
Like A Cab Left In The Wilderness.

The aunt and nephew keep talking until Zykan noticed that they're now flying on a danger zone.

According to what he heard at school, danger zones are places where evolved animals are common. To be safe, no evolved human below level thirty should enter such a place. It's also advisable to make a party composed of more than twenty experienced evolved humans not to be ran by animal tide.

With doubts on his face, he said;

*Auntie, are you planning to hunt in the danger zone with just two people?

*Well, i'm not here to hunt with you but just drop you by.

When the man heard the words, he never felt fear but just curious on where did this aunt get her confidence in his strength. He wonder if she's not worried for an accident that might kill him on the spot.

*Son, I know this is very dangerous but my plan is to let you live in the peripheral part of the danger zone for fourteen days. On those days, try to hunt evolved animals as much as you can in order to level up. I already have an idea of your strength and i'm confident that you can survive in this kind of place where only governed by one law which is the "law of the jungle". And don't forget that you were able to escape from a terrible beast so these evolved animal are nothing. You're now an evolved being and in the hierarchy, the strong are on the top. As long as you won't go deep, you can be the predator in the outermost of this danger zone.

Finally the convertible flying car stops and hovers in the air.

This aunt starts to take out many stuffs including a lot of stones full of energy, an epic sword, an epic half body armor, all kind of potions; and the most important one is a lifesaving defensive equipment that can be triggered by a life-threatening blow.

*Remember, always wear this necklace and never take it off no matter what. This will be your last line of defense and can't protect you from stealthy deadly attacks.

Now that there's such a good thing in his possession, Zykan is more confident.

Waited for this nephew to put on the necklace, pat him on the shoulder saying;

*Your life as an evolved being starts now. Take this as your first lesson because in the future that comes, you will face worse than this; the worst that you can experience in your life. I'm sure you know your favorite auntie loves you very much and gave you this test for your own good. Go, the predator instincts runs in your veins and you just need to ebrace it. I hope that when I see you after fourteen days, you become a better being. Go, before powerful evolved animals sense my presence and come out from their sheethole.

Unconsciously, went to hug his aunt before jumping out from the CFC.

This action made this aunt show a beautiful smile.

Looked at her nephew for the last time before leaving; heading to the place where she practiced in isolation for more than sixteen years. On Zykan's side, quickly found a big tree and there he went to observe. At the same time, to adapt at the new environment and as well as to make an initial plan.

Great victories were mainly won because of long term planning that's why it took Zykan several hours to make a plan for fourteen days.

It was already dark so the man decide to spend the night on the tree. Found the most suitable part that he can sit cross-legged to absorb the stones full of energies given by her aunt.

The good part in absorbing energy from stones is that it's very fast. Even a big gem with pure energy, you can suck it dry in just a few minutes.

Two hours later, more than one hundred stones had turned into dust.

Checking the result, the man was able to reach level ten. The main reason for his quick promotion is not the stones that he absorbed but only because it's easy to level up when you're still low. The higher you go up, the highter experience you need to level up. Of course, not everyone can get such a high number of stones and Zykan is just lucky to have an aunt that is so rich...