, Bradley was already there waiting.

I sat down and it began, "So this young Human here threw a rock and damaged the ship of one criminal recovery unit. Does this sound right my friend Roc? " Said one of the judges as the guy said when the bird guy stood up. "Yes, sir, he picks up a rock and proceeded to throw it up off the roof he was on. It took out our long-range scanners and we couldn't reach out to give the base command a heads up on our recovery. " Roc said as I stood up and was about to interject the case. When the judge started their charges.

"You, young human will be charged with damaging a U-F official recovery ship, so you are in the lower level of our prison for one year." The judge said when I spoke up for a moment, "Hey my brother didn't even know that ship was even there. Yes, there was damage done to the ship, but why that long of a time period? " All the judges looked at each other then at me, "what is your name, young human? " "Me? My name is Jacob Zero, brother of Bradley Zero of Earth," I said when they smiled, "so, you're the one you who stopped the escaped prisoner? " They asked me when I saw their wheels in their head-turning.

"The U-F needs a better fighter now more than ever if you apply and get into the academy. We can give your brother a lesser sentence of two months. Which for earth time would be four for you guys." I looked over at my brother and he wanted me to do it, so I accepted the offer they gave me. "Yes, I'll do it and become the best officer, I can be." After they took Bradley away I was given directions to the academy.

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