

Love is not mere romantic gestures. It demands sacrifices. Just having candle light dinner isn't love. Love is when you stick together even in pain. Love is not momentary joy. Love is commitment to spend lifetime together. Love is not just a relief but a passion too. If it is darkness then light too is love. It is pain and remedy too. LOVE IS LIFE THEN DEATH TOO IS LOVE. ******* BLOSSOM, A normal girl from a small village. She is beautiful, kind hearted, cheerful girl who bring happiness in everybody's life. She respect elders and love children. She hate mafias with her life because of her past. She just want a normal happy life but WILL LIFE GRANT HER THIS WISH? BLOSSOM - EVERYBODY DESERVE SECOND CHANCE. NO MATTER WHAT HE/SHE DID. ADRICK JEON, Mafia king. He is cold ,rude , arrogant. He doesn't show mercy to anyone. He is completely heartless and merciless.He doesn't think twice before killing anyone who betrayed him. He is a man of words and absolutely hate liers and betrayals. ADRICK- THERE IS NO SECOND CHANCE IN MY WORLD. ******* Both of them are totally opposite to each other. One is Sun and another is Moon. What will happen when both of them crosses eachother's path? What will happen when both of them fall in love ? What will happen when Blossom will know Adrick's real identity?

rupali_Singh · Urbain
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8 Chs


Next morning, after completing her morning routine Blossom came to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for both of them. But when she reached their she found Adrick already settling the table for their breakfast. Blossom was dumbfounded and immediately went toward him. When Adrick saw her he smiled and greeted her.

Adrick- Good morning, Let's have breakfast first.

Blossom - Omg, Adrick you need to rest and What happened to you ? Why are you doing this work?

Adrick smiled and said

Adrick- Let me do this for you just this once. You helped me alot already and moreover I want to cook something for my saviour.

Blossom stayed silent and he continued doing his work. She tasted one of the dish.

Blossom- Wow, Are you a Cook or something? This is so delicious.

With that she dig in more to the food. Adrick was satisfied with her reaction. Both of them started to eat their breakfast. After breakfast, they went to the living room and settled down on the couch. They heard giggling sound of children from the doorstep. Blossom gestured them to come in they squeel running and sitting beside us.

Girl1: Brother you are looking handsome.

One of the little girl praised Adrick to which he chuckled.

Adrick- You are also very beautiful little girl.

He patted her head. While the little girl blushed on his comment. The children started to play with Adrick while Blossom was just looking toward them with a smile.

Blossom Pov

Adrick looked so happy with these children. Children's giggles can melt an iceberg. The scene was looking so overwhelming.

Blossom- I see, you are way more closure to them than the last time.

Adrick looked toward her with a smile and said

Adrick- Well I didn't know that kids could be this fun and super cute.

In this way, both of us spent our afternoon playing with these cute little children.

At evening, I was busy making soup while Adrick was sleeping because he had fever. I was cooking when I heard a loud noises outside. I decided to check and went toward door. I saw 7 luxurious cars being parked infront of my house. Who are they?Are they here for Adrick? Are they his rivals or family?

This is so confusing. I'm damn sure they are here for Adrick but should I trust them or not?

I turned around and was about to go inside when I saw Adrick getting out of the house with messy hairs and casual clothes. In the meantime, people inside the car got down and walked toward us.

A handsome looking man ran toward Adrick and hugged him. Now I think they know each other. They aren't his rivals.

Adrick- George!!!! Liam!!

George- Adrick!!!! Bro, How are you??

Liam- Good to see you man. You got us worried.

Adrick smiled and looked at me.

Adrick- Well without her, I wouldn't survive. Oh!! Blossom, come here.

I approached them with a smile and introduced myself.

Blossom- Uh!!!!! Hello, My name is Blossom. Nice to meet you guys.

They also smiled at me and introduced themselves.

William- Adrick, We are taking you back. Your parents are worried for you.

Adrick's mood got down. He don't want to left this place or we can say that he don't want to left Blossom.

Adrick looked at me and I just smiled at him assuringly. He then looked down and said with a soft tone

Adrick- I have to go, Blossom. Thankyou for helping me . Tell me, What can I do for you?

Blossom- Go home, Adrick.

I said softly and smiled at him. Adrick also smiled a little.

Everyone except Adrick and Blossom were really surprised. Adrick was doing such things that he never did in his whole life. He was smiling, being soft to a girl. It's like they were witnessing an another side of Adrick. They started whispering.

Thomas- Am I seeing this right?

He shook his head and widen his eyes

George- Tell me I'm not dreaming.

He slapped his face and again looked toward them.

Adrick face fell down and He stared at me with his sad eyes.

Blossom- Come on Adrick, Smile for me, it's not like I'm gonna die and moreover you can come to visit me anytime. Just don't crash a car and let me rescue you again. Hmm?

He chuckled and forced a slight smile.

Blossom- Oh come on Adrick, don't get attached too much to me. I have a record of hurting more than thousand boys.

I joked to lighten his mood.

' Sure You do ' Adrick whispered to himself and take a long sigh.

Adrick- So, I will be seeing you soon.

Adrick waved at me before going to their car. His brothers also followed him. They also waved and said their good bye to me. Adrick was silent and was not looking at me.

Adrick hold on the car door before sighing. He don't want to go back atleast without her. He need Blossom in his life but at the same time he don't want to force her.

'Damn it, I can't' Adrick turned around and run toward Blossom surprising everyone.

Adrick- Blossom, Would you come with us?

Blossom was dumbfounded. She didn't know what to say or how to react. On the other hand, Adrick made a firm decision that he will convience Blossom no matter what.

Blossom- Adrick, I don't know what to say, I mean I'm fine here.

She forced a smile but he seems not convinced.

Adrick- I owe you with my whole life, Blossom.Let me pay you back for all the help you did for me.

Blossom was silently looking toward Adrick. She was so confused. She doesn't know how to react and what to say. Adrick was feeling frustrated by each passing second. He held Blossom's hand and said

Adrick- Look I'll help you find your family.

He said this in one go. Blossom's eyes lit up with hope.

Blossom- Don't joke around Adrick. Are you for real?

She asked him desperately. He nodded and Blossom got emotional. Blossom thought "That's it, it's my chance. Finally I'm gonna see them again" she smiled through her glossy eyes.

Blossom- Okey Adrick. I'll come with you.

Adrick smiled brightly making his brothers eyes double.

Now all of them sat inside the car. This time with Blossom. In first car Adrick , Liam and Blossom were sitting while in other car William, Thomas and George were sitting.

Blossom Pov

The car was silent. It's only four of us here. Adrick was on the front with a handsome driver. While me and Adrick's brother Liam were sitting on the back. He seems busy with his phone he didn't speak a word to me. I think Adrick was sleeping so I started looking outside the window. I never came out of the village. While I was zoning out, I heard a sigh, I glance at the guy beside me.

Blossom- Are you Okey?

He looked toward me and give me a smile.

Liam- Nothing, Just some business issues.

Blossom- Well don't take stress. It will be fine.

Hearing their conversation Adrick snapped his head toward me. Blossom gave him a assuring smile and once again started looking outside the window.

Adrick was keep glancing at back with his big eyes. Liam thought to tease him a little. "Maybe I should take a little break." He looked toward Adrick who was practically annoyed.

" Whatever" Adrick mumbled to himself.

After three more hours they finally arrived at one of Adrick's mansion.

Liam- Finally we reached our destination. Hey Oh.... She is asleep.

Adrick turn around to see her sleeping peacefully.

Liam- She must be very tired. What do we do?

He looked toward Adrick whose focus is still on Blossom.

" I'll carry her " Adrick said in his usual cold tone.

"Are you sure? " Liam asked him to which he only hummed in response. Suddenly your head dropped on Liam's shoulder.

" Okey, That's it" Adrick got out of the car while slamming the door and going to your side.

" Dang, I love making him jealous. It's so funny." Liam said and started giggling.

Suddenly the door on Blossom's side opened and in a second Adrick picked her up in his arms.

" Woah Woah, What's that? " George asked Adrick with a teasing smile as soon as he got out of his car.

Their were so many gaurds around the mansion. They all got surprised after seeing a girl in Adrick's arm. Everybody know that he is not at all a person who like touches. So it's very strange for all of them but they know that this girl is special to their boss Adrick Jeon.

"Get out of my way before I kill you all." Adrick gritted his teeth as his brother laughed at him. He started walking inside the mansion with Blossom in his arms.

"Wait, Is that girl inside the mansion?" Liam asked to which everyone's eyes widened.

" Nope, Not at all I'm not gonna clean a dead body today." Thomas said being all frustrated.