
Undertale X Mha

Hi. trying to write another book. Hope you enjoy. Might not upload a while or might upload very fast. It depends on my mood. YOOOOOOOOOO! 1K reads! OMG! This is actually the second time I've written a book!! I'm so happy (∩▽∩)Thank you! I might update once a week or even daily! (although it's quite impossible for me to be so hardworking XD) Anyways, love you all!

MewOwO · Autres
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???'s POV ◇cause why not?◇

The white-haired boy looked around, feeling amazed and afraid. ◇it kinda rhymes , amazed and afraid.....lol maybe not.◇ He quickly stood up and dusted himself, while looking up in the sky, seemingly memorized by the stars.

While the boy was stargazing, a group of three villains quietly sneaked in the alleyway, spotting the boy immediately by his snowy white hair. They stopped for a moment but sans had already sensed them.

"h-hey...hello?" Sans asked, a little startled by their appearance. The three nodded with each other and made attack stances.

"whoa pal wh-"

The question was unfinished as they ran towards him, ready to fight.

Aizawa POV

'The stars are sure shining bright today.' I thought while looking up at the stars. The sight provided from this rooftop isn't bad. It also gave me a clear view of the city's corners and small streets.

Suddenly, I see a large flash in the alleyway on my right. I jumped to the next building, and saw a boy around 14 or something fall down to the ground. He gaged a little at his hands,and let out a small scream of shock? Terror? Anyways he then looked around and saw the sky, like he never saw it before, to looking around.

I also noticed three Villains I recognized in a news sneak into the small gap. They didn't seem a threat to me but to other citizens? It's definitely a threat.


The three looked at each other, nodded, and ran towards him, weapons in disposal, ready to attack.

I was ready to jump into the fight, but seeing the boy may be a villain, although it isn't likely, I didn't jump in immediately. Besides, who knows where the boy came from? If anything life-or-death happens, I decided, I'll get into the fight.

Villain A ◇I'm terrible at names so roll with it◇ jumped towards him and he sidestepped, avoiding the quick attack perfectly. B swung his knife towards the boy but he dropped to his knees, dodging like he did a lot of times before. A and C combined their attacks, and seeing there's no space in the small alley to dodge, I deactivated their quirks, seeing they're using their quirks to attack. They looked astonished by a second, then I can't see their expressions cause the boy used a bone to smack their faces. They fainted, and B shouted "you'll pay for this!" and charged toward him. The boy dodged skillfully and knocked him out as well.

"Hey you."

He turned around, clearly startled. The shock from the previous fight was still written over his face.

"You know you need to go to the police office for this, right?"

He seemed...distant, then adjusted himself, putting on a smile.

"oh...um...yeah...anyway, mind telling me where am I? And...who are you?"

Normally, people don't recognize me cause I hate public things. Also, something tells me he didn't know he needs to go with me or else he would have called help first instead of fighting.

"My hero name is Eraserhead, but call me

Awzia." I raised my hand. ◇sorry if I spelled it wrong (.•́︿•̀.)◇

"Sans. Sans th-...nevermind." He took out his hand to shake mine and-


A clear sound rang out, the source from the pink whoopee cushion in Sans's hand.

"heh heh, the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it's always funny."

"...." My mouth corner twitched, threatening to laugh. He must have noticed, cause he then said :

"awww, don't hold it in! after all, it's night to meet cha!"

"...anyway, why are you wandering around at night and in a large crime rate place like this? Where are your parents?"

Sans's POV

Shit. How can I reply him? I barely know a thing about humans. Maybe I can just tell him the truth but I doubt anyone will believe me.

"...um...My parents are....dead."

Hey, at least it isn't far from the truth. Gaster doesn't even exist so it's kind of true.

"hmm..." Oh Asgore, did i gave myself away?

"I'm sorry for your loss but where is your guardian?" "don't have one. no home either." "In that case I can't just leave you in the streets. Come with me."

He then walked away, and gestured me to follow. Well...since I've got no idea what I'll do next I'd better go. Who knows. Maybe somehow I'll suddenly appear back in the Underground.

I pondered a while for should I use a shortcut instead of walking, but shortcuts seemed too risky now, so I followed.