

Ash_Will · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


How did i get into this situation.

As she looked at both of them, grabbing her hand. It seemed like the war could break anytime between them.

"I can not let her go with some one who made her cry", As he looked towards her, hoping for her support.

"We have already figured thinks between us and i don't think you have any right to say in this", As he glared at him.

"I am her bestfriend, ofcourse she would listen to me rather than a nobody like you, am i right Sun hee?" He asked with a proud smirk on his face.

Sun hee looked at Taehyun, as he let go of her hand, knowing Jihoon wasn't entirely wrong.

As he began to leave the class, Sunhee grabbed his arm. Looking back she told jihoon, " i know we had a bit misunderstanding , but he has already apologized for it and i have forgiven him already. The teacher also asked me to lend him notes, so i think i should go with him. But if you dont want me to go then.... ".

"Its okay, the teacher told you and i dont want you to get scolded".

" i knew it, you are so kind that you will agree. Lets go Taehyun".

"Wait!, i will not let you go alone with him, i will tag along".

The three of them, left together for the store.

As they entered the shop, an old voice came, "welcome".

As they walked towards him, he was an old person with thick glasses probably in his 80s.

All of them bowed, hello, we want to photocopy some pages said sunhee.

The old man replied in an old voice, "i don't know how to use the machine, if you know how to use it go ahead, my grandson had to go somewhere, usually he is the one who manages it".

Sunhee, " No problem, we will do it ourselves, thank you again".

As the old man went back to counter.

Jihoon ,"i know how to use it, give me the notes i will copy them quickly".

Taehyun, " i will do it , since they are for me, give them here".

Jihoon, " you should be happy enough that we gave you the notes".

Taehyun, " Why are you saying 'we' , aren't these Sunhee notes, you probably don't even know what these notes are for ".

Jihoon, " what are you saying! , i know these are science notes. I am not that dumb".

As they started to quarrel again, Sunhee lost her temper, as she asked them to cut it out several times and shouted, " enough both of you and listen. Firstly Jihoon these are maths notes and you Taehyun , you shouldn't have called him dumb. Now both of you wait here and apologize to each other, till i copy these notes myself".

As she came back, looking at them still hostile towards eachother, she knew that they haven't apologized. She walked straight to the old man and paid him money and left without saying anything. Both of them following her, calling her name as she ignored them.

As they ran and caught up with her and asking what was wrong.

Sunhee, " you never listen to me, so i thought you didn't want to talk to me".As she started to walk again, both of them started to apologize.

She stopped, staring at both of them, " if you don't apologize to eachother right now, i will not talk to either of you and Taehyun forget about your notes".

As they both looked away, " i think you guys have made up your mind".

Both of them asked her to stop and apologized to eachother.

She smiled at both of them and gave notes to Taehyun, it wasn't that hard you guys hould have done it sooner.

As they strated to leave, Jihoon gets a call, as he said that he will be there soon and hanged up the phone.

Jihoon," i have to leave, my parents have returned from overseas. Taehyun, please take Sunhee home. I will be leaving then."

As he called for a taxi, and left.

Sunhee, " There is no need to take me home, i can go by myself".

Suddenly it started to rain, both of them started to run to take cover. Both of them drenched, finally took cover under a shop nearby.

Sunhee, " i didn't knew it was going to rain, i haven't brought an umbrella with me".

Taehyun, " i dont think the rain is going to stop for a while, wait here i will get an umbrella from the store".

As he went inside to buy it, she waited outside.

Taehyun, " they only had one, you can take it i will make a run for it".

Sunhee, " No, since my house is near, you take it".

Taehyun, " then let me take you home first, then i will go back".

As they both started to walk, Sunhee looking at his long eyebrows, a little hint of wetness still present. A water drop coming down from his hair about to go into his eyes.

She subconsciously lifter her hand to wipe the water drop, which was about hit his eye.

Suprised by this, he grabbed her arm, looking in her eyes, as he leaned closer about to kiss her. She closed her eyes, his lips touching her lips slowly, dropping the umbrella, grabbing her closer as they continue to kiss under the rain.

Hearing the honking of car passing by, they both pulled apart, saying nothing as he picked the umbrella and started to walk towards her apartment silently.

Aa they reached at her apartment, the rain stopped, she looked towards him, " i will see you tomorrow then".

As she started to go inside, Taehyun, grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, hugging and saying, " I like you Sunhee".....
