
Unique Or Different?

"The more I know, the less I live..." Moonlight Crystal, the fifth princess of the Crystal kingdom, and the tenth in line for the throne. “Remember this, your master is a pitiful cowardly 'princess', with no power whatsoever, and has no interest in that power.” Was something she said, but... "Your destiny is to sacrifice yourself, it is your fate." Was what her father announced, once she set foot in the palace's ground. Little did she know this was the start of a never ending nightmare... Could her peace continue? Will she be able to tear down her destiny? ===== -Errors were made. -Update: very very slow

xShwGirl · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

The Mother And Daughter Pair

All alone in this room,I felt better.It's funny how one or two words can stop this mad franchise.If only life was easy as that. I felt comfortable being alone,in my own bubble. I don't need a person criticizing me. I don't need to hear these loud screams.

The door opened.I held my breath and looked up,it was Blossom.

"Princess! Are you alright?!" She came running towards me.

I let down my two knees that were curled up to my chest,as if protecting my heart.

"I.." No...I can't make her worry. "I'm alright."

She looked at me with worry in her eyes.

"I'm alright.Don't worry." She didn't look away.

"Shall we meet my escort and tutors?" I asked,diverting the subject.

"A-alright..Please follow me to the meeting room."

"..." An awkward silence was held during the walk in the corridors.

The halls were grand and tall,columns covering the walls,lamps hung on the ceiling.

It's real..I really am a princess.I live in a castle.Even though I was grateful,I felt a little melancholy. My guts told me this was the wrong path to take..

"So..Princess..I'm sorry..I wasn't here to protect you from the quarreling.. I-I.."

"Ah! It's okay…By the way..Why were they fighting?" I think it was something regarding the throne,the queen's seat.

"The consorts are fighting for the queen's seat.It's a tough battle.It started three days ago.."

"Something happened to the present queen?"

"Erm..Well..Someone assassinated her at night.."

"Oh.. Should I pay my condolences?Will there be a funeral?"

"A funeral will be held next week."

"Alright.I'll attend the funeral."

Blossom looked at me anxiously. "Are you sure?It's a funeral,princess..They will bury the queen..Are you sure you want to watch such a gruesome scene?"

"It's my duty to pay my respect as a fellow resident of this kingdom." I answered confidently.



We reached the meeting room. Blossom pushed open the door.

Eyes were looking at me.There were a diversity of people ranging from age to appearance.

"Greetings to your highness." They bowed down.

"...You may rise up.." I looked at them,judging their movements.

Four women,three men. Three tutors,two ladies in waiting,two guards.

"Princess,these are people who will be working for you.Unfortunately, the king didn't give you a choice to choose though..This is,Marchioness Agatha from the Newmont house.She will be your tutor for royal etiquettes,manners." Blossom introduced.

"Nice to meet you Marchioness Agatha." I insisted on an answer.

She looked at me with disgust. "Tsk..Yeah nice to meet you...princess."

Such deep respect...Wow..What did I ever do to you Agatha? Did I kill you in your past life?

We had a little eye contact and moved on.

"This is Countess Diane from the Westwood house.She will teach you poetry,reading and writing."

"It's a pleasure to meet you princess."

"Mine too." At least she was kinder than a certain someone.

"Here is Count Gabriel Anworth. He will teach you politics."


"Yes,the pleasure is mine.." He was old and looked strict.

"These are your ladies in waiting."

"Hello,I am Baroness Grace Larson." A purple haired woman said.

"I am Dame Lucy Camden." She had short pink hair.

I nodded.

"These two are your guards,Carl Mediean and Landon Lupton." The two bowed down.

"And that's all." Blossom closed the paper scroll.

"Ah! Well it's a pleasure to meet you! Please take care of me,I hope we will be working well together!" I smiled. They were all nice,except a certain someone..

"We thank your highness."

"Alright.The meeting is over."

The tutors went out.

"Sir Carl will be with you today,tomorrow will be with Sir Landon."


"In thirty minutes,dinner will be served in your room.Do you want to go back?"

"Yes,please.." I had a small headache. Do you expect me to remember all these names with this tiny brain? If only I was a genius..


Dinner was served,I was alone with my ladies in waiting and Blossom in my room. It was an awkward meal.I lost half of my appetite,even though a minute ago I was starving because of my half eaten breakfast,the glares in my back were tickling me.

"Er..You guys don't eat during lunch?" I asked.

"We eat our meals after our lady." Grace,one of the ladies in waiting answered.

"But aren't you a Baroness? It's still a high rank,you aren't a slave?" I asked.


"It's true..But we are still lower than royals. It is disrespectful."Grace explained.


"But you guys are starving!" I could hear their stomach gurgling. I knew this was their first time working at this time of day.

"Can we eat with you princess?" Lucy shamelessly asked.

Blossom shot a glare at Lucy,as if signaling her to stop.

"Of course! Come,these dishes are too much for me anyways."

Lucy sat first,next to me. Blossom and Grace were still up,and looked troubled.

"Come on!"

"..."They were still standing.

"..." I pouted. "It's an order!"

"If the princess insists.." They sighed and finally sat down.

Even though they weren't glaring at me,it was still awkward. Blossom and Grace were sitting as far as possible from me,and trying to do the less sound as possible.Lucy was eating the food as if it was the end of the world,and no one dared to speak.

"Lucy!Eat more gracefully,you are in front of the princess,you have to set an example for the princess!" Grace lashed out.

Lucy looked down as if wrongly wronged . "But..The food is so delicious!"

Blossom frowned looking at the sight.

"It's okay..Don't punish her. Lucy take your time." I sighed.

"Hehe! Princess is so kind! "She continued devouring the food.

"Hey! The princess finished her meal! Stop eating.Have you forgotten the rules?"Lucy said angrily.

"Haha.."I laughed.They looked like a mom and daughter duo,even though they were at the same age. "It's okay,let her eat. Just keep this a secret from others."


"Princess you are too kind.You are too naive."Blossom gave her opinion.

"Don't worry Blossom! I'm planning on eating her like in the story of Hansel and Gretel! Haha."

"No!Princess!You can't do that!" Lucy cried out.

"Hahaha!" Grace laughed. "That's what you get, food monster!"

"I'll help you feed her!" Blossom joined the conversation.

"No! You can't bully me on my first day of work! Why is life so unfair?"

Finally,the table's mood became lighter. I could see myself working with these girls in the future.

But..I kept in mind these words, 'why is life so unfair?'

Don’t worry..In the future chapter,I’ll try remind you who these people are... Even I can't remember too.. :p


Not so interesting story but..I somehow translated this story in french with google translate..and I was shocked about how well it was! I mean,I did see some minor errors but still! Google translate can be scary...


Thank you for reading chapter 5!

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