
Undocile (A Taekook Fanfic)

Undociled- uncontrolled or untamed. Jungkook is an Alpha. He is currently training with his father to learn the ways of becoming the next Alpha of their pack, The Shaded Moon Pack. He has seen the power of mates, how it completes a werewolf, the bond being one of the most purest and powerful bonds to ever exist. Therefore, he is eagerly waiting for his mate. He is patient, he believes his mate is somewhere out there, maybe in another pack as it has been 4 years since he turned 18. Having a mate was the best thing for a werewolf, the bond which lasts for life. All his dreams were thrown out of the window though when he finally came across his mate, a feral and undociled wolf. His mate was a lone wolf without a pack. The main question running though Jungkook's head is : How do you tame a beast who doesn't even change into his human form?

TaetanGukks · Fantaisie
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This is a fanfiction. It bears no resemblance to any of the character's real life. This is a werewolf au, meaning marking and mpreg is a part of it. Don't ask me who is top or who is bottom. I believe in switch power. So just a warning in advance.

Important details to note


A Pack is like a family. It includes An alpha who is the head of the pack, basically a leader that the other wolves trust to look after them. The mate of the Head Alpha is known as the Luna of the pack, the title doesn't change even if it is a male. This can be a female or a male, depends on who the mate is. Currently the Alpha and Luna of Shaded Moon Pack are Jungkook's parents.

Pack Grounds

This is the area where the wolves live. There usually is a pack house which is used by the Head alpha and his trusted group. The head alpha along with his family and the trusted group which included the pack warriors and betas live in the packhouse. Other pack members have their own houses within the pack grounds.


Trueblood Alpha- also known as the pure blood alpha. They are born to an alpha couple where both the parents are alphas, thus producing a pure/true blood alpha. Have a very dominant wolf, making it hard to control their wolf. Respected by all due to their sheer power and dominance. However, true bloods rarely exist as mostly Alphas do not have alpha mates, even if they did have an alpha mate, it usually results in rejection.

Alpha- born to an alpha and a low rank member like a beta, delta, gamma or omega. They are strong but not as strong as a trueblood. One or more Alphas can be in a pack, with the most strongest being the Alpha, which is usually the Head Alpha's offspring as the genes of dominance pass down.

Luna- is the mate of the Head Alpha and are usually perceived as the glue which keeps the pack together. A pack respects and loves their Luna and are prepared to sacrifice their lives for a Luna's safety. Having a Luna in a pack is very important as a pack requires two parental figures, which are the alpha and Luna. It makes the pack feel safe and loved.

Omegas- are the weakest wolves in the pack. They are protected by the pack as they are vulnerable. There are usually female omegas, as male omegas are quite rare.

Rogues- Are feral wolves who have either been kicked out of the pack for disobeying the rules or left due to certain circumstances. They are usually at the brink of losing their humanity and thus are perceived as a threat to other packs as they act reckless and try to pick fights. Are always in bloodlust.

Lone Wolves- These are wolves who had left their pack on their own accord or who never had a pack to begin with. A lone wolf is still half human, thus they are not a threat at most times. They prefer to be alone. Some can be feral while others are friendly.

If it is confusing then sorry. Everything will be explained further in the story. Thank you for reading! ENJOY!